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John Warbuck

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Everything posted by John Warbuck

  1. [quote name='goldielax25' date='06 February 2010 - 09:15 AM' timestamp='1265469319' post='2164513'] You don't owe them. Just join the other side, and fabricate logs implying that ADI wants 1TF destroyed and out of the game. That's how you would fulfill your debt to them. [/quote] This drivel again? You need new material.
  2. How do you kill a man without fear? By putting the fear in the man. I have never seen so many fearless men in battle at my side before, and despite the mass declarations of war, the bandwagoning, and the overwhelming odds, no one has been able to put that fear in any of us. We stand tall and proud in defense of our friends. The amount of infrastructure that I have incinerated continues to grow, the tech that I have destroyed is beginning to reach a frightening level, and the land that I've razed is almost equivalent to the land I possess. Why am I so destructive? It is because I am not afraid. I watch my alliance membership lean on each other and find ways to win against overwhelming odds, and I see that they are not afraid either. I feel the highest honor being able to command these people in battle. And their goals will soon be met. We fight for the ability of our friends to no longer have the need to fight. We do not fight for either side of the No U War that started this. We are fearless in our pursuit of that peace, and hope that in our stand, we can make people realize that this entire war is downright ridiculous. The innocent suffer due to the idiocy of a few. But still, despite the mass numbers against us, we fight. And we will continue that fight for our friends until our mission is accomplished. We will not waiver, we will not lose focus. Those who are fighting us will pay for every level of infrastructure they take from us. And sooner or later, we will have peace. FEAR, NATO, LSN and all our other allies- keep up the good fight! ADI is by your side. We will fight until death to find you peace. And to the fearless members of ADI- keep your eye on the prize, stay steadfast, and keep making me proud.
  3. Welcome to the show LSN! Great to have awesome protectorates like you guys. Have fun and I am honored to spill blood with you! o/ LSN!
  4. At least we had 1TF and AzN declarations on us, lol. Edit- and NUHyperforce declarations too.
  5. [quote name='K1L1On1Mr4' date='05 February 2010 - 04:22 AM' timestamp='1265365350' post='2161285'] I;m sorry for wall of texts I'm interested on bolded statement And i'm notbackstabbed by WAPA, just dissapointed, days ago WAPA wanted to activate oA to engage Athens. Guess our luck was bad [/quote] I am as well, as this is what WAPA had communicated to me- that they would only enter if one of their allies was declared on. I know that this was probably not an easy decision for WAPA, but I am disappointed nonetheless that they entered this via oA.
  6. [quote name='yoyoabc' date='04 February 2010 - 11:57 PM' timestamp='1265349434' post='2160729'] @Wentworth, who did you PM? you can PM me for any official stuffs. i am helping out in the gov. @WAPA - I am speechlessly disappointed @NATO - Win or lose, show your nukes! [/quote] I echo the second two statements. Good luck nonetheless. NATO, glad to be on the field of battle, at your side. Let us kill 10 of their men for each of ours that falls. o/
  7. Yes, good luck indeed. It will be fun
  8. The more the merrier. I serve my nukes with extra habenero Good luck
  9. I would activate the MDoAP with FEAR, but I believe they are already fighting you guys. Good luck, nonetheless.
  10. [quote name='wickedj' date='03 February 2010 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1265236734' post='2157289'] you're the noob of aqua, go fetch another beer ADI, i consider the nations of Troy to have just won the lottery. [/quote] They don't share that sentiment, but oh well. They made contact with us today and are truly an honorable group. I'm sure that we will be able to sort out a resolution with them that includes my refund of $12.83 and then we will be on our way. Until then it will be a nice fight.
  11. Yeah, it is an in character blog...
  12. [quote name='Jgoods45' date='03 February 2010 - 09:28 AM' timestamp='1265210939' post='2156570'] SINCE I seem to fail at replying to your damn blog or something, Ill just post what I tried to reply here since it's pretty much on topic. To be very honest, I really have nothing against you or your alliance. Its pretty much me having a little bit of fun being all hostile and such. So don't take anything I say seriously unless I tell you too. Although, I still believe you should be rolled. Same goes for NATO minus the I hope you get rolled part. Still respect you guys. Keep doing whatever it is you do I suppose. Just don't get in Athens's way. [/quote] That is because for some reason I need to approve comments. How to disable that, I dunno, but I also don't know if I WANT to disable that. I approved your first reply.
