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Everything posted by Grabem

  1. [quote name='mhawk' date='11 February 2010 - 12:09 AM' timestamp='1265864957' post='2173979'] If you didnt learn it in the 5 months of war TPF has been in this past 12 months, then you're never going to learn it. [/quote] Yeah, I thought our policy was to throw new members into the deep end of [s]the pool[/s] a war and hope that they learn to [s]swim[/s] fight.
  2. [quote name='igotsacane' date='10 February 2010 - 11:51 PM' timestamp='1265863907' post='2173934'] Maybe we can share war guides after this... [/quote] We have a war guide?
  3. I'm sorry but I lol'd at that last image too. Here's to the day this war ends.
  4. It was a good fight even if short lived. Good luck rebuilding.
  5. This is certainly interesting. Good luck getting everyone out of harms way.
  6. I'm gonna have to echo this. We had some great times back in TPF. It's sad that all of this had to happen. I wish only the best to you guys whether you are leaving CN or heading to another alliance.
  7. Why send me to hippy if I don't get the chance to come out and fight? Well at least this didn't blow up into another catastrophe for all my beautiful pixels.
  8. Not necessarily so. Sure all forms of government 'when run well' accomplish their goals but of the simple governments monarchy is the strongest. Especially in time of crisis it has been proven that power must be in the hands of one man. Even in freedom loving states like Athens a Strategos would always become de facto ruler during a crisis. Rome, despite fearing the oppression of a king, would appoint a temporary dictator for the duration of the crisis. It is also just natural to have one man in charge of things. Democracy had broken down the strength of institutions that were formerly very strong because of a monarchical structure. Of course a mixed form of government is best a strong executive is still required in times of crisis (perhaps a monarchical Evil Overlord with a group of aristoi, the best, supporting him as magistrates). You may have a valid point that it is generally in the best interest of a state to change leadership from time to time but that does not prove that monarchy is a poor choice. It simply shows that the demos are simply not acting as public citizens in the best interest of the state and also that perhaps a more mixed system should be used.
  9. I disagree. There are examples of despots in history but there are also numerous just monarchs and tyrants (in the traditional meaning of the word) throughout history. In Cicero's The Republic one of the greatest defendants of the republic admits that all of the kings of Rome except for the last one (I assume we all know what happened there by the work of Junius Brutus) were just and fair rulers who developed Rome into the power it became. If we go back even further to Greece and its "Age of Tyrants" we see many fantastic rulers like Peisistratus, Cypselus, and Periander. I don't think anyone can say that Julius Caesar or Augustus Caesar were despots. They dissolved the republic and were extremely ambitious but they were just and ruled in the interest of Rome, not themselves. If we look at the numerous monarchies of Europe until the last couple centuries we can see many single rulers who are governing the way they should. There may be numerous examples of abuse but there are even more examples of just rule. A polity can easily fall into ochlocracy because the people are fickle and focus so much on the short term and personal gain. As great as equality is, sometimes you need the aristoi not the kakos to be making the important decisions.
  10. Perhaps they may be more likely to abuse the power and become a tyranny but they are the most effect government when run properly and the least destructive when run poorly. Ochlocracy is quite possibly the worst thing that could happen to a government. Planet Bob requires an even greater emphasis on military and a strong executive to lead an alliance quickly and in a single unified direction. Without a doubt it is always best to have one person in control.
  11. Democracy is not the best form of government. Monarchy is always best so long as you have a just leader. I'm assuming of course that you are not pushing a democratic peace theory.
  12. My printer ran out of color and printed in that goofy purple/pink, smeared watercolor, fruit punch vomit style. Somebody remind me to try it again when I replace my ink cartridge.
  13. I'll print out that good behavior certificate and put it up on my wall now.
  14. I would just like to dump my sincerest thanks on top of what the rest of TPF has said. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped/is helping us. It will not soon be forgotten.
  15. It's great to read good news like this. Thanks for the help.
  16. It's good to finally see peace. CitizenKane, you are the best I've ever fought... a worthy adversary.
  17. It is sad to see friends leave the field of battle. Good luck getting back on your feet and may we fight side by side in the future.
  18. It's sad to see some good friends leave. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
  19. I expect more war now that we've hit the terrible twos.
  20. o/DOOM Plenty of enemies to go around. How many alliances are hitting TPF? I certainly lost count. I count around 25 TPF/NSO wars. I don't think that is half bad all things considered. Maybe you'd be a little less hostile on the forums if you declared on someone in game.
  21. You're kidding, right? I guess we should just all go in and max out our attack slots and then get counter attacked and end up with 6 wars per person. Yeah, that sounds like a brilliant plan. There is no place in this game for any form of strategy after all. We don't want to actually think things through. No it's better to just go barreling in head first and get in over your head. Better that than getting called a coward on the forums. God forbid that someone who's opinion I care so much about should say something like that.
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