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Everything posted by ModusOperandi

  1. Don't underestimate the effect that it had on public opinion during the lead-up to the UJW; many alliances which wouldn't be considered to be supporters of the Hegemony refused to get involved because of events like that. It was a disastrous public relations move.
  2. Vlad, Take this a nonchalant interpretation of the cancellation of the OoO by an unimportant bystander who witnessed it: 1. Pacifica always maintained that it would never cancel the OoO on its brothers. 2. Pacifica reiterated its support for the OoO in a public announcement shortly before.. 3. Pacifica used a loophole to cancel the OoO on its brothers. No matter what spin is put on it, that is the public perception of those events.
  3. Opposing people getting attacked for no reason is blowing things out of proportion? Here you go, how bout a random group of people put it upon themselves to decide what is and isn't trolling, if its trolling they'll attack you, if you fight back you'll be ZI'd; if you accuse them of trolling, they'll attack you twice as hard and threaten you with EZI unless you post pictures of bestiality and other pornography on their forums. Man, that sounds so awesome; gee.
  4. With all due respect to the supporters of Shark Week, I believe that your passion for it is more of a reflection of your integrity, maturity and faculties rather than an illustration of its merits.
  5. Wow; this is the first foreign agreement between a Red alliance, aside from the NPO, and another community! This is awesome; my avatar is doing cartwheels, seriously. Congrats!
  6. The ex-GOONS are ex-GOONS for a reason. Nations were rolled ( 3 on 1 ) for disagreeing with them about anything; if a victim defended him or herself, he or she was often sent to zero-infrastructure, those who survived had to go a week suffering attacks (if they were lucky) or go to their forum and literally beg for mercy while they all laughed at you. Proponents of Shark Week claim that the purpose of it was to curb trolling, however, GOONS were renowned for being the biggest trolls Planet Bob has ever seen; look up threads on the old CN forum to see the truth. The result was that people effectively stopped disagreeing with the powers that be and many left the community since the political climate became stale and few participated. It is no accident that many of their leaders were jettisoned off of this rock, keep that in mind.
  7. There is a big difference between humor and laughing at a dead bird squished by a basketball.
  8. Right. Look, cut the charade and revisionism; Shark Week was more about targeting vocal opposition than it was about targeting "bad" posters, Banned member even admitted this to me. Ask yourself who stands to benefit the most and you usually find your answer; was it the CN community or GOONS?
  9. Dare I say this, as opposed to cow-towing to the populist opinion that Shark Week was OMGZOMG!, but what you're ignoring is the fact that it effectively ended much of the personal expression on Bob, chased opponents from the game and ushered in the tradition of ZI'ing someone for their opinions rather than actions. As such, I assert that your support for that enterprise is likely due to your affiliation with the precipitation of that action rather than an objective opinion. Attacking people for stating their opinions is bad mmmkay, even if you disagree with them.
  10. You are correct; the Red Cross does not count. I am one of the first persons who is willing to concede that. @ Sir. Paul; thanks for the trade offer mate, I have gladly accepted. o/
  11. The implementation of, and the enabling acceptance of, Eternal Zero-Infrastructure. Shark Week runs a close second-place.
  12. I bet if we switched the name to CyberStarz kev would see a big spike in registrations. *evil laugh*
  13. In the words of B) To the contrary mag, unlike many alliances which succumb to fear and thus enable that which they oppose, FIRE deserves a pat on the back for having the courage to do what others lack the balls to do. The other side of the Francograd Wall is not what many want you to believe it is; the Cross, for example, has never been attacked, has met many supportive Red Nations, has developed connections with various other alliances of varying influence and capacity, and has yet to receive formal condemnation from the previously sole-Red tenants aside from a rare huff or snide remark on these forums. If we can do it with such a small publicly announced membership, you can expect FIRE to achieve much more success due to its already proven track record and dedicated leaders.
  14. True; to me that's a good thing though because lord knows we need more nations here irregardless of the current political climate. Having spoken with these fine fellows, they have the dust to really make a difference here; remember, strategy dictates a lot on Planet Bob and Pacifica would do the exact same thing if it was in our position.
  15. With all due respect though bro, what else would you have had any of us do? Before this war, many alliances would have been immediately stomped by the self-proclaimed protecteurs for moving to Red; now that a window of opportunity has presented itself, Red Nations would be fools not to take advantage of this. After all, its only a matter of time before many other alliances are either created or choose to move here too; endeavors such as FIRE illustrate the will of the Red Team to take its future into its own hand. The floodgates have opened and the oppressed masses have broken their chains; no longer will a few, vain bureaucrats be able to shoot those who attempt to leap over the crumbling Francograd Wall.
  16. Way to irrationally critique any community which chooses to reside on our sphere; are you even a Red Nation? Your stubborn refusal to accept a free Red Team would be more aptly served by physically constructing a time machine; what does an ostrich do? Anyway, I am really so happy to see this come to fruition; I'll be popping by shortly guys as I have been AWOL due to other obligations. I love the acronym!!!
  17. Excellent question. I believe that nothing on Bob ever gets solved, par se. But with that being said, this planet and its characters are constantly evolving and Karma illustrates just another cycle of that change; so, to keep this short, I think that things are going to be a little different than before but not as much of a drastic change as many folks either hope or yearn for. To be succinct, it is a willful expression of the majority which now has a statistical advantage to ensure that they conduct their affairs the way they see fit; in contrast to the past where a minority sought to determine who could do what, where and when on Bob.
  18. Personally, I tend to ignore many of your posts because you color them in Blue; I'm sure many others do the same.
  19. The Official Red Cross Nurse Cat does not appreciate discrimination against illiteracy.
  20. Is Phil still going to be doing his weekly announcements in the nude?
  21. Friend, You did what you thought was right while in the thick of tumultuous political upheavals and systematic problems that festered in the previous government's enterprise. Never be ashamed, I'd rather you be proud. I saw much of myself in your story as I went through a similar experience in the NADC two years ago; never look back mate, the uninformed may label you as a traitor because they are just that.. uninformed.. many people choose to be ignorant. With that being said, I really enjoyed your read; thanks.
  22. haha You had me going for a minute there; it was a big WTF?!? Congrats on your new journey/
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