  13. "So you have an enemy, do you?" my father asked me when I was a child, to which I nodded, hurt that someone actually didn't like me. "Looks like you took a stand for something then," he said, "Because you don't make enemies by simply doing what everyone else wants you to do." In the current political climate, these words serve as my encouragement and motivation to press on. I sit at the helm of a highly controversial alliance. Some seek to discredit me as a leader. Others accuse me of causing divisions on my sphere. Many people also approach me with words of encouragement and pats on the back. The point of the matter is that none of this matters to me as much as knowing the fact that I stand for what I believe in. "Why fulfill a treaty obligation with FEAR but not help RoK?" is the question that has been asked of me more than just a few times. The answer is simple; I took a stand- twice. The first time, I decided that I would not support the destruction of my friends and the usage of a six month old casus belli to do it. I acted within the obligations of the treaty I possessed, and this decision has come to haunt me for the last month as my opposition does everything in its power to discredit my character and intentions. Now I am taking another stand. This time, I am not deciding against the entrance into a war on the winning side, but instead, I am entering this war on a front that is outmatched by twice the strength it possesses. I believe in defending my friends. If my friends decide to go out and pick a fight I believe I have the right to decide my participation in the matter, but this is not the case here. Many alliances in this war have been dogpiled, as if they already don't have enough on their plates, and my friends in FEAR were attacked. Having given my word to meet any requests of assistance, I responded when called upon, and I led my alliance bravely into battle, knowing full well that ADI is being stalked by a steadfast and unwavering foe. But defending the right thing to do is simply what I believe in. I was not lied to by FEAR. FEAR did not attempt to use me as a pawn. Their intentions were explained to me completely, and my support was given upon the merit of their word- which held true. I never would have thought that it would be too much to ask that an ally be truthful, but FEAR has re-established my faith in being able to make that request. Entering this war, however, has given me much to take pride in. ADI has shown incredible organization, determination, and strength, and out of nine targets in the first wave, eight of these targets were thrown into anarchy. This is just amazing to me, and I know that the coming waves will produce the same results. I know that I lead a band of warriors and that ADI is not made up of pushovers. I don't believe I would have had the opportunity to make such an amazing discovery of the sheer talent and awesomeness of these, my brothers in ADI, had it not been for things happening the way that they have. Being responsible for an entire alliance can be painful. The decisions are never easy, the scrutiny can be hard to bear, and the constant demands on one's time can be annoying. However, at the end of the day, when an alliance leader sees his alliance succeed at something, despite how insignificant his alliance may be, there is a sense of glory that exists that no one may ever take from him. I am proud to say that I am leading such an alliance. Therefore, I will drink to ADI tonight, and I will toast to my brethren in FEAR. And I will remember my friends in MHA, and wish that they may not come across any unbearable harm. I will remember my friends in NATO and in Invicta, my anime loving buddies in SOS, my pals in WAPA, the bunnies in UCN and our little brothers in LSN. Yes, it is my friends that make this all worth it. It is in my friends that I find pain, that I find honor and that I find glory.
  14. With ADI having good friends both attacking each other here, I have to say I am a bit saddened by this. MHA, ADI has a lot of for you, and Echelon, I've been getting to know you guys and have begun to respect you. I wish you both luck, and I also wish that you both survive this and can prosper afterward. o/ MHA o/ Echelon
  15. [quote name='Jack Diorno' date='03 February 2010 - 05:14 AM' timestamp='1265195698' post='2156244'] I remember a young ADI coming to Athens, telling us their dreams of unifying all of Aqua, you seemed so pleasant. Now you can join NATO in being the only aqua alliance who doesn't maintain good relations with everyone else, actively standing in the way of complete aqua unity. MHA, MK, FARK, Gremlins, RoK, Athens, =LOST=.. all the big players in aqua are for once united, united in their defence of C&G.. all of us except for you. Way to go. [/quote] ADI isn't the aqua alliance making death threats at other aquas...
