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Everything posted by Schattenmann

  1. I wish this happened every week.
  2. Why is IRON atttacking its own membership?
  3. It's true, my Vox Dei, I'm sorry! I used my gov position to negotiate a fake protectorate to keep us safe in a bassackwards way!!
  4. Hello. We did not. I'm only saying we didn't because I'd hate to see these guys get attacked over a joke, even if it is their joke.
  5. Oh, I was afraid this was another little alliance DoE.
  6. I can think of no one better suited than Alphagrem.
  7. Thank you for reminding everyone that 5 months ago in August some people in Vox Populi were able to enter some channels owned by NPO after NPO kicked out a military commander for posting an essay about Vox that the IOs didn't like. Maybe next time you're going to toss someone on their $@! you'll make sure they're not so deep in. You might also recall that FAN had released those same channel passwords weeks earlier, and NPO refused to change the passwords, instead opting to ZI anyone that dared enter (which I refer to as swinging around their huuuuuuge e-peen). As for Severus Knight, who is not a member of Vox Populi, entering #npo_welcome, please don't try to fool everyone. Your own Council member, ComradeAsh/VasilyKasarov, has noted on your own forum that the channel was "unused" (or was that just damage control?) and using the Op powers that NPO endowed him with to kick out people he didn't like and invite people that he did like is not the human rights violation you're making it out to be. Lesson #2 in stepping on people that know enough about NPO to step back (or forward as the case may be). Now that everyone knows that you're full of crap, would you like to change the conversation about conduct on IRC to, say, IOs telling ex-members to "go !@#$@#$ die" on Coldfront? In fact, it is utterly impossible for Vox Populi to "raid" any channel, we never have more than 5 overt members on IRC at one time.
  8. The problem with every post above is that there is a basic lack of comprehension of Vox POpuli altogether. Vlad wrote an extensive "examination" of Vox less than 48 hours after we were formed; he did not understand us then, and he still does not understand us now. The rest think that Vox's fight is military because they entertain and stroke themselves with slackjawed peace mode and infrastructure jokes then can't hear anything over their own haw-haw-hawing. Picture a greasy-faced fat drunk guy in a Dungeons and Dragons tavern setting. 11 people--half with nations less than 3 days old at our declaration--had no intentions of "defeating" or subduing the power superstructure militarily. But what we did figure we could do was troll the piss out of them during the Coalition War. Even when 200+ more people figured that we 11 were cool enough to join, there was still no true military aspect. What did we do with 200 nations? Coordinate wars? Hell no, that subforum was the least active. We elected senators, a completely non-military action. We spammed people, a completely non-military action. So why the Hell would anyone talk about Vox Populi's military? Because they're one of two types of minds: A mind that knows that all the rest are too stupid to understand a non-military fight so they frame it as a military fight, and the rest are the stupid ones that get manipulated and tell themselves peace mode jokes. Oh wait, I just outed a stratgey--we declared "war" (if you want to call 11 people with less than 100k NS fighting "war") at the same time we initiated forum pimp-slapping so the thin-skulls would understand what was going on. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! GGA, TRF, OG, Valhalla, NPO, ODN (lol, guys, still), and TGE (haw) I SALUTE YOU! All 3000 of you were able to bust up 200-300 of us. YOU DEFEATED US!!! We're disbanding next week after facing these astronomical odds for 5 months! Our nations, the only tools of our movement, have largely been ground to stubs! All is lost!!! As I drop below 300 infrastructure, my ability to post on the forum, spam nations, think, spy, and talk to other people on IRC is being quickly diminished! You are the light that casts my shadow
  9. This is a Yellow circle Nations located on any sphere are welcome to reply, but are expected to move to Yellow when the circle launches. You alliance will not fall apart if one nation relocates to an unofficial color. If you are interested, then post your desire to participate, and your nation link. Please do not quote this post. This is a longterm circle. Slots will be edited as they are filled, please do not reply if one or more of your resources is already filled. Bonuses are Steel, Affluent Population, and Fine Jewelry. Despite not being the traditional circle, this set gives solid effects to bill reduction, population increase, happiness increase, income increase, and military effectiveness. There has been some concern over which bonuses are used. In this circle, Affluent Population is used to generate a high income effect of +$10. 100 citizens paying taxes on their base income+10 will give you more tax revenue than 110 citizens paying taxes on their income+6.50. By forgoing a slightly larger population increase and taking a much higher income incraese you will make more money. Economy Military Bills Citizen Income: +$10 Citizen Increase: +17.4% Happines: +12 Infra Cost: -18.5% Tech Cost: -5% Land Cost: -14.5% Land Bonus: +38% Soldier Efficiency: +36.6% Soldier Cost: -$6 Navy Cost: -15% Aircraft Cost: -7.8% Infra Upkeep: -17.2% Soldier Upkeep: -$0.5 Tank Upkeep: -9.8% Navy Upkeep: -10% Gems - Schattenmann Rubber - Schattenmann Coal - Fish - Furs - Frederick Gold - Iron - Lumber - Frederick Oil - Chief Savage Man Pigs - Silver - Chief Savage Man Wine -
