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Everything posted by thenb

  1. hmm thats a good question, we might need a new name also Hercules thanks for the revision
  2. haha nice pickle first post o/ TNE
  3. The New Empire We hereby form "The New Empire", a coalition of amazing nations on the GREEN team. We look forward to peace and prosperity on planet bob. We have to thank UINE for supporting us as well as all of our initial members for helping this go from dream to reality. Please visit us at our forums @ http://thenewempire.co.cc or on irc @ #TNE on coldfront Our Current Government: High Council: Pickle, Mack, Thenb Minister of IA: MrJonesMcDo Minister of Economics: Eumirbago Our Charter: Edit: Procterate here
  4. congrats guys you really deserve it good luck with 1m!
  5. no war? no exciting conclusion? just peace? awwww congrats to both of you
  6. epic failure. Spy attack your own member then attack them for getting mad about it. such epic failure...
  7. December 2009 After 98 of the 200 members of the parliament are thrown out for corruption, along with the president and his entire cabinet, mass riots spill into the streets. January 2010 A new constitution is verified by referendum, and the capitol is moved to prevent corruption. The new president, Abayomi Abdalla, establishes his top priority as getting rid of corruption and distancing themselves from the rest of war-torn Africa. March 2010 Madagascar changes its name to The Grand Republic of Madagascar, the public responds with a surge of dedication to their new reformed country and its leader, who has been slowly gaining more and more power. June 2010 President Abayomi Abdalla changes the constitution to make elections for president non-required and only by request. Response is mixed, and some of the countries conservative leaders stage protests, but are all killed by "accidents" in the same day. November 2010 The Grand Republic of Madagascar is awarded a seat on the U.N. security council for its peaceful work. January 2011 With the help of a mysterious foreign country, unknown to even The Grand Republic of Madagascar's own government finances the state purchase of several large weapons companies June 2011 Weapons becomes The Grand Republic of Madagascar's largest export, and it is said that some of the leaders, particularly minister of defense Robert Trivaski, are getting an itch for war December 2011 The Grand Republic of Madagascar begins amassing a huge army, and begins construction of navel vessels, worrying some neighboring nations
  8. The Grand Republic of Madagascar General Info The Grand Republic of Madagascar is a medium sized island nation off the coast of Africa. Founded on the principles of equality and a different form of democracy, The Grand Republic of Madagascar is the newest addition to ERP. Capitol: Majunga Government: Revised Democracy Population: 25,000,000 Languages: French, English, and Swahili Government Structure The government structure involves a president, who is elected every 10 years, and a parliament, with forced elections every 10 years, and a special election can be requested by a petition signed with 1/3 of his/her constituents. The president appoints heads to all of the executive departments, then largely remains seperate unless intervention is deemed necessary. The Supreme Court is elected by parliament for a life term. The Grand Republic of Madagascar is a very liberal country, who does everything in its power to ensure equality and create very progressive social policies. Political Under Construction Economic As a result of these policies, The Grand Republic of Madagascar has a low unemployment rate, wages are starting to even out and rise, and crime is almost unheard of. However in recent years there has been growing unrest about the countries large national debt, which at this time is almost twice the GDP. The growth of The Grand Republic of Madagascar has also been slower then average due to confusing regulations on business, which are in the process of repeal. **Still Under Construction** Military Under construction [OOC]Note: This is my first time making one of these, since i have just joined the ERP. Suggestions and comments are appreciated.[/OOC]
  9. i declare the existence of the Grand Republic of Madagascar ruled by...yours truely
  10. if it is still available, i claim Madagascar!
  11. wow this is great. how ironic they form a bloc to protest their being a bloc.. o/ Hisk
  12. Cattle and Spices http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001498 Nickland qwerty11
  13. Global Democratic Alliance. We are SANCTIONED in TE and will kick anyones butt! http://tournament.gdacn.com
  14. should be better then. your alliance will give you support.
  15. I has iron + marble post and i will edit list you MUST be on blue or change to blue Lumber: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001222 Iron: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001308 Marble: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001308 Aluminum: Rubber: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001328 Coal: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001506 Gems: Gold: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001506 Silver: Lead: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001222 Oil: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001328 Uranium: Total Bonus Resorces would be: Construction, Asphalt, Automobiles, Steel, Radiation Cleanup, Fine Jewelry, Mircrochips and Scholars.
  16. Just because you did this I'm going to make another "Why the karma war xxxx" thread
  17. There needs to be a point where we go from "revenge" on npo to remembering that this is just a game, and you carrying out "revenge" on some pacifican nation is probably on some 10 year old kid wondering why you wont leave him alone.
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