  16. [quote name='Jgoods45' date='03 February 2010 - 05:08 AM' timestamp='1265195310' post='2156233'] Grow some balls and activate the oA clause with FEAR and DoW on CnG. [/quote] I didn't know the size of my balls mattered that much to you
  17. [quote name='Jgoods45' date='03 February 2010 - 05:01 AM' timestamp='1265194899' post='2156223'] So you attack an alliance with 1 MDoAP, 1 PIAT who also happens to be in NOIR. The best part of this is that the MDoAP they have is with FoB, a member of CnG. I hope to be seeing you very soon. [/quote] No, I attack an alliance that attacked our ally. Mainly so that they can deal with bigger issues, like you.
  18. [quote name='Weirdgus' date='03 February 2010 - 04:32 AM' timestamp='1265193171' post='2156205'] it was a spelling error, I shouldn't post while I'm still asleep FEAR is evil though ( except for Canik, he's kinda cool ) [/quote] Oh, I know- I was just picking at you for fun And FEAR [b]is 100% evil[/b] for sure! And that includes Canik. But the thing is, their evilness is why I have for FEAR- it is the pure win kind of evil that is wielded for the common good.
  19. [quote name='Weirdgus' date='03 February 2010 - 01:09 AM' timestamp='1265180974' post='2155945'] Nice poetry there, ADI Also, yay for standing up to FEAR, have fun in the war! [/quote] LOL, we stood up [b]for[/b] FEAR, not to them
  20. Anytime you want to refund me that $12.83, let me know
  21. [center][img]http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd145/theboss314159/ADIflag1-1.jpg[/img][/center] A long time ago, I got really, incredibly drunk. Well, that happens often, but in this case, it led to a booze driven romp with a woman who would end up being the most crazy woman I ever knew. The only reason that I would even need to give this woman any attention was due to the failure of a product produced by Troy. When choosing my prophylactics, I came across [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBr98Nji-mA]this commercial[/url] from one of Troy's competitors. The commercial actually motivated me to buy Troy's product instead. I figured that if it could protect me from a car door, it would definitely protect me from untold financial consequences later on. And this is where the crazy woman comes into play... Nine months after I used this product, I was contacted by this psychotic woman and it was demanded of me that I pay child support. Not only have I needed to pay 30% of my multi-million dollar income to this woman, but she's just generally been a pain in my rear non-stop ever since. So, seeing as the Trojan manufactured product did not achieve its intended purpose, I demanded a refund. After many inquiries, Troy still refuses to refund me the twelve dollars and eighty-three cents that I spent on their defunct product, telling me that they do not guarantee the product's effectiveness, and that there is a 7% chance of failure. I do not know why I should spend my hard earned money on a product that is only 93% effective and so I felt shortchanged and vowed that I would get my money back one day, some way and some how. Well, recently, the producer of this crap product decided to attack the Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics. My opportunity has finally arrived. Therefore, the Aqua Defense Initiative activates Article III of the FEAR the Aqua Defense Pact which reads: [quote]Article III - Article of Mutual Defense Direct Defense) If either alliance comes under attack while not at war the other will declare war upon the aggressor. Chaining Defense) If either alliance comes under attack due to being at war for fulfilling mandatory outside treaty obligation then the other will declare war upon the aggressor, so long as they do not hold a treaty with the aggressor. In which case they may remain neutral.[/quote] The forces of the Aqua Defense Initiative shall conquer the tall walls of Troy with their newly designed Trojan Horse Inter Continental Ballistic Nuclear Missiles until my refund is received. The Aqua Defense Initiative hereby declares war on Troy. In all seriousness, I wish Troy the best of luck. I understand that you have entered this war to defend your friends, and ADI is doing the same. Here is to a good, clean, and honorable fight. Good luck! Signed, [i]John Warbuck[/i] of New Aligned States- Lord High Sentinel [i]Yuurei[/i] of Exedore- Judicator [i]Hamil[/i] of Kaplechistan- Arbiter [i]Archon Daverin[/i] of Caridos- Arbiter [i]Kingly[/i] of Quaaraaq- Lord of Defense [i]Lord Tri[/i] of Tribathia- Lord of Foreign Affairs [i]Magister Populi[/i] of Latium- Lord of Internal Affairs [i]Nathan Grant[/i] of Elgin- Lord of Finance [center][img]http://i773.photobucket.com/albums/yy18/JohnShepard/DRAFT2.png[/img][/center]
  22. Go bunnies! o/ UCN Good luck out there
  23. Legion and NATO are both comprised of great people. This treaty makes me smile. Congrats guys! o/ NATO o/ Legion
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