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Everything posted by Nemhauser

  1. I believe the UCR has their own reasons for attacking NPO. And I'm sure they would've done the same without a full scale war going on. Right? RIGHT?
  2. o/ LSF o/ DT Time to fight with our Templar-brothers! edit: funny typo
  3. Holy !@#$, The Legion declares! Oh wait, this isn't 2006 anymore.
  4. The funniest DoW so far. Good luck, guys. :jihad:
  5. Good to see FOK on the 'good side' for a change.
  6. o/ commies Wait, did I just do that?
  7. Our Hindenburg never went down.
  8. Aww, you are too kind, sir. How about a protectorate? :lol:
  9. This is very much true. Best beer, best girls, best jokes.
  10. You should really join us on the community boards. I believe some people were asking about you.
  11. Nordreich continued to exist as an entity, not attached to any game. Talk about willpower.
  12. The community never died, even when we stopped playing CN as Nordreich. Also, saying that Nordreich was a Stormfront cell is just plain silly. According to Stormfront we were, and I quote, "race traitors" and "jew lovers". Something we at NoR all had a laugh from before we attacked their little puny nazi alliance.
  13. I remember when Slayer99 was a guest. Great show. I have even found some footage:
  14. Altough I like Martens as a person, the best kaiser Nordland ever had was Magnus Nordir. Some had the feeling he wasn't active enough to be leading, but he was around when he was needed and oversaw everything. It's no surprise that Nordreich reached its peak under his leadership.
  15. Some people often confuse bravery with foolishness.
  16. One thing's different, though. We will never come crawling on our knees to our enemies to pretty please allow us to reform. Should we die, at least we'd die on our feet.
  17. Good to have you with us again. B)
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