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Napoleon IIII

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Everything posted by Napoleon IIII

  1. Oh why would MK protect people like this? Karma's really still got people's brains @#$%^& up
  2. The Epic part of this post was there was a Tetris game advertsement on top of the page
  3. Has this ever happened before? I think not It is clearly a ploy by the NPO for good behavior...Or maybe that stern talking too acutally worked
  4. Join the USN cause we have... MOAR CUPCAKES THAN OTHER alliances
  5. Direct Democracies work if you have a very active membership. Which is why USN is not one.
  6. Too many micro-alliances... Anyways good luck
  7. This alliance is full of fail If he tries to take down USN with the "Destroy the USNers alliance" I'll laugh
  8. Underrated: Echelon these days, USN period Overated: MHA, Old Guard
  9. Overrated huh... only Sponge and Ivan come to mind
  10. Hes wearing a USN tag on his profile... Anyways GL with your dastardly deeds towards Sparta
  11. I'll sign up for the affluent population tradecircle. I've got gems and iron
  12. Selling Tech 100 for 3 mil
  13. the alliance you got attacked by is a bunch of rouges Unfortanately I have to save up for a 17 day backcollection so I can't send aid
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