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the wompus

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Everything posted by the wompus

  1. I don't even know what this means. I'm guessing the loose translation to english is: 'Golly, I think you should have hit RE' We certainly could have but didn't. If I feel the need to bounce our wars off anyone before declaring them I'll keep you in mind. !@#$%* can mean a lot of things. I'll just let my eternally optimistic mind fill it in.
  2. A few years back, I did a DoW regarding my golf game. Since that time, things on the links digressed to the point that I sort of gave the game up. My Tuesday nights were going very well this year without the seemingly unnecessary stress of a golf league. Last weekend I played a round with Grover and some friends and with a few exceptions, my beliefs were pretty much affirmed. We did however, enjoy copious amounts of beers, rum and Jim Beam honey which made the whole adventure a little more tolerable. This week, a buddy asked if I would play in a charily 'scramble' with him (which basically means you use best shot from your foursome each time you hit). 2 of the folks in our foursome were pretty heavy hitters, so it worked out really well. Despite my shortcomings we even used my hits as the 'best ball' on numerous occasions I still don't love it....but today was actually a pretty enjoyable day. So....for a 19th hole of sorts ...... ORDO PARADOXIA declares war upon SKARO'S DALEK EMPIRE
  3. We're back. We never left. OP GOV: Halushki - Grand Master Rexius - Grand Defender Ocmax - Grand Hospitaller Komplex - Grand Chancellor Overlord Wes - Council-at-Large OP Forums are at: http://z6.invisionfree.com/ParadoxTE/index.php?act=idx IRC: #paradoxte
  4. Peace will occur in this matter Fri/Sat update at the expiration of the original wars.
  5. I give this post a thumbs up. I appreciate the effort you put into it!
  6. Sometimes goats aren't the sweet, little, innocent critters Citadel pretends they are. Let's clear some things up. The goat in the DoW had gotten himself into a precarious situation and we were just trying to help him down. So what if his hoof got a little busted up...we saved his life! Apparently things have once again been misunderstood and have spiraled out of control, and now we have a war on our hands. Fortunately, we have not burned all our 'goat' bridges and have hired a special war consultant for this matter. and some secret weapons... Good Luck Citadel....should be fun.
  7. PEACE will occur next update 5/6-5/7 Thanks D1 for a fun time. We humbly offer this little peace offering as a sign of good will and for good luck on the rebuild.
  8. I had a pretty good week so far. I had a few extra vacation days to burn, so I only had to work 2 days all week and have 2 long weekends! NOBODY would complain about that! Over the weekend, I visited lovely Lake Erie and got an unexpected treat when I got to kayak amongst the last of the ice left from the brutal winter. Then, later in the week, news about the new Star Wars movie. Let's pray Jar-Jar doesn't make an appearance and if he does that he gets whacked early and violently.....just sayin'. Anyway, things were looking good. It was then brought to my attention by the rest of OP that while I was eating wings and drinking Crown to stay warm that they wanted WAR. Seemed like a reasonable request, and one that would make my week complete. It took some effort due to tough target choices and some additional interference from Mother Nature....but we got there. ORDO PARADOXIA DECLARES WAR ON DEFCON 1. This should get next week off to a good start at well!
  9. Although a planned war with Warriors would have been amusing and unusual, OP had absolutely no obligation to enter a pre-arranged war just because it was offered. We had plans to hit Warriors long before that and were hitting the night this 'offer' was made. Why would we give up what little advantage we had on the blitz and expose our plans? It's a senseless thing to be clarified. Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but 'ghosting' isn't what WD was doing. They were added as temporary OP members to make the war a more balanced fight, and I'm honestly astonished that issue is being taken with it at all. If anything, Warriors should be the one having issue with this and I don't think they said a word. Rather, they actually attacked the rest of the War Doves alliance to include them in the war. Misfits didn't even have a horse in that race and shouldn't care. These stats would be IF the full WD alliance was involved from the gates....but since we only had the 5 nations 'ghosting' us at the time...these stats are WAY off and it's not appropriate to use them to try to prove a point. There is a bunch of stuff being thrown around to cloud the waters and make excuses. Plain and simple, the only CLEAR thing here is that Misfits chose cheap shot declare on opponents just out of a prolonged, highly damaging nuclear skirmish. I don't see anyone saying this was a smart or courageous thing to do. It doesn't settle any score and it doesn't prove any point.
  10. So.... Just so I understand.... You are accusing OP of being 'out of hand' Yet, Misfits nations hit alliances at the tail end of a very destructive nuclear slugfest. Regardless of what your personal opinions are of the situation or some individuals involved, the facts are what they are and calling OP out of hand is a little out of hand.
  11. Plenty of Damaged done. Eating lots of nukes was fun Another slime-bag move has occurred. Congrats on a fun and destructive War. Enjoy the rebuild Warriors. Dang I'm a good poet.
  12. Sorry, but you are off base. Adding the 5 WD made it about as statistically close as any war in TE that I can recall. There really wasn't that great of a blitz advantage. To their credit, the Warriors nations were all pretty much stocked and loaded and they had a pretty good idea we could be coming at any time. I wouldn't go as far as saying this is a guaranteed win...it's going to be a very tough war for all of us. I'm glad we're friendly with WD. If Warriors didn't make such poor decisions time and time again I'm sure our relationship could be drastically different. It isn't cordial and likely won't be for a while.
  13. 3 wars declared so far. Impressive blitz. Don't hurt yourselves. Welcome to the fray WD...it's an honor to be fighting alongside you.
