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Everything posted by sethb

  1. If you call fighting for an ally a tantrum, then yes it was.
  2. Hopefully a few, I want something to blow up.
  3. I had high hopes for GDI's change, Oh well. Some funny logs of Ryan being cocky: <RyanGDI[GDI]> And frankly, VE chose the wrong ones to pick on. <RyanGDI[GDI]> So yes, hopefully there will indeed be a peaceful resolution for them <RyanGDI[GDI]> Because I think the alternative may cost them alot more grief and money than they seem to expect
  4. I wasn't telling YOU what you can and can not do. I have bigger issues than if some red micro alliances sign a treaty.
  5. After terms are up go for it, I could care less. You trying to make my posts appear as threatening are funny though.
  6. My apologies, I thought he meant with NPO included.
  7. Good luck with this. Also, Invicta we get it, you are in love with NPO, you don't have to remind us in every post.
  8. First off, Vilien and GDI solved their problems a while back. Second, mess with Vilien and I will end you.
  9. Vilien is a tactical genius, you can't bring him down.
  10. I love how the Sith are getting so butthurt over this. o/ Stickmen
  11. I just scratched my arm, do I need to make a thread about that?
  12. This is sad, I love seeing all the self righteous women get themselves in a tizzy over you.
  13. I think it's hilarious that NPO is claiming we will be prolonging terms by not having enough slots when we have 45 unfilled ones.
  14. And for all those accusing OV of selfishly taking reps from other alliances who fought along side us, I made sure that we were one of the last to pick our share to make sure the others got what they deserved.
  15. Meercats, if you are going to say !@#$ about my alliance actually know what the $%&@ you are talking about. You have 0 proof that we did anything. Looking at a screenshot does not mean we were actively colluding with them.
  16. I think Captain Flinders and KingSrqt win this thread.
  17. Pezstar, my post was blatantly sarcastic. Chill the $%&@ out, your faux-moral outrage is just stupid. I am thankful for all of those who fought alongside us and would in no way try and take what reps they deserve away from them.
  18. You know Letum, there is such a thing as finishing tech deals.
  19. Impero, for once you have said it better than I could.
  20. Dreadful terms! I am deeply scarred by this event, you should be ashamed Karma!
  21. Well, we lost over half of our NS, and over half ouf our members. You tell me.
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