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Rush Sykes

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Posts posted by Rush Sykes

  1. Who said anything about newbie nations? Just because they are unaligned does not necessarily mean they are newbies. Nothing about the attacks is "unprovoked" the attacker is enticed by the tech of the victim, or just wants to destroy them. If the raided didn't want to be attacked, he should have chosen to not exist, or join an alliance. Very few make the choice to not exist anyway, the proper thing to do is suck it up and take it, and grow up. I don't buy your "when one suffers, we all suffer", hippy.

    We have every reason to help the raider, we need to promote this behavior. More war = better world. Even in the limited sense of unaligneds. What is the point of living if you never experience dying?

    within the context of this OP...this is the most idiotic reply I have seen. If you put this policy in place because more war is a good thing, and you TRULY believe that more war is a good thing...you know what you would do? Here is a novel thought...Pick an alliance...and start a war.

    The notion that this policy exists to reward a small nation who "has a pair", is equally ridiculous. If having a pair is what you feel needs rewarded...then take the lead...HAVE A PAIR...and ....Oh yeah....START A WAR. Stop getting your testicular fortitude vicariously through others. Otherwise, shut up and aid whatever un-aligned nations you wish to aid in whatever circumstances you choose. A policy and subsequent claims of testicular fortitude are not necessarry and make you look like the ones lacking in TRUE testicles.

  2. This is why I thought we should of kept the reasons for the cancellations private... especially the TSI one. Nothing but trouble for the both of us. Oh well, whats done is done. Best of luck in the future,KoC and TSI. Still got alot of love for the both of ya. :)

    I love this guy. I echo those sentiments.

  3. Here is a thought, how about just saying "God we made a stupid decision" and be done with it. As for the accusation that people are latching onto the word "tech" in rference to the raid, YOU used the IS tech raiding clause in yoiur OP, and highlighted the word INDIVIDUAL, as being the reason the raid rules did not apply. IS as I can read, has no official policy on "punitive raids". Nor does any other alliance that I know of. You know why? Those are what we call WARS. When you use military to affix a punishment on another person or alliance in this game, it is a war. You can try all of the fancy word play you want. Doesnt change anything.Instead of letting CGs obvious failures consume them, as the whole world knew it would, you decided you could do what you wanted, and nobody would care. Problem was, alot of somebodys cared. You (and by you, i mean IS, cuz you were IS at the time), consolidated a pseudo-favorable public opinion of CG that they could feed off to win the war. IS made themselves look like politically incompetent fools, and quite honestly, made their allies in PWN look the same. Forethought FTW!

  4. Here's a post of Tyler implying that I am correct in my assertion that he is bribing Athens to get me expelled. I'll see if I can find a post of me saying the same to Rey.


    Athens took the bribe as a lulyz moment where Tyler was making the point that he did not like Sileath. It was certainly not some sort of back room bribery thing, as the whole thing played out in the Athens public channel and in the OWF. Nobody took it seriously, because we all know Tyler...[OOC]he plays the game for the lulz.[OOC] Doing that annoyed Sileath, and Tyler got to chuckle. It really is no different than someone in Alliance Announcements post says to another nation "well, maybe I should just tech raid your alliance." We kind of all know they are just a means to drive a point home. If this were NOT the case, about 5 wars would have sprung up out of this current situation. Sileath takes himself too seriously, and he really does get feelings hurt far too easily. Is he a hard worker? Absolutely. I would never take that from him. The fact of the matter is that he lacks a sense of humor and he lacks the concept of laughing at himself from time to time. He plays the perpetual victim, and he plays it well.

    Edited to add OOC tags.

  5. How long are the people defending Sorums initial action going to continue the nonsense argument that it was a tech raid. He switched out military improvements, bought CMs, and I will presume, since he admitted to doing air strikes, that he also had to buy aircraft since no nation that size would be wise to keep aircraft on hand.....Going on the basic premise that a tech raid is meant to be profitable, and adding to the fact that he received $3 million just prior to the raid and yet RV got next to nothing from him on a ground assault victory....one can effective surmise that he spent....in the neighborhood of $3 million to make a "profit" on a raid?

    Either he is the WORST tech raider EVER....or he clearly had the destruction of RV's nations in mind. Couple that with the unwavering support expressed by every member of The Family in the original thread, no REASONABLE human being can either a) excuse this as a raid or B) believe that The Family REALLY viewed this as a raid.

    As to the peace agreement....I saw Tanis state in the log that he and Blackjack were the only 2 to speak on behalf of tF in that channel. It was NOT objected to by Blackjack, so ANYONE with one IOTA of commone sense can decipher from that that.....zOMG Tanis was speaking for tF. An agreement was reached. You renegged on it. The ball is now in the court of Sparta and MHA, and I truly hope they can get together with all involved parties and settle this peacfully. Regardless, tF has acted poorly from the inception of this incident. Now, do the world a favor and do what is right.

  6. What a ride it has been guys. Despite [(OOC) me shakes fist at admin for being 3 months too late on the 25 day rule] a silly deletion(OOC), I am remindind every day of the correct decision myself and several members of FINAL made in leaving to defend our protectors in the noCB war. Thank you Londo for having us, hope we havent been too much trouble. And here is to another year. I love you guys.

  7. I've decided to send peace to Kobiashiy -- but he has to accept it before 11 PM (server time), otherwise, I will nuke him.

    Following up utter fail with even more fail is BRILLIANT. Keep making those who love the phrase lolpink look more and more right.

