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Everything posted by Owned-You

  1. *Sigh* More UN Drama...I grow tired of reading about this every day.
  2. Come To AZTEC. You know where we stand, where our values lie, and what we have to offer.
  3. Goodbye Old Friend, I didn't expect this at all. Best of luck in your journey. o7
  4. Well Spoken Comrade, And agreed on all points.
  5. 500k NS from 2 Mil. Quite Yummy Indeed.
  6. You've worn the mask of Doom for sometime now. Therefore, I shall give you the sole rights too it. Mr Manhattan is mine now though.
  7. Crazy isn't it? Oh well, we don't care for score...
  8. The Extended Non-Aggression Clause Is Nice. We follow a principle much like that in AZTEC, however it is not formally outlined in our treaties but simply cared out by our merit and word.
  9. We always post negative gains...lol
  10. I am in agreement that the newer members should be given peace soon. They have no reason to be subjected to the punishment that the Jarheads government has brought about on the alliance. My reasoning is simple, they are new members to the Cybernations community and likely have no knowledge of the politics of this game. The overwhelming majority are probably oblivious to being at war with so many alliances upon joining. Due to that, I suspect many will be driven away from the game soon. And I for one do not want to see a large crop of new players leaving, this game does not need that in the slightest bit ever regardless of the reasons. Now let me be clear, I do believe the Jarheads government along with the original nations involved with the conspiracy should be punished. However the new oblivious members who are unaware of such a plot or the reasons for this conflict should be spared. That being said, I'm quite sure nothing will come about from this topic in terms of an official response from the parties this is addressed too. However, I do think it's healthy to express public discussion in a matter such as this one.
  11. 56000 Tech Sounds Yummy...Good Show.
  12. Hopefully the trend continues...
  13. I luv me some Kaiser Indie Welcome again bro.
  14. Congrats on the treaty, I can tell this was signed for the right reasons.
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