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Everything posted by GTTofAK

  1. No the key word is projection. Sponge is projecting. Yes sponge we know what you did to Polaris. Now can we please stop reliving your epic failures and talk about Pacifica.
  2. I was speaking to my experience as a soldier grinding down a powerful alliance. Not everything is about leading alliances sponge. Not everything is about a bunch of egomaniacs stroking their own egos. Most nations rulers are not alliance leaders. And if you think that the average soldier is going to put up with months and months of fighting Vox's war you are dreaming. Really? Ok my head is spinning sponge. Do you expect them to do nothing or do you expect them to take us out?
  3. I understand that you have this nocturnal fantasy of the NPO being annihilated but that’s all it is, a wet dream. Do you honesty think that others are going to put up with months and months of brutal fighting because Vox wants it? You can come on the forums and complain all you want but the fact of the matter is that you have a worthless 900NS nation. At the end of the day you are expecting others to do the dirty work for you. From my own experience I can tell you right now that they are not going to do it.
  4. You know Jonathan looking at the logs its clear to anyone reading them that rather than truly trying to remedy your situation your true intention is to elicit responses that you can use to cast IRON in a negative light on the forum when you dump the logs. And this is not the first time you have posted such logs where its clear that your intent is not further your stated goal in the IRC conversation but rather to simply play a game of IRC gotcha. Perhaps you would be best served being a little bit more honest and a little less underhanded in your methods. Because for starters your little IRC games are plainly obvious to whom ever you are attempting to con into making a damning statement. Its no surprise to me in the least that those whom you have played these little games with absolutely despise you.
  5. Uh did you not read the part about internal conflict or are you just reading the parts you wanted to read?
  6. How did I know that was coming. Its not the same. I didn't say it was purely static. However, it is close enough to static that even with the added damage of the rare tech heavy nation like Syz it is no where near the growth of the nations. It is not a relative or anywhere close. Its far more static than it is relative. You are dreaming if you think for one second that anyone can through war alone destroy on the top alliances. That phase has passed. It passed about a year ago. And thats completely forgetting the part that those who are tech heavy enough to do some descent damage would also be the first to bail. It cant be done. You can threaten it. You can dream. And you can continue to dream but that age has past. I know how hard it was to chip through fan. The notion anyone can stomach what it takes to destroy a 22 million NS alliances is laughable.
  7. Uh no. The nations size means nothing. The mechanics of war are not relative. Just because you are 3 times as large you do not do 3 times the damage. Wars stop being relative very very early in a nations growth. People need to stop living in the past. The notion that any alliance or coalition of alliances can bare the task of completely destroying one of the major alliances is folly. You are living in the past if you think you can do it.
  8. Getting back to the point that the NPO would be destroyed. Its wishful thinking by those who have no understanding of the actual mechanics of war. Its seems that people likes sponge and Mogar think that everything is relative. That there is no difference between now and 2 years ago. What happened then can happen now. But that is a pipe dream. The mechanics of war are not relative they are in fact quite static. You may think that killing the NPO is like killing FAN. The NPO is a 22 million NS alliance. Killing it off is not the same as killing off 7 million NS FAN. Its 3 times as hard. Killing off the 7 million NS(I'm guessing) FAN was a brutal drag out fight and required the most dedicated soldiers. While the Vox zealots my be all for it what they want is for others to do it for them and no one has the stomach for that task. The state of affairs is that given the mechanics of war unless you can cause the alliance to break through internal strife there is no way you can destroy any of the top alliances. It is simply too hard and daunting of a task. And that is the reality.
  9. I didn't know it was possible to be on a cross and a high horse at the same time.
  10. Yeah we know, spongenations etc etc etc.
  11. The CoaLUEtion didn't make a mistake they were forced into a position. There is a difference. And today instead of just one Chris Kaos we have dozens.
  12. Throughout the history of the game our enemies have been nincompoops at the negotiation table. Hypothetically, and we have to keep this hypothetical because of how absurd the premises is, were your impossible situation ever to happen "our enemies" would undoubtedly screw it up.
  13. Nope the entire world cries for what but when we have one its always unjust and anything less than a 100% white peace is imperialism.
  14. I personally thanked every MK nation that sent me tech. And I cherished the obligatory 'go to hell' replies.
  15. I dont really think this thread is going to help your friends get off their remaining ZI lists. If we can expect one of these monuments to crapulence every time someone is let off of ZI than why should ever let them off? If I were any less trusting I would say that you would rather they remain martyrs to your cause than free. Or that you are a little bit bitter that in just a couple of weeks Ivan alone has done more to effect the state of the game than you have been able to do in months on end.
  16. This thread is in need of more Branimir. Shattenmann isnt nearly as funny or witty.
  17. You know Shattenmann the more I read these posts I cant help but think that you are just a little too understanding.
  18. OOC: Given their nature I've been of the opinion that Schattenmann should have never been posting these things in the IC forum in the first place so give me a break. How in the hell are you supposed to talk about a bunch of spied screen shots in an IC context?
  19. There was a lot more than simple understanding there. Especially Schattenmann's posts. But I can see why Vox would have such an understanding and empathy. After all they are not ones to judge without walking a mile.
  20. Quoting OOC posts from an OOC forum in an IC forum in an IC context? You mean like the OP? Or are we just going for more Voxocrisy? Nothing is more helpful to a community than a bunch of idealistic hypocrites. Wouldn't you agree doitzel?
  21. What? You have already muscled Star Fox out.
  22. I bolded the ironic part for you.
  23. We don't need the moral high ground. Vox needed the moral high ground to accomplish their goals. They needed it more than anything else on planet bob and it was the first thing they lost. I knew after the IRC raids that Vox was effectively neutered. Once again you are arguing till you are blue in the face. It doesn't matter what the reality was. It doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong about your use of multies. All that matters is that people believed you were using mulites. But that aside I do find it funny that your leaderless anarchistic alliance claims to know what everybody was doing.
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