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Everything posted by claphamsa

  1. [quote name='the masheen' date='10 April 2010 - 03:39 PM' timestamp='1270928381' post='2255719'] Yeah, but who knows? Maybe a group of nations in TDO will finally succumb to the boredom and nothingness that is a nuetral alliance and decide to create an alliance of rogue nations in an attempt to ZI someone after realizing they had just spent all that time doing absolutely nothing thus creating the mind set that planet bob is boring and figure that they might as well go out in a bang but during the attacks realize that planet bob can actually be pretty fun if you have a little chest hair and get into some scraps every once in awhile. What if that happens? [/quote] thats one hell of a sentence.... in both stupidity and length!
  2. [quote name='FreddieMercury' date='10 April 2010 - 12:25 PM' timestamp='1270916740' post='2255575'] Oh give me a !@#$@#$ break. Warbuck has made mistakes, sure, he's human. But this was not one of them. TDO's actions during this particular situation was utterly unacceptable. TDO's MoD was harassing your members trying to guilt them into quitting ADI, and TDO did nothing about it even after Warbuck tried days after days of diplomacy, if that wasn't a perfectly valid CB I don't know what is. This was still when you were buddy buddy with RoK, and they backed you up 100%. Now you're just digging up !@#$ on somebody who can't defend himself against these accusations, just so you can maybe score some brownie points with god knows who. Utterly pathetic. To think I once respected you guys. [/quote] its ok freddy not like anyone here respects you!
  3. [quote name='mco119' date='27 March 2010 - 07:19 PM' timestamp='1269731942' post='2238616'] It would appear, judging by the newest change to their situation, that they missed more than that... [/quote] lulz!!! yay
  4. [quote name='Schattenmann' date='27 March 2010 - 02:59 PM' timestamp='1269716374' post='2238463'] I thought I abolished the whole "ZI list" thing last year. [/quote] ADI missed the memo....
  5. ps., i dont hate ADI at least not any more than I hate 99% of BOB
  6. [quote name='Lord Tri' date='26 March 2010 - 03:18 PM' timestamp='1269631120' post='2237573'] Perhaps I am a little old-fashioned in my way of thinking, but isn't this whole "hate ADI" thing getting a bit old? At the same time, isn't it somewhat unjustified? I mean, maybe I belong in the loony-bin but here's my reasoning: 1. The TPF War occurred three months ago, many in the cyberverse would say "Get over it". 2. Many of you people could never point to anyone but John Warbuck, in case you missed the memo, he's not the boss anymore. 3. Since the TPF War, ADI has installed a new government, one that has publically announced it's disdain for the way the whole RoK situation was handled, and has stated that it does not condone the act of "log-dropping" in any way, shape, or form. So, what is left? Aside from old rhetoric and slander, what is left? Nothing. Also just to clarify, ADI is not "whining" or "begging for help". This type of message is very common in the cyberverse. It basically says "There's a bad guy out there, don't help him." It's really not that difficult of a concept to grasp, but kudos to all of you for thinking outside the box. [i]Lord Tri of Tribathia[/i] Lord High Sentinel of ADI [/quote] how long have people been hating on GGA? how many gov changes since it was REALLY justified? call me in 3 years, not 3 months
  7. [quote name='Magicalbricks' date='26 March 2010 - 02:10 PM' timestamp='1269627019' post='2237526'] Glad to see such a competent, sexy, hunkalicious nation was first on the scene after the act of roguery was committed. I am sure we should all send tech or other suitable reward to this "Magicalbricks" character, whoever he is. [/quote] im there with ya!!!
  8. [quote name='Lord Curzon' date='26 March 2010 - 12:35 PM' timestamp='1269621306' post='2237414'] oh you . I get the feeling there must be a special kronos training program; n00k raids 4 dummies. [/quote] mostly ample observations....
  9. I dont think ive ever seen such support for roguery!
  10. [quote name='andre27' date='10 March 2010 - 07:44 PM' timestamp='1268268580' post='2221525'] Perhaps it is, but i am not convinced that this policy is in the best interest of either the GGA or it's allies. [/quote] good thing your not in GGA then huh?
  11. [quote name='andre27' date='10 March 2010 - 07:35 PM' timestamp='1268268033' post='2221507'] The nations of the GGA were allowed to retaliate when attacked with nuclear weapons. A first strike policy however seems to guarantee that nuclear weapons will be used, while a "no first strike policy" had the option to keep the nuclear genie in the bottle. [/quote] anyone who thinks a war wont go nuke is stupid! like GGA no WRC stupid
  12. have you people seriously ready 84 pages of this crap? good god! /me loves cybernations!
  13. no NS amounts? Im too lazy to look!
  14. Im very impressed Gearhead actually found a way to get NADC to honor its treaties!
  15. ok, fair enough, but you are semi witty and entertaining.. RV is just a train wreck that never seems to end!
  16. So Ivan got tired of having a clown hanging around... and kicked you out?
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