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xR1 Fatal Instinct

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Everything posted by xR1 Fatal Instinct

  1. [quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1328070703' post='2912219'] I don't see him currently on my AA, or on my forums. Thank you though for your concern. [/quote] Like he wasn't? EDIT: Before you say [i]currently[/i], yes I know. [quote][22:02] <BloodFury> Also if you read the announcment the Bob/Joe faction cancelled on us. [22:02] <xR1[GPF]> i was just curious because Joe was on your AA [22:02] <xR1[GPF]> wondering if you sanctioned him being there [22:02] <xR1[GPF]> and yeah i know that [22:03] <BloodFury> He asked to ghost it. [22:03] <BloodFury> I've never turned down a friend.[/quote]
  2. So instead of helping the situation, you decide to take Joe and harbor him on your AA. Yeah, RoK is [i]real[/i] lucky to have you.
  3. [quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1327941912' post='2910658'] You've lost Your dignity for thinking signing an xR1 alliance is a good idea. Bravo on that one! Whether someone will test the treaty is irrelavent. [i]You just willingly signed xR1's alliance as an ally.[/i] [/quote] Jacapo, my groupie! You're late to the party! I was wondering when you were going to show up and start talking out of your ass.
  4. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1327892633' post='2910034'] If you are referring to Kait, from what I understand, she resigned and was declared a ghost. There is a huge difference between ghost busting and ZI'ing. [/quote] From what I've heard she never resigned. She stated her intent that she was going to leave after the war concluded, but she never fully resigned.
  5. [quote name='Garion' timestamp='1327844641' post='2909398'] Congrats, GPF. You gained a solid protector here. Now best thing you can do is getting rid of WANA. [/quote] He got mad when I told him ever since karma (atleast that's when I got into the game) the wars have been revolving around the Orders and he left.
  6. [quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1327818136' post='2909245'] I suggest you look up the difference between "trash-talking" and talking trash. [/quote] Well now that I look at it, it now makes more sense. I blame lack of sleep..
  7. [quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1327813516' post='2909202'] If only you put half as much effort into rebuilding as you do into really poorly talking trash. Bye bye Mj. [/quote] Sorry, misread.
  8. Roll GPF and roll Argent, but just leave my poor yawsh alone.
  9. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1327615568' post='2907596'] Yeah for sure this is totally happening And, if I may add a little bit of clarification, Hoo resigned from Ragnarok maybe 2 months ago and joined his own AA, The Bear Cavalry. Kait posted in Ragnarok's forums the intention of joining her husband after the conclusion of the war with CSN. Now that the war has been concluded, we consider Kait's words to be in effect and thus she is no longer a member of Ragnarok. Her remainder on the Ragnarok AA is not approved nor permitted by Ragnarok's government, and we do not hold any sort of protection over The Bear Cavalry. [/quote] Considering they just got things to calm down in their household, you typically wait til a resignation is posted to remove membership status (or the removal of Alliance Affiliate status). "Afer the conclusion of the war" is very vague and could have meant in a month or in a few days after the war. Both Hoo and Kaitlin were the leaders of Ragnarok and it saddens me to see you throw them under the bus so quickly. Albeit, yes that can be taken as a void of membership, you could have contacted her in such regards. None the less it is you, so I can't expect much else.
  10. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' timestamp='1327271333' post='2904981'] You do realize how insignificant an embassy is, right? [/quote] Besides that the only people who really maintained contact were Adel and (occasionally) blue. Other than that there was literally 0 contact between our alliances. They didn't care about us, and it showed when they went behind our backs.
  11. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1327270508' post='2904966'] An alliance with no treaties signs a treaty with an alliance with no treaties? [/quote] Actually Knights of Ni are allied to MHA and PPO.
  12. o/ GPF o/ KofN New friends This treaty has been in the making for awhile now.
  13. [quote name='AirMe' timestamp='1326741325' post='2901001'] What about the guys that were using the AA as a retirement home? Did Sagha contact those 2? What if they don't want the FoB to reform or be part of a reformation? Are they going to be forcibly removed? [/quote] They may be able to do the same as the GRE take over, though that was slightly different.
  14. [quote name='italiarule' timestamp='1326582602' post='2899714'] Good luck becoming something greater with a deserter in gov. Gonna miss you TDE [/quote] If you only knew what he went through in RL.
  15. Have fun! Looks like a re-roll of TSA, buncha noobz
  16. [quote name='Holy Empire of Halin' timestamp='1326292500' post='2897396'] Vom53 is an ODN war deserter. To accept him then have him in whatever gov thing you have, reflects pretty well on GPF. Not that you need any more attention [/quote] He ran for government and was elected. We never placed him anywhere. GPF, an equal opportunity employer.
  17. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1325695029' post='2892345'] Except they left DT and NV still in war getting pummeled. FAN believes they done it to them now too. Also, they now seem to be doing the same thing with ASG and LoSS, out of fear of FOK. I don't personally know anyone in NoR, but I have a negative opinion of their alliance. [/quote] To be fair they technically couldn't defend NV from Sparta. NOIR and all of that.
  18. Congrats on your good growth over there in TCW.
  19. Yeah and we're actually around 70-80 slots used, and about 35% usage. So please go back and learn 1st grade math before opening your trap.
  20. [quote name='xoindotnler' timestamp='1325298843' post='2889360'] If you count one man alliances it's 548. [/quote] I was more referring to established alliances :v
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