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Everything posted by Mason

  1. Wow. This actually caught me off guard. Guess that's what I get for being down with the flu. UNSC considered UoU good friends and although I'm happy for them doing what makes them happy, this is sad. Sorry it didn't work out, Kev. Good luck to you guys.
  2. I agree that people will typically vote with their alliance first and foremost, and giving larger alliances more votes only skews it further in that direction. As already mentioned, do your best to select a handful of fairly impartial, active members of the community and go from there.
  3. Interesting. I love the haters who have nothing better to do than ridicule anyone who took a shot at forming something new and had the balls and tenacity to step out there and take a chance while they sit pretty in their cozy, established homes. Remember, your alliance was once just a peon, too. And so were those you belonged to before you joined it. Sorry if new alliances spread out active members or contribute to the clutter of the treaty web, but they deserve a chance same as any alliance formed years ago when there were more than double the members playing CN and it was a hell of a lot easier to grow an alliance. Sure, most new ones disband. The current climate plays a heavy part in that. For those that make it, they deserve a standing ovation because their task is more difficult today than it was for those who started up 3-4 years ago. That being said, my alliance...the UNSC, was created in 2010. For that reason, I could request it be added to the list. However, we were formed November 4th, and that hasn't been enough time to gauge what impact or effect we may or may not have on Bob. If you were judging for presentation, theme, and sheer awesomeness, then of course, we should be atop the list.
  4. Ok, so let's get on with it. Do we need a new thread? What will be the categories for the People's Choice Awards? IMO, this one should have some of the same as the more prestigious CN Academy Awards, but also some lighter categories for fun. Here's a handful of proposals to consider: Best Avatar Best Signature Favorite Quote Best Rookie Alliance 2010 MVP Alliance (which alliance contributed the most overall in forums, entertainment, controversy, etc) Most Popular Player Most Disliked Player Alliance with the most growth help me out here!
  5. [quote name='djsaix' timestamp='1293474492' post='2555364'] looks very promising [/quote] Best decision you ever made. Welcome to the UNSC!
  6. [quote name='Fernando12' timestamp='1293493926' post='2555618'] An academy is by far the most fair way to approach this. Open voting by everyone would yield stupid results like the fake ceremony of last year. I'm sure Sir Paul can once again do a good job in how he organizes the CN Academy Awards. The peoples choice version will quite honestly be a waste of time and space and just end up being spammed by the usual suspects. [/quote] meh, probably, but it adds some fun and entertainment...which is basically all it is in RL, and I'd say we could use some of that around here.
  7. [quote name='Prime minister Johns' timestamp='1293469820' post='2555322'] We should have both. A people's choice award and an award that a panel of judges awards, with a lengthy explanation as to why they are giving it to that person. This way we will get the best of both worlds, and if you don't like one you can ignore it and pay attention to the other. [/quote] This is what I was thinking. People's Choice Awards and the CN Academy Awards...two completely separate presentations. It would be nice to get everyone on the same page so that we have these two official ceremonies and everyone knows who's in charge of them, given that anyone, technically, can create an awards presentation...which waters down the significance of them if too many groups are trying to pull it off. Let Sir Paul host the CN Academy Awards, according to the format he's already laid out, and let SuperCoolYellow or someone host the People's Choice Awards.
  8. [quote name='Andover' timestamp='1293480021' post='2555414'] After some discussion with members and government of the recently disbanded Blackstone Commission, we have come to learn that BCOM members were left to hang out to dry by their alliance leader. [/quote] That's interesting. As a former member of BCOM government, although it's been a while, I still visit the forums on a regular basis. I can attest to the fact that Potface was dead on with his assessment of the BCOM membership. Despite encouragement, by Pot, for them to get active and contribute to the alliance, this never happened. Hasn't in quite some time. Like Pot, I frankly don't care if that offends anyone reading this who was a former member of the Commission. I felt his pain. They were given all the tools and failed to use them. If anything, they left their leader hanging out to dry during their tenure there. Now, some might say that Pot should have taken the time to post notice of an impending disbandment, and he could have done that, sure. But, he gave back what he was given. No deposit, no return.
