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Status Updates posted by dealmaster13

  1. tyvm :D just in time :P

    Nice profile pic! :)

  2. :(!

    Shall we go tomorrow? :/

    It's a lot to ask for just an hour's work, eh :/

  3. Do you mind photocopying the notes from the English session? >.

  4. I'm just prepping for exams :P

  5. TOOL's going alright thanks :D

  6. 3 mil for 99 tech? :P

    surely your newbies aren't gonna get the tech? XD

  7. hey... whaddya know? 1000+1337 :D

    get me some TFO tech sellers :P

  8. nice profile views *cough* :D

    /me highfives

  9. w00t I've found my hero :D

  10. hmmmm.... *thinks of bribes*

  11. I see what you did thar :D

    I swear I've heard of you before, even if you aren't GtW :P

    /me thinks

  12. Flag is in sights... I hope :P

  13. I still haven't figured out what tf means unless if you've taken away the w for some reason :/

  14. Seriously, weren't you in the CIS ages ago? XD

  15. Do I know you? :P

    Happy Birthday!

  16. come back to tool nao? :(

  17. bananaman is taking a while because of the war :/ but he said he'd pay double :D

  18. sooooo... you gonna get outta NAAC? *DM nudges ZoomX3*

  19. lol n00kleur anarky buddies

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