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Rush Sykes

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Posts posted by Rush Sykes

  1. I quit to continue fighting in the war that I was informed by Archon I supported leaving, when I did no such thing(it was Bat's fault, not blaming Archon for this) is slightly different than I quit, due to the fact Bat screwed up royally by doing so, and he has a history of doing these things, as Dutchy can attest to, I was told MBP and Batallion voted him out of Trium, when just Batallion made that decision on his own.

    This is what you dont seem to get. When Battallion did that, you had the choice of having you and MBP remove him...via the provisions in the charter. Instead, you QUIT. Regret after the fact, does not change the fact. YOU STILL QUIT. The MOMENT you quit, you left IRAN with 2 triumvirs. The decision-making was no longer up to you. Im not sure why this is such a difficult concept to grasp.

  2. If you don't like what's going on, why not try being dictator of IRAN and change it yourself? It seems to be the popular course of action these days.

    Really, all I want is for someone to acknowledge that the charter of IRAN seems to be nothing more than a huge roll of TP to EVERY gov member of that alliance.

  3. This an internal IRAN issue.

    As such, only those who work in Internal Affairs should comment on this issue.

    New Sith Order Internal Affairs recognizes Mogar as a lawful Triumvir of IRAN, and endorses his expulsion of Battalion for his usurping and cowardly ways.

    I am VERY curious as to how someone in "Internal Affairs" can so blatantly ignore the charter of the alliance in question. I realize that sounds sarcastic, but I would seriously like an explanation.

  4. But I'm not an outsider, I was in the alliance not even 12 hours before I rejoined, and the only reason I left was because I refuse to accept a peace that I was told I signed, when I didnt sign it.

    Sigh, I feel like im talking to a wall. You cant take back the fact that you resigned. You can wish you didnt, you can kick yourself for it, you can throw a temper tantrum in the cereal aisle of the grocery store. You STILL resigned. The government that brought you back to government, did not have the authority to do so. Does that not matter at all?

  5. TMBP came to me yesterday morning regarding Batallion, we discussed the situation with nano and bibilophile, the other two members of IRAN government and deciding that me coming back and Batallion being removed from government was the best course of action considering his actions, I would have voted for the peace terms and was online at the time, as was manbearpig, he simply chose not to inform us.

    What you and the other 2 gov members, from a legal standpoint, mean nothing. Either the charter is upheld or it isnt. If it isnt, then your alliance isnt worth fighting for. Look, I know you wont see it, but this is nothing personal against you. This is simply about whether or not the good faith of the charter of IRAN means more than any one man. I hope that for us in Athens, it does. In fact, knowing these guys as my brothers, I have no doubt of it. Regardless of how this turns out, I hope it works out well for everyone. But, I will not change my opinion of you being an outsider trying to coup a legal government under the IRAN charter.

    Edit for clarification...Battallion has acted like a snively 12 year old, the only difference is, he did not resign his post(something he should strongly consider at this time.)

  6. If their leader became a dictator like ours did, I would hope they would.

    His declaration of being the only triumvir was illegal as all hell. I dont deny that. But TMBP is the ONLY one with legal standing to challenge that. Unless you want an alliance base on a contest of who can spit on their charter and blow their noses on it the most.

  7. It's entirely in question. If you claim one triumvir acted out of charter after another did, the other is at fault as well. If Mogar had acted solely in breaking the charter, you could claim it was all his fault. He didn't sign peace terms, he continued the war for a bit.

    No, it is NOT in question. I concede that Battallion violated rules by entering the peace agreement. At that point, Mogar and TMBP had 2 options. 1) Be Happy with peace or 2) Remove Battallion. See, the charter says that a triumvir can only be removed by the other 2. Instead, Mogar RESIGNED....He was NO LONGER A TRIUMVIR....at THAT moment, a 3rd Triumvir would have to be appointed BEFORE Battallion could be removed. This did NOT happen. Instead, Mogar just unilaterally decided that he was sorry and he was a triumvir again....Sorry...doesnt work that way...PERIOD. Mogar has friends, and friends are good, but he has no legal standing here, and some people are too busy being his friend to admit to that.

  8. I took action after being informed that I wasn't the only one kept out of the loop from the peace terms, and I've apologized for making such a rash decision, but by all means, if the public support shows he'd be a better leader than I would, by all means I'll step down.

    it matters not what public support says. it matters what your CHARTER says is the recourse of action. Nowhere in the charter does it say "regret over resigning undoes a resignation." Maybe all of your popularity has garnered you some support because you are better known, but there is nobody on this forum who can make a rational argument to make your stance, and your impeachment of Battallion legal under your charter. Like it or not, you are committing a coup on an alliance you are not even a member of. And many in public are supporting you. I woner if they would do this within their own alliance. I certainly hope the answer to this is no.

