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Rush Sykes

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Posts posted by Rush Sykes

  1. You realize you're in the alliance that full out tech raided a 30 man alliance right?

    And I for one think the "ROFLMAO War" is a funny and cute name. Grow an ability to see humour.

    I really dont need you telling me which alliance I am in, I am well aware of where I reside. I neither approved of, nor participated in that raid. I was not pleased at all that it happened, and have been outspoken about it ever since. So, your attempt to paint me with that brush, pretty much fails. My post had nothing to do with you raiding, or your right to raid. Feel free to continue raiding. My post was 100% about the logical conclusions that RLMMO made concerning those who were raiding him. If it were Athens raiding him, given our recent history, I would have no trouble accepting that SAME logical conclusion by them. I know sometimes is difficult to accept anything that isnt a mindless hail to your side, so let me be clear about this, my post was never intended as an attack on you, or your alliance, it was merely a not-so-far-fetched logical conclusion that RLMMO could have easily arrived at. Their reply, in that context, is the correct reply.

  2. Clearly RLMMO should have went to the raiders and accepted a token sum of cash to allow their soveriegnty to be stomped all over. After all, this is the "accepted practice" on this planet. Every time any situation arises on this planet, people rush into the discussion seeking to wrap everything up to into a nice neat little package as to how it should be dealt with. I, for one, applaud this course of action by RLMMO. Entities outside of RLMMO have no business whatsoever imposing their "standards" on RLMMO, or anyone else for that matter. It is not a stretch, nor an unreasonable conclusion, in the eyes of RLMMO, given who the raiding alliances were, that they would be summarily dismissed. It seems reasonable to me, that RLMMO believed that so long as they fell into the raiding alliances' "accepted" size to be ok for raids, that more raids would be in their future. I believe that RLMMO felt that this was the only logical course of action. Of course, most people won't bother to take an impartial look at it, because, they did not follow the "standards." And, we all know, that "standards" are a must.

    Watching all of the boasting of the military prowess by the side that has numbers almost Hegemonomical-like on their side, is both classy and reminiscent...which is a good thing...it is always good to remind the world of why things happen as they do. That being said, carry on with your war.

    Final note, to all of those people using ROFL, or LMMAO..Or any of the other disrespectful twistings on RLMMO's name, show just a little bit of class and respect. You are neither cute, nor funny.

  3. Well, Bilrow isn't late on his reps, so I dunno.

    In order to be LATE...would not a schedule 1st have to exist? Maybe I am wrong...maybe...but not likely. Ni! will get their reps. That is a fact. If the present time frame is not an issue for them, as it clearly is not, it really is not the business of anyone else involved. When a number is agreed on, and we fall behind on the sending...THEN, we will be late. I hope you now understand what late means. If not, find me in #Athens and I will gladly explain further.

  4. Lets say, because I don't like Athens, I instantly start liking Ni! Originally, it has nothing to do with Ni!, but Athens, though that still doesnt mean I don't care.

    While I understand the obvious joke here contained, maybe you should leave Bilrow alone and fix your mess.

    Its just an idea,...

    Sweet...Delicious...Irony. Perhaps Bilrow should leave us alone....and start fixing some messes on the homefront as well.

  5. OOC: Posting pictures of underage girls in their panties, really isn't the idea how to play a on line politics/nation building game. While poking fun is,..fun, lets have some lines. There are boards for this utterly childish and pathetic sense of humor. Let lose there.

    IC: I really do hope that the amount of reps get settled and send, sooner rather then later.

    Of course you do, you care only about Ni!'s well being...it really is quite touching.Perhaps if they had a viceroy...they would be more easily accessible.

  6. Take the dick out of your $@!.

    False information was spread all around. Research was done. The link was followed. As stated - WF did research and was told that that 404 error comes up upon deleted messages. Clearly they'd have had to follow the link to know it lead to a 404 error. Dumbass.

    With that said, KDII is welcome to come by to discuss a resolution to what was clearly a huge play against his alliance.

    The fact still remains tho - his members, including his MoIA who should know better than any other member of the alliance the status of this DL's membership in the alliance, followed false orders. This is a huge issue they need to work with internally.

    And clearly WF must learn every in and out of every piece of technological equipment in order to know better when something is being faked since, you know, all of you seem to know it all inside out yourselves. <_< Bad WF. ITT Institute of Learning is for you.