  8. Lol. stop trying to start an argument you wont win. Im not "advocating" anything. Just saying, if she tells kobi his intentions, when the actions are actually played out, Kobi cant act surprised and hurt cuz he knew what was coming from the start.

    Start an argument? Im simply asking a question.

    So to be clear you are saying.... Excessive force is not allowed in accordance to the PWN raiding clause. But excessive force is not excessive force if you tell the target before hand that you will use excessive force is they defend themselves? I just want to be...you know...."clear".

    Instead of trying that nonsense argument against excessive force, and making yourself look silly, you could simply have said that the clause only applies to raids against pink nations. Kobi is brown, so the clause would not apply. But dont give that silly notion that it would not be excessive force because the amount of force was disclosed beforehand.

  9. we already talked about this on IRC but i figured id say it here too for everyone else. There has been no nuke launched yet. So she hasnt gone against anything we as PWN have set yet. Also, The DoW says that if Kobi retaliates he will get nukes, so if he knows the outcome and still attacks, no one can cry injustice since he knew his fate before hitting. there was something else i was gonna say, but i forgot. oh well. someone will remind me

    You are seriously advocating that its ok to forbid and bully your raid target into not defending itself??? SERIOUSLY?

  10. He was unprotected, as the treaty was not announced. I've been raided under similar circumstance trying to form alliances before, raiders do not accept "THEY'LL ANNOUNCE IT TOMORROW" as an answer.

    Like I said, this is a dangerous political assumption to make. In a large portion of the world (IC and OOC), a verbal agreement is just as binding as a signed piece of paper. It matters not that a "piece of paper" exists. It matters only whether or not GDA in spirit agreed to protect him as he announced the DoE. Reading the thread, it appears that they had. The next move is theirs. And it will be an interesting move to be sure.

  11. I stated clearly that I didn't know about his plans of ripping us off beforehand.

    Actually, my post had nothing to do with your log or subsequent post. In the charter I believe, it said something about friendship... it was more of a lulzy at a Sith being a cute little snuggybear.

  12. If you could provide us with evidence both of an announced treaty and the time of war declaration that would be fantastic.

    Until then, :P

    Contrary to popular belief, a treaty does not need announced to be real. The announcement only serve as a hailfest and photo op for the protector and protectee. They publicly announced in the 1st post of the DoE thread for his new alliance, that they protected him, and were only waiting to finalize signatures. But you go ahead, keep trying to make the fail case that he was unprotected at the time of the attack.

  13. There's (IMO) a difference between someone deciding to raid someone, and realizing that they aren't particularly liked, and offering to nuke that person for tech -- and NPO.

    Among the reasons mentioned on IRC include him applying to another alliance, and then *TWO* days later, creating his 'new' alliance.

    I am interested in what NSO has to say on the subject -- seeing as Kobiashiy did copy/heavily emulate their theme.

    WHAT A HEINOUS CRIME! Making his own alliance after applying to another alloiance! THE HORROR! Did he not think of the children?

  14. Do you have anything to base your statement on? Of course Vox was outspoken about NPO and made life at least somewhat difficult on them. But at its peak they had maybe 250 members (most of which where there cause it was the "cool" thing to do) only maybe 100 were true to the cause (if that many). There are far more than that outspoken against the ills of NPO now that they are soundly defeated.

    disclamer: If my numbers for Vox numbers are far off base, I welcome any former Vox member that was in the know to correct me.

    It is only common sense strategy that if you oppose the oppressive leadership, and if making the opposition would only serve to get you killed, then your goal is to bide your time. Put yourself in a position to put an end to it. Do not mistake the lack of vocal opposition towards Pacificas policies as a weakness in those opposed. Waiting for the right time is simply the best option. You even notice the funny thing about martyrs? They are dead. So many people act as though everyone who opposed Pacifica should have stood up 1 by 1 and said "Hey, my goal is to kill Pacifica." That would have ended well.

  15. No treaty, though. Hence, fair game. (A list of other reasons were gone over on IRC.)

    (P.S., thanks for correcting the typo.)

    This is only true in so far as GDA is willing to carry a verbal defense agreement. See, playing politics with THESE kind of assumptions, is a dangerous game.

  16. The poster didn't post anything in relation to the OP and brought nothing of value to this thread other than to say "Leave my HeinousOne alone, I wubs him, even though I don't know him or have any relation to him at all"

    As for the gender mistake, it happens no biggie

    So you are a friend of a friend, thats hott (and still pretty random)

    Well my posts could only hope to begin to add as much to the OP as "Maybe you should be next"...I will try to live up to that standard in the....oh wait....

  17. Well being that Sakura (who is a she btw) is a member and government of an alliance that I am also a member and government of, I have the right and duty to come to her aid and protection. Some random guy from another alliance that comes to your aid on a subject that is none of his concern reeks of attention whoring to me.

    Actually there genius, being as STA is MDPd to two C and G alliances, it does make me far more than a random guy from another alliance.

  18. Actually there genius, if you looked at the person I quoted it was your protector, Rush Sykes. Not you, the moral compass of CN. I don't recall the outrage preKarma War. Again, who is the Karma War tough guy?

    This post is full of lulz. I do not know Heinous One. Never had a conversation with him, seems like an ok guy. I was simply commenting on the veiled threat made against him, knowing that you fully lack the cahounas to follow through on it. You can try to be cute till you are blue in the face. You made the veiled threat. Put up or shut up. I know which option you will choose, and I will get much satisfaction from it.

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