  9. Mogar isn't the only one at fault for performing acts without everyone's written permission. Sadly, Dear Leader Battalion has decided to take matters into his own hands a bit and play with rules, as well as provide false support for his regime by the other triumvirs.

    This point is not in question. But if Mogar resigned b efore taking any action against Battallion, then he has nobody to blame but himself, and he has no legal authority within their charter to remove Battallion. Either the charter matters or it doesnt. It cant be had both ways.

  10. Batallion broke the charter first by making an alliance decisions without consulting either of the other Triums, so why not follow your own advice?

    My nukes are waiting for the 24 hour waiting period, You cant win against me, you have an even smaller warchest than I do.

    If that is the case, and it may well be, then you and TMBP should have moved against him immediately and taken the legal recourse required to remove him. If, however, you quit, before you took said action, then be quite honest and stand-up about it...YOU REMOVED YOURSELF FROM ANY DECISION-MAKING PROCESS IN IRAN. If the charter you agreed to uphold by taking a trium position in IRAN, means that little to you, then by all means, carry on.

  11. I think it depends on how it breaks the charter. If the Charter has to be breached for the good of an alliance, there's just no avoiding it, sadly.

    If it is legal to break a charter, then the charter holds no meaning and should not be written. The only question to me that is important is....DID MOGAR RESIGN....if he did....then this matter does not and should not concern him, he would not be in IRANs government. Maybe I just view the sactity of the charter differently than everyone. But the charter issue is one that is being conveniently ignored by Mogars supporters. And to make my stance clear...if Mogar did not resign, then he has MY full support in this. If he DID resign, its time to face the fact that he removed himself from the equation, and move on.

  12. I have absolutely no stake in this, and for the most part dont care. But I would like to know if the people supporting Mogar just because he is Mogar...realize that he LEFT IRAN to form a new alliance(thereby leaving them 2 triumvirs)...The IRAN charter says that the 3rd triumvir position can only be filled by a unanimous vote of the other 2 triumvirs. Clearly Battallion wouldnt suport this. So someone explain to me how Mogar is still a triumvir? And if Mogar, who by decree of their own charter, is not a triumvir, would have any authority to impeac Battalion? Now like I said, I really could care less. But the alliance was chartered out of a sovereign entity. How many of you all would hail or support any governmental change in your alliance that inherently violated the charter to which you all agreed to uphold? I also realize that this makes Battallions claim of "sole triumvir" also wholeheartedly illegal. But, at the very least, he was STILL in gov when he did it. I dont support him, but come on people, dont support the 1st lawbreaker just because he is well-known....

    At any rate...Good luck sorting this out, you will need it.

  13. Just fashionable late to the party...as usual.

    As for people having complaints and disappointments, I suppose those are justified, mostly.

    We have wronged, and we have been wronged. If anyone tried to stop this mess, it was us, if anyone is mad at how this came about, it is us. Our entrance is not fair, not just, not glorious, not honourable, it is the grim work we must do as our efforts to prevent this failed and that which we thought stable collapsed.

    There is no reason to gloss over the truth, or rationalize that which is madness.

    I sympathize with many of those that complains in this thread, I despise many of those that hails us in this thread.

    The Platypus will drink the blood of those we fight, it will rip the flesh from their bones, but it does so out of hunger, of necessity, there is no pleasure from hunting in dark waters. It yearns to feast upon the souls of our true enemies, and it's hunger is great.

    This is probably the most spot on reply that anyone has posted to anything in recent days. TOP has admitted to have wronged, and like any other entity on Bob, they have been wronged. Probably both more than one time. I have many friends residing within TOP(OOC: I am a Re-roll, and was formerly Master Plo Koon from FINAL). In reality, almost all alliances on this game have committed wrongs. Probably all, not almost in actuality. I take Bodvars post, and maybe I am wrong, as something similar to "let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone." Being defacto on the side of Karma, and despising parts of Karma is fine. Sometimes the name of justice requires uneasy alliances. The only thing i would ask of TOP(and NPO and IRON for that matter), is for individual members to look at the past, look the sum total of actions that you have taken part in, and ask yourself this... "Even if I despise parts of Karma, have I(we) not, at some or many points in time, done the exact same things?" Bob evolves, and this is just another manifestation of the evolution of Bob. Well past this day, someone will be power. We know not who. They will be wronged, and they will commit wrongs. It might even be the same cast of characters as today, only time will tell that. I ask only that everyone remember Bodvars 1st sentence in his post. And think....do you fit that sentence too? Thank you all for your time.

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