  9. Time to get ready for the new year...year of the UNSC!
  10. I have always admired Potface for his bluntness. I can appreciate a man who calls it like it is. As stated previously, more people could learn from him. I have. And, I can attest to the fact that Pot did all that was humanly possible for one man to achieve with his AA...structure, forums, graphics, discipline...you name it. Ultimately, however, you can't force anyone to do anything and the lack of contribution from a majority will eventually take it's toll on the active minority. Good luck, Potface (hold your head high. i know it's disappointing but you did all you could)...and George if he's still out there anywhere. These were the only two remaining active members I was aware of.
  11. Congratulations, everybody....Baltus, too.
  13. Hi, Nobel! I could tell you so much, but it's already written for you. Please take time to look at our [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=95671"]new recruitment thread[/url] and decide if you feel we're right for you. Feel free to reply here or pm with any questions. Zhaan
  14. [center][color="#A0522D"][b]Occasionally, the perfect combination of desire, determination, skill, and mettle come together to forge something truly special. When this happens, legend is born. That time is now. Welcome to the UNSC.[/b][/color] [img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/recrui10.jpg[/img][/center] The UNSC alliance is a multi-sphere alliance based on the UNSC Marine Corps featured in the HALO gaming series. The UNSC exemplifies honor, courage, respect, and the brotherhood that binds her members. Our Officers have worked painstakingly to create an alliance that is not only true in virtue, but that brings new and unique elements to Digiterra, not seen before. Such elements include our [i]Merit System[/i] and [i]Events Calendar[/i]. [color="#FF0000"][u][b]What to expect:[/b][/u][/color] [center][img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/basici10.png[/img][/center] When you enlist in the UNSC, you will become a Recruit, upon approval of your enlistment request. New recruits report to the UNSC Training Facility C, Military Reservation 01478-B. We offer incremental phases of training for those wishing to advance their careers, but recruits only need to graduate from BASIC to become Marines, providing them with full membership in the UNSC. Graduating BASIC and becoming a Marine is the highest honor. As reward for your completion, you will be advanced to the rank of Private and receive your first merit ribbon. [center][img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/privat10.png[/img][/center] In addition, new nations (under 4k NS) will receive a [color="#556B2F"][b]$6 million[/b][/color] aid package. Your next step will be to report in to the Platoon you have been assigned to. The UNSC Marines operate under the 117th Marine Regiment, 7th Battalion - Alpha Company. We're a structured outfit, and a little on the crazy side. [color="#0000FF"][i][b]What is the Merit System?[/b][/i][/color] The merit system is a points based award system. It awards you for things such as posts, topics created, members recruited, and more. The logic behind the merit system is to promote activity. [color="#0000FF"][i][b]So, what do I do with the merit points?[/b][/i][/color] In the UNSC, it's not just your knowledge of the game that counts. It's your commitment to the alliance. Merit points are required in order to advance in rank, whether you choose to remain in the enlisted ranks or further your career as a NCO, and eventually, an Officer. If you're not showing up and getting involved with the alliance, you'll never earn the points, and you'll never get the promotions. We also realize that not everyone has the time or energy to get involved as a NCO or Officer. You can remain in the enlisted ranks and still earn your merit points to reach the highest grade. Doing so will afford you other benefits along the way. [color="#0000FF"][i][b]What is the Events Calendar?