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Everything posted by sethb

  1. Who said they wanted to be a part of your award ceremony?
  2. Congrats to GGA! I hope you guys continue with your successes. o/ GGA
  3. Pick me pick me, I've already attacked him once and killed him pretty bad.
  4. Can someone explain what's going on?
  5. I guess its a good thing I'm not here to make sure you understand every move I make.
  6. It didn't feel right being in OV without doing some form of work, if that makes any sense.
  7. I actually made the promise in my application haha. Thanks for all the well wishes guys!
  8. Don't you even dare try and claim I 'bailed'. Anyone can attest to the amount of time and effort I've put into rebuilding this alliance back to its former glory, So I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from speaking about matters that you have no clue about.
  9. Hey, you guys make for a great retirement home.
  10. I wish my OV brothers continued success, I know you guys will make me proud.
  11. Meh, I offered peace, I'll send you some reps or something for providing me with entertainment.
  12. So, this guy comes on OWF acting like a hardass and he can't even handle a 1v1 war?
  13. Nah, nothing like that. I'm just bored.
  14. I'm very tempted to attack you.
  15. I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can....
  16. Its always sad when you find you can't trust those once close to you. It's also sad Athens decided not to roll GRAN.
  17. I know some of what you went through, the Fran I've defended publicly and privately on more than one occasion is no more. Now she stabs her old friends in the back to further her own goals.
  18. Good luck, Asriel if you need anything give me a holler, us bakers gotta stick together.
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