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Everything posted by ModusOperandi

  1. Oh dude man, please don't disband; you guys are awesome, let the haters hate.
  2. In your opinion. Seriously, let folks have their fun. Cliques are so passe.
  3. 13 easy. (If that dang recruiter guy ever starts caring)
  4. Wow, this recruitment message drastically made me think about joining Valhalla; no lie. A really terrific writer you have there. o/
  5. This. is awe-inspiring. o/ continental system
  6. Wouldn't hesitate for a minute. Going rogue is a behavior. Should not be punishable by EZI or even ZI. After he/she has been battered deservedly down the ranks we'd welcome him/her with open arms.
  7. Not really, more like an interactive portal. It'd be a recruitment thing for Bob. Make things more multimedia rather than text based and give us some illustrative appeal.
  8. We seize opportunity on the frontier. That is the nature of every man and living thing.
  9. Alright, I'm not sure what the definition of affidavat (sp?) is.. but with all this talk about history, I'm interested to know if anyone would be interested in contributing to the creation of a free website which would incorporate the cn wiki but showcase details with more pizaaz, images, videos and such. Make things more entertaining for those interested in reading up about Bob. Perhaps attracting some new / old nations. Anyone interested?
  10. This is a bit off-topic, but I've always wondered what former NAACer's take on their Polar emigration is; how did things go, stories about the transition, etc. I've always felt that this is an interesting albeit untapped chronicle in Bob history.
  11. I am appalled. Congratulations to the great blokes in NV and the new and up-and-coming fellas who I have yet spoken to but I will someday in a random unassuming but slightly planned if it was not unintentional way.
  12. Very, very cool; as in making things interesting.
  13. I'm sorry for going off-topic haha; I included a little rant in there.
  14. You made me laugh over that pesky issue with flags, thanks!
  15. The most disappointing thing that I've experienced is the prohibition on individualism that happens in most alliances. Let's say 5 people are interested in finance but only 1 guy gets put in charge; there's 4 peeps out of work unless the "gov" decides to have deputies and all that b.s. I say to hell with that and the prohibition on recruitment messages. Have a standing committee for a thing like finance and have a standing committee for recruitment, everyone can go about things their own way.. according to their own strengths. If a member decides the grass is greener on the other side than so be it.
  16. Excellent. You're generosity is an example for everyone in the Cyberverse to encourage smaller nations to become involved.
  17. Be very careful, Orange may bore you to death with their retaliation.
  18. Thanks for the detailed response. I agree that those are definite obstacles; I also agree that people have become way too comfortable and accustomed with the way things have been done in the past. It certainly carries a risk to go about things your own way, however, I believe that that is just what Vox and Karma were all about not too long ago. Things have changed guys; just like Mixoux has alluded, many of us need to grow some backbones and take advantage of this. Otherwise, the sacrifices made recently will all be for naught.
  19. Alliances shouldn't mind recruitment letters sent to their members. That's part of the fun on Bob; seeing what else is out there. I think it is one massive inferiority complex to expect an alliance not to advertise itself to one of your members. At 13 we welcome recruitment messages from other alliances sent to our members; they should just expect a recruitment message from us to them in exchange. What's the big deal?
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