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astronaut jones

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Everything posted by astronaut jones

  1. I actually gave him props for the ones he posted up on [ooc] youtube [ooc] But yeah, back to GGA. I do believe Ochocinco needs to take over ASAP.
  2. No offense, GGA? But you guys have been such dicks lately, and were such dicks to derekjones, I don't know why you're posting this here, because you'll get no sympathy from 90% of PB. I'd like to see the logs released, actually. They sound like fun if you're trying to pre-empt their release with some damage control.
  3. lol. TOP. The argument was already won, dude lied. Dude tried to tapdance around when he was called out on his lied. Dude couldn't handle being called out on his !@#$, so he lied again. and again. TOP, you guys crack me up.
  4. Their protection is only offered to those who seek it. Offering protection to all would mean YN5 type stuff, nice try though. I got cookies and some apple juice just for you.
  5. No, see, that's the thing. You haven't been saying the same thing from the start, and anyone who wants to read over the last 3 pages or so will see how your tune has changed. And, .. uhh, what? I'm opposed to you because I don't like top right now? Did I NOT say, a few posts back, that the reason I didn't like top right now was because of you? Did I NOT say, a few posts back, that I did not like them because you were a bad representative for their alliance? Are you really trying to re-write history so soon? Wow. Alright, well since you're not going to be honest, and because I have to go make me some food since I'm mad hungry wit it, I'll have to bid you farewell for the time being. If you continue to post lies, however, I'll be back later to bring the truth for the masses. Word life. edited because I said big instead of bid.
  6. I doubt they care either, that really wasn't the point. the point was, I'm honest. I've been honest from the start. You've changed your tune 3 times now in order to get around me calling you out on your !@#$, and it hasn't worked. Try the honest approach.
  7. Oooh, so now you've changed your tune again, for, what is it, the third time now? Come clean. Your objection to this policy has nothing to do with how far reaching it is (which was your original argument, saying, essentially "who are you to tell others what to do on your sphere?"). Your objection to this policy has nothing to do with how limiting it is (which was your second argument, where you said, essentially "if this policy protected all nations against raids, I'd be for it! protect the little guy!") nevermind the fact that you had, a few posts back, publically stated you'd nuke a pink unaligned on your very own tech raid, which just smacked of hypocrisy on your part. You can't really be for protecting everyone when you're going to nuke them for being unaligned and because you're in a big alliance. But then again, if you wanna be a dick, you can be, but there will always be people around to call you on your !@#$. And now, your objection is "if they stopped raiding, AND protected, I'd be for it!" No you wouldn't. You're attempting to bully and chest thump because TOP is bigger than PC and RAD. You're attempting to exert your will on them, baiting them to try and get in the way of protecting a nation that you and yours are going to ravage. If you don't like someone, just say it. I don't like TOP very much right now, because you're not a very good representative for that alliance. You're making your entire alliance look bad right now. See how liberating that is? I don't like TOP. I hate TOP right now. I hate TOP because of you. See? The truth has set me free.
  8. Ooooh, so the protection offered here "isn't good enough" for you. You're trying to take the high road, saying that protection should be offered to all on the pink sphere, which would make this better. And yet you've publically stated that, as soon as an unaligned pink nation in your range is found, you will nuke them. That reeks of hypocrisy. Maybe you should be truthful, for once, so I don't have to be for you. This is getting rather tedious, telling people what you're really saying and why you're saying it is not a chore I enjoy. Be clear. Speak the truth. It will set you free, Vladimir.
  9. But I'm arguing your stance towards this policy, since it's very clear you know nothing about what you speak. I'm also helping to clarify for others who may stumble upon the last few pages of this thread, see your posts, and think you're being noble in your opposition, or that you make a good point. You're not, and you don't. You're attempting to start trouble where there is none, in fact TOP in general has been doing that in this thread lately for whatever reason, good for you for trying (try harder, btw), by implying that "We're bigger than PC, you can't tell us what to do, we'll nuke on a pink nation if we want to and you can't do anything about it." Why? Because TOP is larger than PC. You wouldn't dare try this on the red sphere, or act this way towards the NPO, even though this doctrine is actually very lenient in comparison. I'm helping people see through the !@#$%^&* that you're laying down. Though, I gotta say, if you will pull this on the red sphere, then by all means, my bad. And I do apologize for the things I have said, if that is indeed the case.
  10. So long as the alliance is smaller than the NPO, you don't think it's a good idea. So long as the alliance is smaller than your own and can be "bullied", you don't think it's a good idea. Just clarifying your statements for you, in case people come into this thread and somehow get the impression that your opposition to this is anything but the bullying, chest thumping tactic that it really is.
  11. I'm just waiting, he's already been called out on it. We'll wait and see then, won't we?
  12. No, they don't protect red nations from ALL tech raids. They only protect against raids if the raided party comes to them. Same deal here. Learn. Knowledge is a good thing.
  13. I doubt you'll do anything. what's your favourite colour? And if you think they're interfering with people's tech raids, you really have no grasp on the doctrine. None at all. So, then, why the hell are you still talking? Read. Comprehend. Gain some clarity. Then get back at me. HOLLA.
  14. The chest beating I see, is 95% coming from people who are opposed to this treaty. All PC and RAD and everyone else here is trying to do is clarify the treaty because people refuse to see how simple it is, and say things like "So you'll attack large alliances that nuke on a tech raid? that's idiotic" or "so you'll attack people with legitimate beef and it's a legitimate war? screw you" I'm not sure why you're directing your "this chest beating..." remark towards people who are merely trying to clarify the treaty for all of those people who just want to act a fool and try to start trouble where there is none.
  15. So basically you're not gonna do anything even though you were called out on your views? Okay there. Your credibility is now in question, so ... what's your favourite colour?
  16. If you think nuking unaligned nations is fine, then you're a dick. If your alliance thinks unprovoked nukings on tech raids is fine, then your alliance is full of dicks. If you're saying that the policy is idiotic because you want to nuke, or that you're implying you like to nuke on tech raids unprovoked, well... If you don't agree with the policy, fine, so be it. You don't have to, nor do you have to enforce it, but if you're implying that you'd nuke on a tech raid unprovoked because you're in a large alliance, well.. see above. And, this is coming from someone who will talk out his $@! and provoke people because he likes to see the reaction, but you gotta stop it. You're not very good at what you're trying to do. It's one of those put up or shut up times. You been called out.
  17. He's in TOP. No one pays attention to TOP, so he's trying to beat his chest so people will finally give them the attention they don't deserve.
  18. I love you, you green !@#$%^&*! Say word to VE and iFOK!
  19. You need to rap to the Oh Boy beat. But you're right. People who claim OOC most of the time are just using it for their own advancement. Hell, I did it to TPF once and got like.. I think $6m out of it a little while after the UjW. Only reason I did it. Paid off my debts, actually.
  20. Because they can be offended. All cards should be back on the table, as far as I'm concerned. The people who started this OOC "revolution" of sorts have abused their power to the point where, now, the person who everyone rallied around is running around making OOC attacks against other players and playing it off like it's no big thing. We had a WAR started by TPF based upon strictly OOC actions that no one brought into the game. Enough is enough. $%&@ all of them. They've abused their power for too long. Everything is back in play, they don't deserve to hold those cards any more.
  21. What's with all the TOP trolling in this thread the last few pages? Did you guys all have a discussion and decided this would be a good course of action because you're bored and want to antagonize people so you'd feel big and important?
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