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astronaut jones

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Everything posted by astronaut jones

  1. I know quite a lot about you guys, I was there longer than you've been. And it was a legitimate quesiton, I hadn't seen him around in awhile, lil' slayer.
  2. Right, because twisted is afraid of a fight. Okay there. Whatever you say. What's wingwhiper up to anyway?
  3. Uhm, no you weren't right about any of that. PC's problems were mine and mine alone, because I decided that I wanted to run an alliance AND have the fun I wanted to have, when the two didn't mix. I caused problems with GOD, which I admitted a long time ago that they were in fact in the right, I had no leg to stand on, but I also admitted that I was having too much fun doing what I was doing and I didn't want to stop or apologize for my behaviour. And I closed the thread? Really? I only closed the thread after you were a !@#$%* to twisted and twisted flipped and replied, then you flipped out and replied and started causing !@#$. You need to accept the blame for the problems YOU caused. I accept my blame for all the things I did. You started the name calling, sweetcheeks, I don't know why you refuse to accept blame for your problems, again, I accept all blame for the things I did. I did a long time ago. You're still delusional. And I honestly don't recall trying to "deal" with you on anything. But sure, whatever makes you sleep better. You go on thinking that you're always right and you have no blame in anything you did.
  4. One of my faults is I do whatever I think is funny, and usually that makes people mad, which I think is funny anyway, so I do it more. Also I like to destroy the things I create. I also don't like midgets. creepy !@#$%^&*. Also, JBone is the only person in TPF who has a sense of humour about things, even if he's Barth from you can't do that on television, which is the national TV show of my nation.
  5. Never claimed I was. I'm the first person to tell you my faults and to air my dirty laundry. Can you say the same about yourself? I don't think so. Dey see me rollin'...
  6. All of that coming from someone who failed at running one of the easiest alliances in history to run. Lil Slayer over there is doing a decent job, TBB did fine and he drooled all over himself constantly, but you? You're the only one who failed. In fact, they had to BAIL you out. Slayer had to COME BACK because you failed. Look, I may have been in a few alliances in my day, but that only made me smarter. I saw how they operated, I saw what worked and what didn't, and I was under some great leaders and some terrible leaders. NPO? Honestly, great leaders. Lots of fun. TPF? Nothing but lies, half truths, and falsehoods from their leaders. Always the same M.O. You, you think that's normal, you've never been anywhere else. You think that's how all alliances operate, that they delude themselves into think they're something they're not (like TPF being a warrior alliance/having a warrior culture). Or outright lying to people in order to keep them in line with promises of this or that. Sorry to say, 95% of alliances don't operate like that. But what does it matter? You failed at running an alliance that had no internal structure at all. All you had to do was say "hey" from time to time and you'd probably have been successful. How you failed at that, I'll never know. But $%&@ it, I'm in SPACE now.
  7. The way I behaved was shameful? And your behaviour prior to that wasn't? Okay there, grandma. I think you're forgetting the major facet of my personna here. JBone might be able to fill you in on that one, or Wingwhiper too, but he wasn't as appreciative. The only "burr in my saddle" (way to go and date yourself there, though) from that whole incident was gremlins knowing about our problems with you, yet still accepting you. You know as well as I do had anything been done about it at the time, since they accepted you without bothering to tell us, it would have been game over for PC. So yeah, you tell yourself you didn't run and hide, doesn't make it the truth though. Though, as twisted can attest to, I've offered to, on PC's behalf, to apologize for my behaviour then because I could have handled it a lot better, and I never wanted things to get as bad as they did between PC and gremlins, or even bad at all. But again, you keep telling yourself you didn't run and hide. Whatever makes you sleep better at night. And, also, our history aside, it still doesn't excuse you from essentially hitting him while his back was turned. Only cowards do that. You had an agreement, you claim twisted "deliberately went out of range" which is laughable, and now you're trying to make him seem like the coward, after you two mutually walked away from it until you decided it was fitting to attack. And, please, I don't go around telling people how to act because I'm a !@#$@#$ dick and I think it's funny, you going around telling people to try to have a "civil disagreement without getting nasty" is like me telling people not to be a !@#$@#$ dick because they think it's funny. You know how many logs there are of you turning absolute nonsense into flame fests? Or how many civil discussions you turned into flame fests because you couldn't handle a bit of disagreement? whatever you say.
  8. I gotta fly you up to Jupiter one day, Electron Sponge, aka Mr. Wonderful, you won't believe the asses some of these jupitonians have. CRAZY!
