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Status Updates posted by dealmaster13

  1. That profile picture you have looks strangely familiar!

  2. Did you use to be a mod? :)

  3. that meant to say nice :/

  4. oooh :) thanks for that, I've got a nive colourful wave background now!

  5. we be approaching 12 mother******!

  6. wait a minute, how did you manage to get a fancy background on your profile page? >:(

  7. lol I have to pay my bills before I can spy yours

  8. I'll let you know when I have 10 bil

  9. cmon, way too many daily posts

    get off the CN forums and start revising some of that chemistry!!!

  10. Why is the link you sent me from New Zealand?

  11. awwwww... that's alright... I just realised you replied :P

    I need to be more active here XD

  12. yay!!!!!! it's Mia!

  13. Happy Birthdayyyyyyyy :o

  14. Damn you and your Pizza Express alliance

  15. great to have you pop by #tool every now and then :D

  16. nothing :$ just want free techz

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