[/b][/i][/color] Every month, beginning in January, 2011, we'll list a series of activities planned for that month. These activities are meant to keep our members interested and active. Some events, such as open roleplays, will be available to the general public. Other events range from contests and giveaways to release dates for our public newsletter, the [i]UNSC PRESSCORPS[/i]. You can access the calendar at any time by selecting the 'Calendar' tab at the top of our forums or review the list of events in our Calendar Events forum. [color="#0000FF"][i][b]This all sounds pretty good. Tell me more![/b][/i][/color] The UNSC is divided into 5 main Divisions, plus the Office of the Commander-in-Chief. The heads of these divisions make up the High Command, or [b]HIGHCOM[/b]. They are as follows: [list] [*]the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the UNSC; [*]UNSC Training Facility; [*]Internal Affairs; [*]Operations; [*]Exploratory (Foreign Affairs); [*]UNSC Defense Force (Marine Corps and Special Operations; ODST) [/list] Each Division Commanding Officer trains soldiers under them who have passed the NCO Training and qualify for advancement. When positions are available, a Commanding Officer will select the candidate they wish to promote, or post a Job Posting detailing the requirements of the position(s) available and choose from those who apply. The path you choose is for you to decide. We provide the tools and we show you how to use them. [color="#0000FF"][i][b]Ok, what is Special Operations and ODST?[/b][/i][/color] If you're familiar with HALO, you know that ODST stands for 'Orbital Drop Shock Trooper'. These are specially trained Marines who drop onto planets under heavy fire in combat zones in pods, jump out and hit the ground running. Hence the phrase "Feet First Into Hell". For this reason, they are known as [i]Helljumpers[/i]. [center][img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/odstpo11.jpg[/img][/center] In the UNSC alliance, the ODST aka 'Helljumpers' is reserved for those who wish to hone their combat skills and get a taste of the action. Helljumpers report in to the same forum, but this outfit is comprised of those participating in the UNSC Helljumpers squad in CN:TE (Tournament Edition). If you're interested in becoming a Helljumper, you can sign up in our forums after you become a Marine. [center]There's much more to the UNSC. You can be a part of it by [url="http://unscalliance.forumotion.com/portal.htm"]enlisting today[/url]. [b]Have you got what it takes?[/b] [url="http://unscalliance.forumotion.com/portal.htm"][color="#006400"][b]UNSC Forums[/b][/color][/url] [i]irc:[/i] #helljumpers (on coldfront) [i]wiki:[/i] [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/UNSC_Alliance"][color="#4169E1"][b]UNSC Alliance[/b][/color][/url] [i]Team Color:[/i] [b]Multi[/b] [i]Pacts:[/i] [url="http://unscalliance.forumotion.com/treaty-web-f21/unsc-wf-protectorate-agreement-t33.htm"][b][color="#800080"]UNSC-wF Protectorate Agreement[/color][/b][/url] [img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/halo_n10.png[/img] [u][b]UNSC Announcements[/b][/u] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94292&st=0&p=2502462&hl=+worlds%20+collide&fromsearch=1&#entry2502462"][b]UNSC Declaration of Existence - Nov 4th, 2010[/b][/url] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=94505"][b]Brief Update - Nov 9th, 2010[/b][/url] [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=95377"][b]UNSC PRESSCORPS Vol I - Dec 4th, 2010[/b][/url] [img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/offici12.png[/img] [img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/oni_se12.png[/img][/center]
  15. Graham, a newer alliance may not offer the insight you seek, but I have no doubt we could benefit from your presence and feedback in the UNSC. You're a well-educated man who thinks before he speaks and I value your opinions. If you find it suitable at some point in your quest, put us on the list.
  16. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1291786834' post='2533666'] The blocks in your flag look peculiarly like a hand giving some one the bird [/quote] I took a second glance when I read this and, you know...you're right! lol. probably not intended but cool none the less.
  17. Do you have forums or an irc channel? You may want to consider these things, along with a protectorate and using the 'preview' function in your thread before posting something like this. I wish you well, but I have a feeling you would be better suited to join an established alliance and learn the ropes before pursuing an endeavor such as this.
  18. Looking good, guys. Congrats to Shadeslayer on the promotion...and I hope you get your laptop fixed, Kev. My computer's a PoS, so I feel your pain.
  19. Pot, I wish you well. It's good that you are finally back and can devote your time to BCOM. I know that your absence of leadership has caused a stand still, but with your return and passion for your creation, I believe you can and will succeed. You've opened the thread for questions and discussion, so I tried to think of what I could ask but I believe you've outlined your plan thoroughly in the Chronicle. Good luck to you my friend.
