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Everything posted by Cairna

  1. Well I never said they were smart. You of all people should know that about me, Poyples. It is the 57th.
  2. Fine, they knew who was going to be hitting them so they performed a pre-emptive strike. So what?
  3. I'm sorry, the weak cause? BC was planning to jump in with CoJ on a curbstomp with an already involved 57th, not because their allies were involved, but because they perceived there was some sort of feud? Also, I think this puts it well Well, BC got their war. Look at it this way, the 57th helped you save your own honor. You wanted the war, now you get it on less pathetic terms.
  4. You know I realize you're close with them and all, but yeah, no. My bad dawg it appears I'm just better informed than you as per usual. Keep on keeping on.
  5. Attaboys. As for Nemesis and LOSS, shame on you.
  6. As far as I can tell, yes. And it's KD2. So let's please not pretend we don't understand why.
  7. A declaration of war isn't TPF recognizing a war, it's TPF declaring war. You're doing awful in this thread, Srqt. Actually up until these last few months you were one of my favorite posters. Right now? This is semantic wordplay and not the kind you can even really persuade anyone you're winning at unless they're already die-hard TPF supporters.
  8. Poor show from ADI. Dump these losers, Rok.
  9. I'd further add to that that uh...he still didn't show the same lack of authority. Also hail stabby, etc Ivan actually has the right to countermand Corinan if he wants to. You're not my least favorite OWF poster, but you're certainly one of the worst at arguing. Fark and RIA are different alliances. Unless one is the leader of the other, it's not the same disrespect. If my ally told me that, we'd definitely be pissed, but hey, up to them.
  10. My question was a situational one, not hypothetical. But thanks for proving my point. As for the limps reference, it passed over my head.
  11. What say you reveal your inside man, huh Daggarz? It's DF's fault for jumping the gun. Did the NSO declare? Then golly Sherlock, I guess it wasn't an ultimatum now was it. Well golly, I guess I can't fault you for forming an opinion based on no previous knowledge of either party. Oh wait, yes I can. It's worthless. You are worthless.
  12. It meant that some don't particularly feel like staying up past 1 AM over matters such as this.
  13. They never plainly stated it. Insinuate, perhaps. But I don't know how much you've delt with Corinan, but he tends to be a little terse and gives discussions a time limit for his purposes. It's the way he works. Also do you honestly think the NSO would just go to war on a whim over a relatively small issue without having the Emperor present? The militarization however, is entirely reasonable as a precautionary measure. CD did it too upon seeing SCM's thread.
  14. Please characterize the Brown Sphere for us. If it's another GATO joke then please find me examples of GATO "whining" when they were ganged up on and forced into a very long Viceroyship. I'll admit that the 57th and CoIN are particularly whiny, but that's about it. Good spin, good spin. And with regards to the evidence of the NSO giving an ultimatum, man, can I just say it's pretty weak? He gave a time limit for discussions, and you guys noticed that the NSO mobilized for war? Generally that's what happens when a widely hated alliance is accused of heinous actions. I mean generally these sort of crappy CB's DO result in wars. So I guess we have to give SCM some points for that.
  15. I don't think you know Ivan. Furthermore, it's only one round of wars. Man up.
  16. Two minutes till go time then. Hope you guys will have time to quad
  17. The way in which you did it was entirely different. Unfortunately it seams in their overzealous pursuit of well...copying you, I guess, they just didn't quite get the full picture. This is pretty shameful.
  18. Oh please, it would have made my day if DF HAD come after the NSO. This is contrary to my information.
  19. I look forward to continuing peace on this here planet. Hail Moldavi the Merciful
  20. Nobody outside of CD matters. Well, one or two. But everyone in CD is mah buddehz
  21. Personally I recommend the big one: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernat...d/da/Flag2b.jpg --edit: Also who would nominate CD for most friendly alliance? That's a joke nomination, take us out.
  22. I went for my first two years without one. Had this one for a while now. Feels good, man
  23. NOI could never get slaughtered, only go down gracefully in a ball of flames.
  24. The former members of the New Order of Independence say hey. Get off our acronym. Stupid nation.
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