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Everything posted by DeathAdder

  1. Congrats to both. Well, you did treaty us a few days prior. Does that count? :P
  2. Was great working with you guys before and during this war. Glad to finally see this. o/ MI6 o/ Sparta
  3. Can't expect much different from that lot. On to more relevant/important matters; Congrats on Peace, Pacifica, you definitely deserve it. Great fighting your nations as well as the talks which have taken place. o/ Pacifica
  4. Right. Because you came to add something constructive to the thread. :rolleyes: At least NSO has retained it's utter hypocrisy.
  5. You had no point beyond bitching in a thread that isn't even about your Alliance.
  6. You've done anything productive, besides being kicked out of your last alliance, that is? I'm quite aware the OP was edited, my point still stands, they had at least 5 days to get in their sigs, those sigs were included as submitted.
  7. Considering we waited for almost a week for each side to get sigs in (mainly yours) AA's who are lacking sigs either for your side, or ours, have no one to blame but themselves, and thus can't place blame on anyone but themselves. We asked about them daily and showed the draft.
  8. Already happened two days ago: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/120201-sparta-the-roman-empire-cancellation/
  9. Article VI Should either party wish to cancel this agreement for any reason, they must notify the other signatory through private diplomatic channels atleast 48 hours before officially announcing the cancellation. After careful consideration, Sparta hereby activates Article VI of the Sparta - Roman Empire protectorate. The reasons have been relayed in private. Best of luck to TRE moving forward. Signed, For the Royal Council: DeathAdder, Basileus of Sparta Yerushalayim, Tyrannos of Sparta Adrian, Royal Advisor For the High and Middle Councils: Bombuator, Elder of Philoxenia Severus Knight, Ephor of Lykoi MetalSnow, Elder of Lykoi ForSparta, Elder of Lykoi Arctic0, Elder of Lykoi DarkIceDragon, Ephor of Mesoa WhiteTigger, Advisor
  10. Welcome, and yes, one can hope. I don't really care what you look forward to.
  11. -Shrugs.- If either of you care enough to discuss in it PM, instead of derailing the thread, be my guest. Vagueness is unbecoming. x3
  12. Unfortunately, the opinions of either of your alliances don't rank high on my list of priorities to heed, and my statement above remains the same. Keep trying to spin it, though! ;Goodjob:
  13. I personally wrote a rather wall of text stating why an offensive war was a bad idea on their part, as well that they would be setting a better precedent by solving this diplomatically. I likewise volunteered to personally mediate the issues between TRE and COMECON. TRE opted to ignore all of my advice, as well as the advice of multiple members of my Govt. Sparta never has, and never will condone a War of Aggression without a legit Casus Belli, and this is no exception, as Ulthrain clearly had no legit evidence that COMECON had acted aggressively toward TRE, only the supposed message of a random which said they (COMECON) were the culprit. He could not provide a copy of said message, nor has he really fully explained what exactly COMECON supposedly did to them. Therefore, Sparta refuses to become involved in this dispute, and will not be defending TRE/friends from any and all consequences their actions may bring to them. A further statement from Sparta will be issued as soon as time permits. Lastly, I wish to extend my apologies to COMECON for this aggressive war against your alliance, and I wish you sincere luck in resolving this matter and being able to return to growth and prosperity as soon as possible. -DeathAdder, Basileus of Sparta.
  14. Lhasa's were bred to be Monastery Attack and Guard dogs in Tibet, and carry a reputation of being quite aggressive. Clearly you need to look harder if you want if you want to convey lap breeds.
  15. I had to wait for the pointless coddling of this side to go away, so, 'other factors' is the best term. Also; o/ GO.
  16. I was more referring to your utter lack of casualties over your lack of participation up to this point, but we can use that, too.
  17. You're quite behind on offensive damage before you can talk. x3
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