    Nobody expects them to be members of the Geek Squad. But, there has to, at some point in time, be a lightbulb that goes on when EVERYONE , and I mean EVERYONE outside of VE and WF were going.... "wait, something isnt right about this"...At that point, cooler heads should have prevailed, and more investigation given. You were in a position of overwhelming power...taking an extra update to make damn sure all the I's were dotted and t's were crossed, would have been even MORE prudent, because one more day would not have suddenly allowed UED to get strong enough to actually be a threat.

  7. Raj was a former WF gov member who was ousted for acting completely bizarre, yelling about wanting to start a war, etc (I'll just say Dilusonal Leader was a very appropriate name).

    No one was incompetent here, both sides acted exactly as they should have given the information they were being fed. I hope KDII contacts WF immediately so we can get this rectified.

    Wow, this is a disappointing reach from someone who's alliance I hold a great deal of affection for. Both sides did absolutely NOT act the way they should. Due diligence needs to be applied, and it was clearly not.

  8. Can the same analysis not apply to KDII's screen shot as well?

    Your automatically concluding that VE or WF faked a screen shot over this, which is absolutely absurd and offensive. Your not even considering the fact that the nation himself faked it, or that KDII faked his own, both which or much more possible. Your myopic stance combined with some of your bizarre posts in the other thread make you seem completely out of wack.

    That's exactly what I'm saying. KDII is saying the SS that WF received was fake, therefore he is opening himself up to the presumption that his SS that he provided was also fake (and therefore the war was equally valid because he would nothing to say that it was not a preordained effort except "nuh uh"). I think we are saying the same thing and reaching two different conclusions, both which are valid given the circumstance of the question.

    I fail to see how him saying that wF's screenshot was faked, in any way opens him up to the PRESUMPTION that his ss if also faked. While it is indeed possible that his is a fake, an accusation of someone else's being fake does not lead to a presumption of his own being faked. I think I know what you are trying to say, but I am reasonably certain that presumption is a horrible word choice for this instance.

  9. Correct. Hoo was a viceroy over...I think it was Bushido, but I'm probably wrong about the alliance. But it did happen and IIRC, it actually benefited them significantly in terms of getting reorganized.

    Fact is viceroys can be a good thing if they are done right and the subject alliance lacks sufficient members who are interested/have time to be in government and lead. To the extent that NPO took them, not so much.

    I think the very notion that a viceroy is ever a good idea is beyond absurd. It is the ultimate form of one alliance saying to another that has just been beaten down, "you now must adopt our political view of the world in order to survive." It is nothing less than utter subjugation, and is a material representation of the arrogance of the leadership of the winning alliance. If an alliance lacks active membership to hold gov spots, the alliance should probably not exist. Having a viceroy will not magically make members more active. As for helping the alliance reorganize, there is no shortage of helpful alliances on CN that could aid an alliance in reorganization following a war, and just about any one of them, would be a better choice than having to accept subjugation from the alliance that has just beaten you down.

  10. I find it funny that Athens actually has the balls to call someone a coward. It's shocking coming from the alliance that values infra more than conviction.

    Didn't you back down because you didn't want to fight a war even though you thought you were in the right oh, a week ago?

    I love hypocrites and cowards :lol1:

    In all honesty, this reply shows about as little an understanding of a circumstance, as is possible in this world.

    On topic...

    o/ Azaghul.... you my good man, will be missed.

  11. meh, i think "hunting down your family" threats deserve nothing less...its in essence a game and people should keep it at that and not take jabs at that persons real life.


    Maybe he meant finding his family IC, perhaps a suicide bomber in his capital? Just sayin...

  12. TOP -4 ..It is difficult to give an alliance that has done so much for me, such a low score. But, I think the fact that Panfilo is a member of this alliance, loudly shouts to the world that they may well be stat huggers. I do love Frydchikn.

    MHA -8...Fantastic group of people...Maybe a little overreactive at times, but that is part of their charm.

    Sparta --9... Sparta of now is not Sparta of old.... Very underrated, and Im sure they kinda like it that way.

    NpO --9....Amazingly loyal community, I really wish our alliances had closer ties.

    IRON -2... I love Londo, but we rarely agree on things. But he is spot on here..... Leave the nest IRON, lead, dont follow.

    ODN -6.... Dont know them much, but my opinion is favorable from what i do know.