  14. The 'tactic' of using a few nations to make things more equal is only BS if you are on the side that would have the distinct advantage if it wasn't done. Although it's probably futile to explain...I'll try. Without those few nations....Warriors would have had approx. 100K Ns advantage (400K to our 300K give or take) and clear advantages in nukes, nations #'s, and every other category as well. As much as folks would like it....I'm not a fan of marching our AA into a losing battle. Surely there would have been complaining about something or another had we done that as well. I appreciate the uninvited back seat driving, but I think OP does a pretty good job of doing things our way. Get back to your goats. Give 'em heck WD.
  15. Before the Official DoW....I nice little thoughtful poem. We know it's just a game. And it's just for fun. Remember this..we tell ourselves, it's Rediculous to let it even bother us. I just can't help it sometimes though. Or maybe it's just time for things to be take their course. Rediculous not to get over things from last round? Maybe. Sometimes actions have consequences. Because of this, tonight OP goes to war. Leave all the crying behind. Other options were considered. Warriors were the easy choice. Go now, buy some nukes and stock up on troops. Order up a navy....you'll need it. Another War....but this one is special. Tonight we'll extract some revenge. So don't cry down declare....this one is for real. -An original Poem by Halushki. ______ I feel so smart now. All that said... We don't like Warriors much and aren't fond of their actions against us and in general. There's not much love. ORDO PARADOXIA DECLARES WAR ON WARRIORS.
  16. Sure....the Winter Olympics are ongoing...and everything is geared toward peace, sportsmanship, and all that good stuff. Curling, bobsled and hockey are fun to watch....but we need more! We've had all the ice dancing we can take! It's time to get back to some level of normalcy. What better way to do so than to have a little 'competition' of our own. ORDO PARADOXIA DECLARES WAR ON NEW LEAGUE OF NATIONS AND DELLA LUNA.
  17. All the AA's for the 'good guys' will have partial involvement. Unfortunately, there are only so many war slots.
  18. They have (had) 350 nukes. That should be stats enough for now.
  19. There have been some pretty epic wars over the years. The Civil War The Hatfields and the McCoys The Rebellion vs the Imperial Empire (Jedi vs. Sith) Two sides - lots of fighting....kind of what one thinks of when talking of war Some war stories don't pan out like you think they are going to I suppose. Earlier this round, it looked as though Defcon 1 and the Warriors were poised to square off against one another. Neither had had a war, and they were relatively close in size and loaded up with nukes. Well, they never fought - but instead joined forces. I suppose if Luke would have just joined Darth Vader we would have been spared ever being introduced to Jar Jar Binks... But, it still would have deprived us of plenty of quality movies and adventure. Some, (especially Def 1 and Warriors) probably thought this was a bold, wonderful move, however most others felt it was pretty lame. Well, you've stockpiled your nukes and still haven't declared any wars yet, so we'll do it for you. We're doing some unexpected and amazing things that actually involve fighting. The combined forces of ORDO PARADOXIA, THE PHEONIX COBRAS, HELLAS, and ROMAN EMPIRE collectively DECLARE WAR on WARRIORS. Get ready to part with some of your beloved money and nukes. It's war time, kids! Take off your skirts and get ready to fight.
  20. Well, it's our first war of round 27.... Lots of possibilities here on the DoW... I could revisit prior down declares and cheap shots and the surety that all will eventually be reconciled? nahhh....that would just cause whining and fingerpointing. Let's let actions speak louder than words on this one. Try to somehow tie in the Breaking Bad Finale? Blue Meth....Blue sphere...?!?! Nahh....too much of a stretch. Use the Pirates in the Playoffs as motivational 'War Drum?' Maybe...and certainly awesome....but too obvious and there may actually be some Cardinals fans in OP's ranks. I guess sometimes you just have to say what you need to say and keep it simple. ORDO PARADOXIA DECLARES WAR UPON TPC AND MISFITS
  21. We've hit citadel a lot of times and crushed them every time. If I were Kong, I'd probably hate OP as well (I would also get on some medication). As much as it sucks for OP (and Warriors) being at a disadvantage in this war, it's apparent that Citadel needs to have these advantages or they'd get their teeth kicked in again. Also, there is a very simple solution to the whole 'we got too big and couldn't find any targets' BS flying around.....go to war earlier. Everyone else did and that is why we're a little behind the curve. No worries though.
  22. 1, 2 and 3....Impressive all around! OP is like Disney World sometimes...making dreams come true.
  23. I've had a busy weekend. Some of my activities had a common thread - UNLIKEY things. Friday was a pretty standard night - with one exception - no booze - no beer - no alcohol at all. I'm not sure why....it just worked out that way. Pretty unusual indeed. Saturday was a great day. I spent the afternoon tailgating and the evening enjoying a night at the ball park followed by a spectacular fireworks display. What's so unlikely about that? That would be that the Pirates are surprisingly in FIRST PLACE and have the BEST RECORD in the majors! Unlikely - YES Loving it? - YES The fun continued today with a family reunion. What's unlikely about that? The fact that I DID drink? - NO That I took halushki as my side dish - Hardly No major drama - moderately unlikely I guess. Well...maybe today didn't fit the theme EXCEPT - It's not at all likely that we're this far into the war and OP hasn't had a war yet. We can pretty easily remedy this. ORDO PARADOXIA DECLARES WAR UPON NEW DESOLATE ORDER
  24. Officially entering our 18th round - OP is Back for round 26! OP Government is: Halushki - Grand Master Cowboytx- Grand Defender Paul711 - Grand Chancellor Ocmax - Grand Hospitaller Overlord Wes - Councilor at Large Our forums are located at http://z6.invisionfree.com/ParadoxTE/index.php?act=idx Our public IRC room is #paradoxte on coldfront
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