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Everything posted by Ecthelion

  1. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' date='22 May 2010 - 09:56 PM' timestamp='1274579783' post='2308648'] So you'd rather explain the reasons behind the cancellation to every person who PMs or queries you rather than doing it here and only once? Don't get me wrong. I don't really care one way or the other. But that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. [/quote] I ended up answering it all, so his evil plan worked I guess.
  2. [quote name='Aimee Mann' date='22 May 2010 - 05:43 PM' timestamp='1274564603' post='2308406'] No-one ever keeps to their 'the reasons are private' stance anyway, it's just a line folks in 'leadership' positions like to say to make themselves feel important - "I have the information and if you want it, knock on my Very Important Government Member door and maybe I will respond - if I am not too busy with important governmental matters, of course". All you are doing is being more open in your desires for people to come and beg your mightiness for information. So yeah, I think that - should I ever become interested in the reasons for this cancellation (which in itself is unlikely) - I will patiently wait until you become a truly open alliance and post the reasons err, openly. But thanks for the generous offer all the same. [/quote] I chuckled. +1 internet for you.
  3. [quote name='sethb' date='22 May 2010 - 10:59 AM' timestamp='1274540359' post='2307986'] Not much you can do when you don't have the same [i]goals[/i] anymore. Good luck to both of you. [/quote] I see what you did there.
  4. Yes, a nice...talk. Good luck to the GGA, I hope things work out in the future for you folks.
  5. Happah 1000. Oh and don't delete, we trade together and dun afraid of anythang'
  6. [quote name='USOFAA' date='30 April 2010 - 07:10 PM' timestamp='1272669039' post='2281786'] Are you for real? Lol think about it if you are, well then its one of the stupidest things i have ever seen or heard!!!!!! Really i need no help from anyone would be more then happy to crush the whole alliance my self with money becuse they are to little for me. /A/ /C/ /D/ /E/ /F/ /G/ /H/ /I/ /J/ Do i need to go with the names they could have called them selfs. WHY would they go with that name????????? is there a point and one more time why? [/quote] Because the random boards are called /b/ and they come from /b/, therefore they're named /b/.
  7. Breaking rules numbers 1 and 2. You've already failed your mission. Now that you've failed, you can only suceed now. Good luck.
  8. Apologies, I forgot about that thread. Been a long few weeks..

  9. Meh, I left to BRIG once Rammy started taking everything over.
  10. Oh it's not a problem my friend, just some times people post and it's hard to decide if they're being extremely sarcastic towards me or not. :)

  11. Glad to see peace. Was a good fight. Have fun Gram's
  12. CIRCLE 45 | 5BR: Construction/Asphalt/FastFood/Microchips/Scholars Iron, cattle - Scutum Crux. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=379539 I also tossed you a PM.
  13. I have a member of my alliance who would like to join your circle, his name is Scutum crux. Link to nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=379539 He has iron and cattle.
  14. [quote name='Sal Paradise' date='21 March 2010 - 02:43 AM' timestamp='1269153816' post='2232001'] Kinda pointless don't you think? [/quote] Helps enforce green unity and show their position, I can think of more pointless things around, easily.
  15. The Brigade is happy to see this. May our allies at GGA prosper.
  16. Be a communist, be an ecth
  17. Given the chance, would you purchase me an alcoholic beverage?
  18. Well, glad to see my opponents in Legion getting peace (deserved peace, you folks were fun to talk to and fight with, cheers!), the peace talks were..interesting. Any way, good luck rebuilding mates. Now, for the war of the OWF! Raging Ninjas fighting Raging pirates, baww brigade versus those "horrible Q-like people who took some reps *gasp* to rebuild their alliances!". Tune in later folks, you'll see the mud start really flying! OOC:That out of the way, thank you to all those arguing people, it proved an amusing read after work today.
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