  20. [quote name='Kevanovia' timestamp='1291592480' post='2531332'] If my pursuit for higher knowledge never occurred (The University), I would join this alliance in a heartbeat. My thoughts are with you Zhaan. o/ [/quote] Thank you for your support, Kev. University = Good People o/
  21. We've just posted the first edition of our newsletter, PRESSCORPS. [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=95377"]Check it out![/url]
  22. [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1291518848' post='2530535'] I like how you misspelled "spies" on the image. lol [/quote] That is funny...an accident, but actually adds to the humor, I think.
  23. [quote name='RebelBreeze' timestamp='1291518322' post='2530523'] UNSC stands for? [/quote] UNSC stands for United Nations Space Command, taken from HALO. We want to keep in line with the theme, but I'm not particular on the 'Space' part, so we don't mention it unless someone asks. We focus on the military aspect (UNSC Marines and ODST Helljumpers) with our ranks, etc.
  24. [center][img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/pressc11.png[/img] One month ago, today, the UNSC announced it's existence on Digiterra. Today, we open our doors. Construction of our Headquarters is complete and critical systems are online. Although much work is yet to be done throughout our Divisions, our Training Facility is operational and the UNSC is now officially accepting new recruits. Since day one, we have offered guests an opportunity to tour our Public Databank, which houses information relevant to anyone interested in us, and what we're about. Guests are not required to register. You are invited to enter the Databank at anytime and browse at your leisure. For anyone who has visited with us previously, you may find some information has been updated. We've tweaked our ranks, adjusted the merit criteria, and we've added a couple of new faces to our government, HIGHCOM. The current HIGHCOM officers are: [img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/highco11.png[/img] [size="4"][u][b]Events Calendar[/b][/u][/size] We would like to thank the World Federation for continuing to offer their support through our protectorate agreement as we prepare to move forward into the next stage of development. December will see the UNSC finalizing work in our Divisions and preparing to focus on our Events Calendar, beginning in January, which is something we hope will add another dimension to our alliance. So, what is the Events Calendar? The Events Calendar is an organizational tool for planning activities. Activities range from those open to the public, such as RPs and contests, to those restricted to members only. Boredom seems to be an issue plaguing our planet. Many alliances construct ways to counter the boredom and keep their members active and involved. The Events Calendar, combined with our unique merit system, is designed to ensure we are offering something each month to look forward to. To view the Calendar, just select the Calendar tab in our forums and review the schedule. Events will usually be added to the Calendar at the beginning of each month, but others may be inserted at any time, so check back often. ___________________________________________________________________________ [size="4"][u][b]Spy![/b][/u][/size] In the first month of our existence, two of our members fell victim to successful spy attacks. Although the perpetrator(s) remain unidentified, a surveillance camera did manage to get a still frame of one of the saboteurs entering a UNSC Security Zone: [img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/spy10.jpg[/img] If you know the identity of this man, or woman, we encourage you to come forward. The UNSC has taken measures to reduce the success rate of these attacks, and although we currently have no intel as to the identity of the attackers, I would like to extend a word of caution. The UNSC does not condone our members engaging in unauthorized, offensive attacks of any sort. As such, we do not take these attacks against our members lightly. If you are caught during a spy operation, we will respond with the support of our allies. Our zero tolerance policy applies not only to our members, but to those aggressors who engage against us as well. You have been warned. ____________________________________________________________________________ Future editions of PRESSCORPS should get interesting as we delve further into the political scene on Digiterra and as we bring you updates and results of monthly calendar events. We strive to consistently improve in everything we do, and we realize we have a long road ahead. We are confident in our team and our vision for the future. The UNSC invites you to join us in our public irc channel, #helljumpers on coldfront, or stop by our forums to visit or apply for an embassy if you're interested in opening an official channel of communication between your alliance and ours. All embassies are kept private, viewable only by our members and your emissaries. ____________________________________________________________________________ Finally, I am pleased to annouce that, despite not actively recruiting, we have grown from 4 members to 10 in our first month, and marked our first feeble milestones. I post this in hopes to look back and reminisce about the early days and how small we once were. [img]http://i60.servimg.com/u/f60/15/80/18/24/allian10.jpg[/img] Thank you for your support![/center]
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