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Marty McFly

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Everything posted by Marty McFly

  1. The Blue Balls War TBBW, nice ring
  2. Move along people, Penchuk just won the thread. So same time next week? Drinks are on me.
  3. lol my friends have questioned by participation the Polaris' private channel. I just brush it off as old friends from school because I don't feel like explaining anything.
  4. Of course, but I've never heard anybody use them before in or out of context.
  5. Can't beat blue in number of nations, ever. Its the most popular RL color and most new players will pick it and take blue trades right away.
  6. Enterprise has the same design as ours and the NPO's (the 8 triangles). Its black and tan.
  7. I have actually thrown the words "bloc" and "mutual defense pact" around during general class discussions about world affairs. Not a lot of people understood what exactly they mean, and they are supposed to be our educated youth :lol:
  8. Pure awesomeness, I wish I had the opportunity. Wouldn't it be hard though to use examples without having to explain the whole background and what not?
  9. You have to give me a copy When you get shot, go to the hospital, but still have a friend post on your alliance's boards saying you'll be back soon.
  10. Better not be a spoiler. I enjoy suspense!
  11. Well when these guys go into peace mode... http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_dis...Pacific%20Order
  12. Sorry sir, but the problem is with me and not my alliance. You see, I'm relatively new to these waters and may not have the best experience in analyzing the global climate. However, I can still try, which will give me the needed experience in the future to realize the error of my thinking and adjust them accordingly.
  13. War can't be close. The Unjust Path was formed a good month before war broke out. Of course the situation is a lot different today, but tension between two clear opposing sides has to build up first.
  14. Keep this bumped up so I can remember to tune in. This is going to be a great show tonight.
  15. I noticed a lot of hate/fear of the Blackstone Collusion. Why? I've seen 1 maybe 2 announcements from them. They seem to be all talk and looking to take some of Vox's market share in the anti-hegemony business. Can someone explain why many top level leaders even care about them? Spelling fail
  16. Ah well, looks like we have to wait a bit more for some drama.
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