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Rush Sykes

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Posts posted by Rush Sykes

  1. Truth be told, this thread offers the perfect forum for Echelon to oblige the public with a cleansing, full disclosure. This, however, will not happen because they are in a mode set to protect what little bit of their word is still tied to honor. Sadly, they refuse to recognize this as an opportunity to not just say "we were wrong", but to tell the world why they were wrong. Personally, I am glad they do not take this path. Few alliances in the course of Planet Bob have so deserved the disdain that this alliance has well earned. If they are content to let it fester and be forever damaged, so be it.

  2. The following quotes along with other alliances alluding to war supported such.

    That language with addition of a timetable and multiple alliances coming to me with warnings of war, made such an announcement necessary.

    Seriously, what did you expect the conversation to look like?

    ZDP: Golly gee NEW, those additional attacks werent very neigborly of you.

    NEW: Shuckens Zombies, it was just a liitle hootin n hollerin. Lets have a jug o' moonshine and forget it happened.

    ZDP: Weeeeellll doggies...

    NEW has a chance. Gave their word. Then summarily stuck the knife in ZDPs back. ZDP had no knife to fight with, so they went out and rented a couple of buzzsaws and NEW suddenly is the wronged party? Nope...Doesnt work that way. FAIL/10

  3. Perhaps look up the NEW nations with only defensive wars?

    Once again, I may be missing something, but you said in the OP: I'm of the opinion since ZDP wants reps, they probably shouldn't have attacked nations not involved with the raid... call it an eye for an eye. Just white peace NEW like they have requested?

    But what you fail to acknowledge here is that ZDP had already been told by NEW that no reps would be paid. Further, they were told that the raid would continue as a 1 on 1 weeks long war, and everyone would be happy. ZDP accepted in good faith. Rather more graciously than I would have, had I been in their place in that log in which they were shown what amounted to, in my opinion, zero respect. ZDPs reward for that good faith? 2 more wars on the same raid target, one being by the very man who agreed to keeping the raid 1v1. If I am ZDP, at the point, I view this as an alliance war, nothing more, nothing less, and no amount of your posturing on NEWs behalf, should change that for ZDP. The truth of the matter is, now NEW realizes they can burn for the fact that their word means less than nothing, and are looking for a way out. To be honest, I am not aware of what threats, and or posturings were levied towards NEW and her allies, but I do know this...they are well earned. As an ally of IAA, I take great offense to the very nature of the OP trying to paint IAA out as the aggressor, when none of us would be here if your wonderful allies word was not worth,....I dont know...the same amount as a PC-TPF NAP.

  4. Please explain the NEW nations that were attacked that did not participate in the raid, or the retaliation to your counter? They only have defensive wars, which would make your statement false.

    I will take a stab at this one....But I may be wrong.

    NEW said the original raid would remain 1 on 1. Then promptly declared another war on the same target. At that point, all bets are off, and they deserve the attacks. Either your word is your bond, or you pay the price.

  5. The issue is while trying to negotiate peace and resolve this, members of gov and other members of alliacnes supposedly trying to help resolve things are joining ZDP and attacking NEW. Doesn't help matters. Everytime it seems it is resolved something like this happens and sets things back, thus the post by mhawk to let everyone know at once where we stand on this issue.

    Doesn't really help your efforts to single out an alliance who has 1 member join in defense, who wasnt even in gov, all the while conveniently omitting....other...similar...occurrences.

  6. Name: Rush Sykes... The main character in the game The Last Remnant. Most underrated ROG of the last 5 years.

    Nation; Dantooine Prime.... Wanted Dantooine, it was take, added the Prime.

    Capital: Khoonda - a prominent settlement on Dantooine in both KOTORs.

  7. 1. Offensive Nuclear Policy? - I believe it is no first strike unless ordered by an Archon.

    2. Defensive Nuclear Policy? - You nuke us, you glow.

    3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding? Yes, although it is under temporary suspension as we seek to put clearly defined rules in place.

    4. (Answer to #3) Why? - I really dont have a good answer to this question.

    5. Why did your alliance choose your color? Hell if I know. Londo likes pastels.

    6. Are NAPs useless? Well, if you are just finishing up on the toilet, reach over to the TP dispenser, and it is empty, but you see a NAP sitting on the floor, then it has a use.

    7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)- I believe MADPs reflect a relationship status that transcends I LOVE YOU. If you cant trust your friends, pick better friends.

    8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war? Kinda pointless, its not like it can alter the course of the conflict.

