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Style #386

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Everything posted by Style #386

  1. [quote name='ty345' timestamp='1303514655' post='2697152'] Pingu, you are aware the Schatt keeps the best information to himself, right? [/quote] Is this a sarcastic comment, or are you being serious here. I honestly can't tell.
  2. [quote name='Homeboy' timestamp='1303503171' post='2696935'] Things you need -Time -10 to 15 bank nations -Knowledge of the game The rest writes itself, if you build it they shall come. We at TPE started with 14 and 200k and we grew by our own will and power [/quote] Don't encourage him; we have enough mircoalliances. Also, I feel like you started with more than 200k ns.
  3. Voted "ODN are the biggest bullies". I don't think either are bullies. In the case of CoJ, I think that if one resorts to unconventional tactics, that one can expect an unconventional responses (an apology! Crikey, ODN are the bullies here!), and in the case of Methrage, he's spent a ridiculous amount of time gloating about beating up on smaller nations as if he's some sort of superior tactician, and [i]not[/i] a formerly large nation knocked down into the lower ranks, where his wonders and improvements come into play. Most of us don't have a problem with the fact that Methrage is fighting less-prepared nations than his own: it is a war; it's his incessant gloating that grates on the nerves. Most of us don't take it too personally that Schattenmann is reduced to annoying PMs and spying to achieve his aims: it's a war; it's his incessant complaining about very light terms (especially in light of the spying) that we take issue with.
  4. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1303503845' post='2696947'] While ODN might be doing well overall as a result of picking on relatively microscopic targets (how courageous of you), those small and new targets would have been wrecked by us older guys who are loaded with wonders and improvements. [/quote] Out of curiosity, who would you have us war? We're not in the centre of this conflict, so your "lol bold ODN is so bold lol" line only works if we're actually trying to play up our adversaries or involvement. We're not. Try again.
  5. Bear in mind that very few of these targets have SDIs. I know during TOp-C&G, I was constantly at war, always nuking and almost always the highest tech nation on my side. Of course, TOP and IRON have more SDIs than week-old nations, so inevitably quite a few were blocked (although I did end up with an unreasonably high success rate: somewhere in the vicinity of 65-70%). The amount launched is obviously large, but very unlikely to be a record of any sort. As for landed... maybe?
  6. [quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1303490335' post='2696704'] I am really having trouble with this idea. When you delete the massage what happens to the masseur/se? [/quote] They die in real life! [quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1303492063' post='2696727'] I hope that in time you'll realize what an idiot you've been. [/quote] I'm really hoping that he's ESL, but for some reason I'm doubting it.
  7. How does one delete a ... you know what, nevermind. You're as hopeless at Batallion.
  8. [quote name='darkfox' timestamp='1303476807' post='2696472'] Just be prepared for me to tell you "I told you so" if the terms get worse. [/quote] Insofar as I am aware, we have no desire to increase the severity of the terms.
  9. This isn't the response I'd be expecting from the leader of an alliance which has just been flagrantly attacked without cause, but I guess you don't have all that much of a choice, do you?
  10. [quote name='Havamil' timestamp='1303445709' post='2696249'] like it matters, since they are protected inderectly my MK and TPE through the little guys protecting em now [/quote] Eh? How do you reckon?
  11. What did or didn't happen to MK or any other alliance in days past is immaterial. Our GA decided that mass-messaging our Applicant AA is apology-worthy, and that posturing toward our protectorate is apology-worthy. Maybe we just like apologies. As mentioned, we don't hassle tech sellers or war with Applicant AAs. That's our way of doing things. Deal with it.
  12. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1303362762' post='2695291'] I wonder if being this stupid comes naturally or if Os has to try really hard? [/quote] Since you haven't the courtesy to even [i]try[/i] to make your post anything other than a dim-witted attempt at provocation, I don't see you getting many responses here, mate. Cheers for trying, but you leave an awful lot to be desired.
  13. [quote name='Pingu' timestamp='1303273690' post='2694280'] Agent Lunchtime tells me it's because Yawoo took all the morality with him when he left. Arsenal, I have never been on IRC and you know it. I am here due to my silliness senses tingling. [/quote] I actually intended to add a "+ Pingu", but it appears that I missed it. I'll go fix it up.
  14. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1303273969' post='2694284'] You should really talk to Athens before pointing fingers.. [/quote] Been there, done that. I think Londo or someone else in your group said that the Thriller nations leaving won't change anything. I happen to disagree.
  15. I can't really condemn trying to find ways to keep yourselves entertained, but I dislike the manner in which this happened and the fallout that is going to hit Athens. There has been a lot of not so subtle "If there is an Athens left to return to, hurr hurr" going on from a couple Thriller members. If Athens does not survive, I know myself and many others will hold the breakaway members the most responsible.
  16. [quote name='Keve69' timestamp='1303195450' post='2693410'] Well, I for one liked TWiP and similarly I also like TWiN. Also love the: "your not our side so this is terrible, I came and yawned, whats this supposed to prove, your slipping, etc." - the fact that ODN sent their entire OWF-squad to tell you how much you have slipped at writing this kind of stuff might very well indicate that you haven't [/quote] The "ODN Troll Squad" emerges. Actually, our "entire OWF-squad" bears an eerie resemblance to our "happened-to-be-on-IRC-at-the-time-+-Pingu-squad", but I'm sure that this is just a zany coincidence. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1303204238' post='2693474'] To be fair to Schatt, he does still think of me as ODN. [/quote] Get out Potato. You're bad news.
  17. [quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1303186580' post='2693213'] Wasn't talking about babbling itself. Would be pretty cool is vanilla members could view each others warn level on the ODN forums. [/quote] Ah, and you're so close! The more obvious, less scandalous solution is the one you're looking for.
  18. [quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1303186116' post='2693192'] Schatt forgot to corp a few images (what he fixed now) that clearly showed it was not just a vanilla member. [/quote] Nope, they are. I happen to be a vanilla member myself (my Sec Defing days are long past, apparently), and I've seen every one of those posts.
  19. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1303184984' post='2693144'] Given that there are probably screen shots there that an average member couldn't get, it's not so much what the screen shots are of but that fact that someone outside ODN has them that is the most interesting. [/quote] Hate to burst your bubble, but this is vanilla membership stuff here. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1303184984' post='2693144'] That said, none of this makes ODN look all that good, even if they aren't the most evil alliance loose on Planet Bob. [/quote] We're trying.
  20. [quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1303184576' post='2693137'] Way to miss the point former Sec. Defense. [/quote] 1) I am not, nor have I ever been Secretary of Defense. 2) The point I am trying to make is that, in spite of your rather outdated history in ODN, your attempts at analysis of the ODN have not manifestod in any meaningful sense. Put more plainly, you don't know what you're talking about.
  21. [quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1303184110' post='2693130'] Silly Pingu, this is why I deny you herring. You and I both know you are a very well respected former ODN government member that carries a vast array of weight in ODN politics. I'm not some outsider that doesn't know what he is talking about, so dispense with your casual deflections. Your words carry the weight of great importance to the casual ODN member. Quite frankly, I enjoy exploiting your silliness. [/quote] Pingu, prepare thineself! Yonder Yawoo approaches with a "vast array of weight" in ODN politics. The exploitation begins.
  22. [quote name='hizzy' timestamp='1303182823' post='2693114'] the best part about this is how many ODN'ers are butthurt and rushing to dismiss everything claiming Schatt's "lost it", when really this is the exact same stuff that had you hailing him during TWiP's debut. [/quote] If you actually find this as interesting as TWiP (much less interesting), I fear your opinions are going to lose quite a bit of credibility. Please try again.
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