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    The Order of the Paradox
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  1. I do not know if it has been mentioned. But, in TOP, we mostly agree that 'the blackest friday war' is the best. And I guess since FARK/FAN DoW was on a friday too? So... 'the blackest and blacker friday war'?
  2. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1322891506' post='2860093'] How long til Polar comes out of peace mode and attacks FARK? [/quote] This was funny. *nods* It's the holidays spread the nuclear joy I suppose.
  3. So I've been afk for a looong time. I am back in due to the demands of war. And...there is one question that is nagging my mind. Who is Non Grata?!? I don't think it existed back when I was paying attention, now they are sanctioned.
  4. [quote name='Faroah' timestamp='1322519849' post='2855111'] Personally, I see this whole "Paradoxians always pay back their debts" business as being blatantly revenge. I don't really think revenge for a crime committed 2 years ago is legitimate for a current DoW. I think this type of thing would have been best settled by sitting down and talking to them about their betrayal, as you put it, and letting all of CN know what took place then. But don't you think starting a war over something like 2 years ago is a bit much? I mean, I'm not trying to insult anyone, but this is just what the entire affair seems like to me. [/quote] Oh I remember the betrayal like it was yesterday. Aye, NpOo deserves no mercy!
  5. Considering what this game is...the only precedent for war IS past action.
  6. [img]http://www.zlatanfan.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/zlatan-ibrahimovich-ibra-pique.jpg[/img] This is how I feel about Gre.
  7. [quote name='Draztikus' timestamp='1305920863' post='2715668'] More like smart enough not to blow my entire warchest on infra just to please the people who want to nuke me [/quote] NpO in its glory. 'Let's stay tiny and weak b/c were are scared!!!' Hide in your hovels poolaris. And pray we don't come for yoooouuu!!!!!!!! wrahhhblagahhhkkk!!!! (Frankly all this hatred is entertaining, but it probably proves a war will never happen. It's just too obvious.)
  8. Crymson has been nominated for three separate feuds! I call that an accomplishment.
  9. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1305832771' post='2715058'] Crymson vs. Grub [/quote] I was going to say this one. It's pretty feudy if you know what I mean. [quote]Crymson v Grub. Two pathetic shells of their former selves hurling poop at each other randomly and without direction or intent = sad to watch? [/quote] Indeed, lol. Though still a great feud to watch.
  10. LUE/MK and friends vs NPO and friends. Probably the longest and greatest rivalry. Most big wars have been focused on these groups. First there was NAAC in there and Legion and GATO on the LUE side. Alliances have switched around. But, I think the core hatred and rivalry still remains in the form of MK and NPO. It would have to be first. Second is GPA vs War. And then I'll say TOP vs NpO is pretty good. There's definitely some hate.
  11. Good luck true gremlins. I hope you and TOP are always friends.
  12. Is this war still going on? It's like the iraq war, have it go on long enough and nobody cares.
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