    9. Can you provide me a link to your flag? Yeah, but I am lazy.

    11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run? TJO. I really think Doitzel, if he and his cohorts stick it out long enough, could become a future small group of elite players.

    12. Do you consider TDO neutral? Nobody is really neutral.

    14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)- a Hybrid between open door and applicant interviews.

    15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes? If the need arose, yes.

    16. Current view concerning NPO? The war is over. By the standards we set forth at the beginning of the war, and in its conclusion, past crimes are paid for, so, kudos to them. They will be judged on their future, not their past, I hope.

    17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with? You would have to ask someone else this, I just began in FA.

    18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine? I suppose to a certain extent, the premise behind it was good.

    19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

    4.5 2.5 2 2.5(but improving) 2.5(but improving)

    21. What are your alliance's strengths? Look at what we have stuck together through. It defines our strengths.

    22. What are your alliance's weaknesses? Impulsiveness, lack of foresight. Practicing diplomacy through hindsight is not very effective.

    23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from? Camelot, HotU, Dark Evolution, FINAL

    25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation? JGoods would wave his magic wand and correct the problem. If you feel alliance A has a good reason for the attack, then you are morally a polar opposite of Alliance B. But, they are friends, so you counsel them.

    26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI? Nope. It is never justified, and simply is murder.

    27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

    No, and anyone who thinks they are is seriously messed up. I dont think cacellation is the BEST option, but it is certainly not dishonourable.

    30. Thoughts concerning...

    30.1 ...Citadel? Sometimes great strength is a weakness.

    30.2 ...Frostbite? Very mixed. Lots of love, lots of dislike.

    30.3 ...Superfriends? Same as above...Very mixed.

    30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances? Horrible group. They really do suck. Oh...wait...

    30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty? Well, I couldnt even name one member, so that should tell you what you need to know.

    33. Do you ever censor your members? No.

    34. Are coups ever justifiable? No. If your alliance charter offers no legal means of changing government, then you probably should pick a new aliance.

    36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be? You are entitled to your opinion. I would also call Shens on the General Membership statement. Since most general memberships are relatively inactive, you wouldnt know them at all. It is human nature to associate one or 2 faces as the face of any alliance and summarily judge it based on perceptions of those one or 2. Who am I to fight human nature, I have neither the time nor the energy.

    38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

    AE-FINAL war - Military victory for AE, HUGE PR victory for FINAL. My baptism into global politics.

    noCB war- Athens was beat down. No other way to put it.

    Karma- Sweet sweet revenge. Heh, at least I admit it was revenge.

    44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do? See above answer about the coup. Same answer.

    45. What traits make a good alliance? Who really knows? I can go down the list of alliances, they all have different traits. Some work, some dont. The chemistry of the members is the determining factor in survival.

    46. Current Government type? Too complicate. I am plotting a coup. Seriously, we need to change something...2 Archons is a disaster waiting to happen. Need to add a 3rd.

    47. What are your alliance's ideals? Friends>Infra. Sounds cliche, but it is real. Dont believe me? Hit another CnG member and find out.

    48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked. What a joke. The fact that a) GGA thought they were THIS important and B) the puppet masters allowed it, and c) CN in general allowed it....speaks VOLUMES about the state of CN at that time. Sidebar: watching Bilrow suddenly championing morals, after penning this doctrine, is just too rich.

    49. Do you believe in moral police? Believing in it is irrelevant. Moral Police exists. We, in Karma, kinda created them. Its the world we wanted, or we created, we cant complain about having to play within those rules now.

    50. What treaties do you have? Read our Wiki, I think its up to date.

    55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned? Could go either way at this point. I hope we can. We have already universally decided that we would add the CnG flag, and not Athens personal flag. This is a testament to how important we are to one another as allies.

    56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+? If I could wave a magic wand, I would make it 1, but it would have to have a charter, a forum and at least an outline for structure with the intent to grow in numbers.

    60. Age range most of your members are? Hell, I dont know. Im an old man. I would say most of us are 18-25.

    61. Where do most of your members live? In their homes I would guess. seriously, mostly North America.

    62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome? Th Ni! debacle. The world likes to view that situation as Archon spanking Londo thereby forcing the change. They can believe that. I saw what went on in our forums. Anyone who ever lead an alliance that had people they cared about in it, should understand, that fallout from allies means nothing when weighed against fallout from members. I have zero doubt that if you asked Londo what his greatest regret over the Ni! incident was that he let Athens down. So, people can think what they want, I know the reality.