  10. There is an action figure and a cartoon is in the works.
  11. Ok, game mechanics. The day before Vox Populi formed, NPO had 3 senators. 3 days after Vox Populi formed, NPO lost the election in one senate race. After that first win, kingzog became an incumbent in the election after that, and the NPO candidate became a challenger The NPO challenger lost the next election. Kingzog won that election. (because more people voted for kingzog than NPO's third candidate [not total NPO votes across three candidates]--game mechanics) Then it happened 3 more times (or more, each incumbent win was fun and thrilling but admittedly I didn't count them) The goal: Take a senate seat for giggles. Outcome: Success. "Oh, damn, what if we did this every month?" New goal: Keep winning. Outcome: Success. "Okay, we should move to Yellow team now" (meanwhile kingzog deletes his nation). Move to Yellow: Success. NPO incumbent success in the other two seats is irrelevent and not a success "over" Vox, because Vox was not running three Red candidates, just one, who always won. NPO cannot have "pushed" Vox Populi out of the senate or off the team. We* know that they did not because kingzog was never defeated in a senate election, while NPO was defeated in 4 or more, and "game mechanics" do not allow the NPO to set the team color of nations that they do not personally control (*"we" being the rest of the world, not just Vox, excluding some hardline ignorants [that's plural not a typo]). Sadly, NPO is left with two problems by our move to Yellow and kingzog's deletion: Massive cases of senate blueballs and an bruised ego over the whole affair creating a need for over-compensation. IF kingzog had not deleted his nation, then maybe NPO could have beat him in an election at some point in time. IF Vox had not moved to Yellow, then maybe we would have run another senator. But neither is the case, and you cannot make arguments based on what your tea leaves or IOs tell you "most assuredly would have happened."
  12. I'll be Chris Atkins, you be Brooke Shields. I'll work on the assumption that you only read that part that you quoted. Vox Populi only needed 1 senate seat to achive its goals (success) in regards to the Red team. Because NPO defines the Red team as its territory, even by conventional standards of success all Vox needed to do was take one seat. Also due to NPO's stance regarding the Red team, all NPO needed to do to fail was to be unable to dislodge Vox Populi, which they could not (and did not). You and soem IOs are the only people on the planet that don't understand or acknowledge this, and I'm not going to lay it out for you again.
  13. I'm trying to convince myself that you're not seriously arguing that because Vox didn't take over the entire Red senate, we didn't outclass NPO in the senate. NPO had enough member nations alone (it did not need 1 single unaligned vote) to keep all 3 senate seats. However, Vox Populi, its aligned sympathizers, and unaligneds broke NPO's hold ont he Red senate and kept it broken for as long as we wanted to. We didnt' need 3 senators to do that, we jsut needed one. When I say "supporters" or "sympathizers" I'm totally only talking about people we have treaties or common enemies with.[/sarcasm] Come on.
  14. It took you three hours of reading this thread to come up with that?
  15. Let us not stray into discussion of moderation issues outside moderation forums, but it would be nice to see it back. (Though, admittedly I avoided it as much as the next person until I joined an alliance that actually had academic positions.) And, to answer your question earlier, the 6-page original draft wasn't posted because it wasn't really post-worthy. Paragraphs that end mid-thought, etc. As Chunky noted, what was posted is not very debatable, it's basically a dictionary entry as Heft pointed out. The latest period of my life has been a strong of colds and flus and chaos so the next installment isn't ready, but you'll see it when it's ready.
  16. It was really easy to write a wall of text about CyberNations when I had no internet connection, but I've posted the same way for a long time, so yeah it's a rough transition. That's why I thought the Academic Subforum should not have been removed. I do hope that where a debateable position has been presented, I will debate it (Branimir has done so and I think I've done so). Where a laughable, lazy post is presented, I must simply laugh and try to make you too, that's how I communicate.
  17. You have grasped what Vlad could not.
  18. @Branimir At the end of the day you define success differently than we do. I have lived in the standard world that you live in, so I can understand and acknowledge your successes. You do not fully understand our world, so you cannot acknowledge our successes (your politics aside). At the end of the day, we don't need your acknowledgement of our successes to categorize them as such. I think of those listed, "hushed support" is the most important while you are correct that it is the least tangible. If we have made even 10 people think differently, then we have made a large success in my mind.
  19. Without comment as to your posting skills or style, let me try to be a little more pleasant. Vox Populi has had many successes. ☼We elected a senator to the Red team and kept him there as long as we wanted to despite NPO's attempts to remove him by means of personal intimidation ("you dont' get to play anymore"-Gabriel) to counter-mass-messaging Red unaligneds to coordinated voting. (I assume NPO tried to coordinate its vote because that makes sense, but I cant' go beyond that because if it happened it was fruitless) ☼We elected a senator to the Green team. I'm not a stooge so I'll acknowledge that after Cylon deleted we didn't think we could do it again so we didn't try. ☼We have amassed a large following in the hushed and hopeful whispers in kitchens all over Bob. ☼We have extended ourselves beyond our initial goal of "piss off the Coalition for a week or so" to a flourishing political movement and static presence. In an internal warning to his membership not to join Vox, Ragnarok's ChairmanHal warned them that ". . . in fact they are simply going to their characters' deaths. Indeed, several of the "leading" members of Vox Populi have no intentions pf staying their once it looks like the show is over . . ." That was 6 months ago. We are not going anywhere, and the show is not nearly over. ☼We have a spy network that has infiltrated a large number of alliances and their governments despite attempts to shut this intel-gathering effort down.
  20. We've reached an impass: What I've outlined goes beyond "npo sucks" and does not reference NPO. My historical rundown of NPO is that it's a fat spider stuck on its own web (and quite pitifully). You can't handle that I'm talking about something bigger than NPO, so you reduce it to NPO and ask me to "prove" that I'm not talking about NPO. You're a sloven.
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