    FARK -6... GREAT community, excellent military, and some of the funniest people on IRC

    GPA -5 MEH--Neutrality FTL

    NPO -4... Generally, I despise the way they operate, the arrogance with which they approach everything, but some of the people I fought in the war, were cool as hell.

    FOK -8... Fantastic group of guys, had nothing but amicable dealings with them every time I have had to.

    MK -10... There simply are not enough superlatives in the english language to equate the amount of win these guys have. I would charge into the pits of hell with them , and for them.

    WTF -4....Impressive stats, but MEH.

    TOOL -5... I know nothing of them.

    TDO -4...See also GPA and WTF

    VE -7... Stand-up guys, great military...Fun to chat with.

    Legion -5... I know little of them.

    RoK -10...I owe Hoo a personal debt of gratitude that I hope to one day be able to repay.

    GATO -5... I generally like these guys, but I have some general reservations.

    CSN - 5....Dont know all that well....I will work on that.

    Athens - Wont rate for obvious reasons.

    Gremlins -10....Merge with us...please? Seriously, I love these guys.

    MCXA -5...Not sure what to make of them. I know they are better off without the riff-raff that formed TSO, so thats a plus.

    UPN -5...Purple has issues that drag the whole sphere down.

    RIA -6...I reall dont know them at all, but I love the way they play.

    STA -7.3233443.... I used complex mathematics to determine that from a base of 5(meaning I dont really them too well), my opinion of them goes up by .0000007 every time I agree with one of Tygas posts. Do the math, that happens ALOT.

    Invicta- 3... They ALWAYS seem bitter about something.

    RnR -5....Dont know them.

    MASH -7....Great allies.

    NADC -3....Recent events.....

    WAPA -5...Dont know.

    NV -5...Dont know.

    NSO -6.5....I love the theme, not a big fan of their FA. Most times, arrogance is a turn off...but their arrogance fits the theme.

    NEW -5...Great theme, dont really know them though. Plus, TPF ties are a drag.

    MA -6....This has improved over time, they used to annoy me.

    Umbrella -6....You want these guys on your side in the rain. That's for sure.

    FAN - 5 (could be a 9, but for personal reasons, I will leave it at a 5)....More respect for what their core membership did over the last 2+ years, than I could possibly muster for any other AA.

    LoSS - 6...What little I know of them, is pretty ok.

    TSO -1....Most deserving alliance to be rolled in the game today.

    NATO -6.... Improving all the time.

    Nordreich -5...Dont know them at all.

    GR -9 CnG members, nuff said.

    Vanguard -9 See above.

    GOD -5 MEH

    FoB - CnG....plus I heard they beat Tampa Bay by 3 TDs...

    PC -5.5....They are our allies, but a) I dont really know them and B) I have some reservations about them.

    Valhalla -4....MEH...Something irks me about them.

    GGA -6...getting better all the time.

    TPF -1... Next to Echelon, the most stunningly egotistical group on all of PB. Even disbandment would be too good for them.

  13. I am not really sure that I find this thread to be antagonistic at all. I could be naive and wrong, but thems the breaks. I do believe that New Londo was fully aware that he was handpicking stats to fit his mold, and Im pretty sure that he knew that some form of rebuke existed for the war stats. I believe , truthfully, that this was intended as humor. I cant speak for everyone, nor would I presume to, but, I, as an Athenian, found this thread to be quite fun. Id even buy New Londo a beer. Well played.

  14. Of course Penguin, merging is a great way of increasing score, and a major hedgemonic conflict is the perfect time to beef up on members. Again, I simply want to set the record straight that it is not war that causes Athens to grow, but our paradigm.

    This man has uncovered our master plan! Wait till we force MK to merge with us shortly after the next war!

  15. This topic would have a relevant purpose if ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE actually truly played this game in a remote form of "In Character." But, regardless of what ANYONE says, nobody plays this game in the RP of a leader of a nation on a planet. We all play the game primarily as individual characters minus the dice rolling of stats.

    If this game were to be played IN CHARACTER, with each player ruling a nation of inhabitants that are all "alive"...we would not have assinine things like ZI-ing nations (yes, for ANYONE even remotely attempting to be IN CHARACTER, this is KILLING PEOPLE) for things like zOMG Spying. Spying has happened, does happen, and will always happen, both in the real world and on Bob. Nope, this is not an RPG.

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