    63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them? Short term, weaker, because if political fallout worldwide. Long term, the most unified alliance in all of Planet Bob, is now more unified. Despite who thinks what about us, we win.

    64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history? Funny, this question is philosophical, and usual I embrace that. Maybe I will come up with an answer to this later, right now, I dont have the energy.

    66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future? A return to honour.

    67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future? To roll NPO a month before terms end...DUH. In reality, that course is for others to chart, not me.

    68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept? No way, you never know when the next crap CB will be concocted to tech raid them.

    69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do? You signed an MADP. You have no choice. In the future, pick better friends. For now, blow stuff up.

    70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion? Honor is fleeting. I watch alliances hail other alliances for abiding by treaties. It is hailed as honor. That alone proves that 99% of this world has no clue what honor is. The truth is, the only way to be TRULY honorable on this planet is to have no treaties, and enter wars based solely on which side is in the right, and which side is in the wrong. Other than this, honor is just a buzz word.

    71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong? GOONS died long ago. The restless dead are a pitiable sight. Ignore the flame.

    73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience? War experience. You dont need to be good at diplomacy to be successful at it. But you do need to be good at war to be successful at it. Need proof? GGA once said "NPO will show you why GGA doesnt need WRC's"....Nuff said.

    75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice? FOK and STA

    76. What makes a effective fighting alliance? Commone sense.


    77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance? If your community is strong enough, you fight and survive until you can sieze freedom. If your community is not strong enough, you shouldnt exist in the 1st place.

    78. Might makes right. True or false? Sadly, it was, is, and always will be true.

    79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result? Wasnt around for it. But, in regards to its history, lots of knives went into lots of back, on both sides, and within both sides.

    80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?(ooc): I think it only bears a similarity in as far as the individuals are willing to RP it. Other than that, the killing of people is rather arbitrary, which, in real life, doesnt usually go over so well.(ooc)

    81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price? Id say its about 50-50.. 3mil/100 is the price though.

    82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price? We dont do donations often.

    83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation) Dont know, really dont care.

    84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be? So many powder kegs sitting there right now. Picking one would be impossible.

    85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances? Its good in that it provides a sense of accomplishment to those who worked to get there. Other than that, its irrelevant.

    90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying) What? You mean all aliiances dont accept information? Oh wait... What others would do, I dont know, I would, in no circumstances condone active or encouraged spying. However, if someone came to me and said they had proof they could provide me with that harm was being planned of us, and as gov, my duty is to protect my members, damn straight Id take it and use it. Anyone who says they wouldnt...is a liar, and can consider themsleves to have been called a liar to their face by me.

    91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do? Depends on the CB. This is not a black and white issue, as it is not anyones place to determing what another entity may consider to be an act of war.

    93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more? I believe that if your alliance has no pre-set policy in its charter than nations who receive startup aid packages agree to repay those aid packages if they leave, then the alliance deserves to lose its $15 million.

    94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums? Absolutely.

    95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government) It depends on the situation. There are times I would pay willingly for someone else's actions. Especially if the counteractions were overly reactionary. PS..If I had to type action one more time that sentence, I would have imploded.

    96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government) Same as answer above.

    97. Quality or Quantity? Quality.

    98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty? If you dont, you arent worth the saliva in your own mouth.

    99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists? They will collect taxes and buy tech and infra, so thats something. I believe they will get sucked into world politics at some point.

    100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do? I guess we see Athens declare on NPO a 3rd time.

    PS: The moral of this thread, The Fookheads are full of loser leaders. Dont sign treaties with them.

  8. The answer is a tough one. But after weeks of contemplation within the Great Athenian Library, I have come to the conclusion that the annals of history will one day show the greatest leaders of all time to come from the following list of 2:

    1) RyanGDI

    2) Terry Howard

    Good day.

    Edited to add a 3rd name :

    3) polisofboy - Who not?

  9. Curious...I have no problem with the resolution mind you but...why does this seem like it was written to improve Athens' PR at every step? You practically stumble over yourself trying to get that across. :v:

    I would hardly call pointing out that we are not jerks...falling over himself. Perhaps, just maybe, its because we really aren't jerks?

  10. Ive been on the GOONs AA for the past what 2 days... But eh im always down for some fun. I can check you off my list now.