  9. You need to face the fact that your alliance is full of cowards and people who go back on their word. It started with slayer (and I have countless examples of him doing it, if you really want me to drag some stuff out.), and it continues with the little things here like a duel. You need to face the fact that your members can't fight fair, and then run around trying to say "oh but you said..." as if that makes a difference. JBone attacked pooksland early, conveniently "missing" the part where pooksland said it would have to start on sunday. JBone is a coward, we all know that, anyone who has ever been in TPF and actually been elsewhere knows that JBone talks a big game but when it comes time to dance he's more awkward and less capable than a 15 year old nerdy white kid. And you have peggy sue, who's been trying to get at twisted for a long time, first trying to goad him into a fight when she ran to the gremlins to protect her, and now taking the coward's approach to the whole deal by attacking him when twisted thought things were off. And, really, to claim twisted is looking for a way out of a fight is laughable. You know that, I know that, everyone knows that. I've seen twisted take on 3 targets almost double his strength in a REAL war, and you think twisted is going to run and hide from someone whose whole approach to warfare is to dog people into fights then running to bigger alliances for protection? Please. TPF, your whole alliance is pathetic.
  10. And someone who has fought harder than pretty much anyone else to ensure that tech raiding is done honourably. You went back on your word. You, after the agreement was off, decided it was back on at YOUR convenience. You took the coward's way in. You are a coward, always have been, always will be. You're too old, grandma. Maybe you think you can get away with it because people cut you slack elsewhere, but not here.
  11. atleast you admit that she's a coward there, and that her actions were a "sneak blow" Only cowards attack when someone has their back turned, which sounds an awful lot like TPF's SOP lately. I don't think anyone should have expected anything less from Grandma, Barth, and Lil' Slayer over there.
  12. You know what you did? This is essentially what you did. Two people are talking, they're working out details face to face on how/when they're going to fight. You say "sorry, can't do that, you're too strong and I can't make up the difference" so the other guy, still facing you, says "that's okay, let me know when you're strong enough" and turns to walk away, thinking, since things were civil, that everything was over and done with. As they're walking away, with their back turned to you, you think "hey wait, I've got this walker, I AM strong enough" and hit them in the back of the head with it. You're a coward, and you took the cowardly approach to this fight. No matter how you and Barth over there try to spin things, you took what was civil and honourable, and when someone was walking away because YOU weren't ready, you clubbed them in the back of the head with your walker. You're a coward.
  13. Barth, get back into the kitchen and try not to serve us moldy burgers or we'll get moose and alanis after you.
  14. Man, that senility of yours is kicking into OVERDRIVE today. Even from up here in space I can see that! I want whatever rocks you're smoking if you think that's what he meant by "let me know when you're in range" ... then again, senility.
  15. I'm in my spaceship looking down on PB right now, man it's boring, but space is DOPE. I'm all weightless and I get to go to planets where I can make fly $@! space !@#$%*es bend over so I can see their fat asses. say word!
  16. So I'm just flying on my spaceship, Mr. Greenacres Dolemite My Aura is Stupendous Jones, aka Astronaut Jones, aka Wally Swaggerjack, aka Freddy Ruger, aka Astro f. baby, aka Reed Richards, and I was like "man, I wonder what they're doing back down on planet bob?" Apparently nothing good. So me, Mr. Greenacres Supafly Guerilla Warfare Magnate Jones, aka Astronaut Jones, aka Lance ArmsStrong, aka Raekwon the Chef, aka Spaceman Spiff is gonna kick it to you live what it's doing in space. Space is DOPE! That's all for now, I'm out!
  17. I think I love you. I knew I couldn't be the only one
  18. Dude, i never noticed your sig before, but that's funny as hell. Also, since I didn't read the OP I'm not really qualified to say anything, but wars have been fought for a lot less, and with a lot flimsier CBs. So I mean... what's the problem? The war is for one cycle, tops. One cycle, if you stay on top of things, isn't actually as devastating to your nation as one may think.
  19. this is how we rock, throw your hands in the air and do it for your block, um..
  20. should have used my nuke rogue guide if you were gonna sell that much infrastructure.
  21. I don't think people running around in propeller beanies constitutes an airforce.
  22. Isn't it a bit oxymoronic for a GGA member to be talking about military in any capacity?
  23. No he doesn't. He never has. The only thing I remember is him running out of money in the ujw and having to have people bail him out, on top of him selling off all his land. You've gotten into grandma's rubber cement, haven't you?
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