    Should have kept my mouth shut about collect and building GCs :P

    Not that it matter one iota. But this is inaccurate. You were on Global Order of Darkness within the last 2 hours. On GOONs Seniorty list, you are at 0 days. Which means that since update last night you were not on at least one other AA. Its really a minor detail, so one might question why you would lie about it....one MIGHT.

  11. Well just to get everything right, I ghosted Kronos App with out permision, while I was looking for a new home. And GOD doesnt condone anything, but the GOONs do. And what, can I not try to help the mentally challenged out? Considering im part of the reason all this went down, and that 3 alliances are involved that im pretty close to are at war right now. I dont see how I wouldnt be involved

    Mentally challenged? Classy.

  12. No, the right choice was to be a nice little insignificant alliance and get a protectorate. They should have known damn well what they were getting themselves into by making such brash claims of resistance with not a single ally to their name. You can't change the system. They have every right to try, but it's not going to happen.

    Cant change the system? Thats a load of crap. There is no system. If there were a system, it would be universal. See, there are alliances who allow raids on AAs of <15...other <10....others <5. It is each alliances choice. From the view of the alliance that only allows raids <5 , for example, they are playing just fine within the system, they have banded together sufficiently so as to make them off limits. When the system is fragmented into several sub-systems, who is to say what "the smart thing to do" is.

  13. Yes I can read, can you? I assume you havent read this entire thread, because if you did you would realize that they had no plan what so ever.

    They didnt even think of coming to a peaceful resolution. They didnt plan anything, they didnt blitz, they didnt militarize, most didnt even change defcon, they didnt take into account that several of their nations will be bill locked or destroyed. To say that they based anything at all of past dealings is pointless because they didnt. The funny thing is I think Kronos and ROFL could have been pretty good friends had they been smart enough to use a diplomatic course of action.

    There is that word plan again. I dont see anywhere where I said they had a plan. I said they arrived at a not so illogical decision that this was the only means they had to defend themselves.

  14. If there was ever any question of our diplomatic willingness to resolve rogue actions peaceably, ask any of the numerous people we have resolved issues with. Of course we probably wouldn't have paid reps, as their alliance isn't connected to anybody important, but we might have let them go. At least once they got a proper protectorate agreement with somebody anyway.

    See. this statement does nothing but SCREAM that they made the right choice. We MIGHT have let them go? You really did prove that they took the only course available to them. Its not a knock on you, run your alliance how you see fit, but, they clearly made the right choice.

  15. I don't think anyone is challenging R-LIMBO's right to enact stupid policies that end in severe harm to them. We are merely commenting on just how stupid the policy is, and is no replacement at all for allies.

    For perspective of their 11 nations in war mode, 10 are in anarchy. They have accomplished nothing.

    What are accomplishments measured in exactly? And who exactly are you, a member of an alliance who earlier in this thread, reiterated that pixels mean nothing to you (a view I happen to share, by the way), to measure what someone else's accomplishments. They have lost pixels, which by your own definition, mean nothing. What exactly is it that makes them have accomplished nothing, if they have lost nothing?

    Edit on accomplishments.... Athens was utterly decimated in the noCB war. I believe at the time that terms were signed, we were 42 members, all in anarchy I believe. We clearly accomplished nothing. I hope that puts what I am trying to say into perspective.

  16. You are implying that RLMMO had a plan, from what I have heard and seen they dont have any sort of plan at all. Well unless you count a pointless suicide rush.

    Yes, I clearly implied they had a plan. Reading comprehension FTW!

    I said it is perfectly reasonable to look at a war screen, see who is raiding, and then determining, based on reputations and past actions, whether or not a trip down the diplomacy lane, would be worth it. Lets face it, if the raid was legal, and they came seeking a diplomatic solution, and even if they got one...future raids would STILL be legal. Its not unthinkable that they would come to the conclusion that all 14 of them are probably destined to be raided anyways. So, they decided to cut out all the intermediary nonsense and take the plunge.

  17. So you're saying if one member from Athens raided one member from Unprotected Micro Alliance X, it is one hundred percent acceptable for that raided alliance to declare war on Athens and proceed to declare wars against everyone but the one that committed the act of raiding? Without attempting to talk to see what was up?

    Of course its 100% acceptable. The only requirement for it to be 100% acceptable, is for them to do it. I have no place trying to force upon someone what is acceptable and what is not. If the raided nation had a clue as to our recent mishaps, and came to the conclusion that dealing with us diplomatically would be unfruitful, yeah, I would completely understand that. I am under no delusions that the honus is now on Athens to reshape its image.

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