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Napoleon IIII

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Everything posted by Napoleon IIII

  1. October 16, 2008 1 New Pacific Order: 70.89 --> 70.89 (+.00) 2 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 63.00 --> 63.05 (+.05) 3 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 47.53 --> 47.75 (+.22) 4 Mostly Harmless Alliance: 37.71 --> 37.78 (+.07) 5 Sparta: 35.59 --> 35.77 (+.18) 6 Ragnarok: 35.48 --> 35.43 (-.05) 7 Fark: 29.79 --> 29.96 (+.17) 8 Orange Defense Network: 29.34 --> 29.39 (+.05) The Order of the Paradox: 28.85 --> 28.85 (+.00) 9 Viridian Entente: 27.65 --> 27.64 (-.01) 10 The Phoenix Federation: 25.41 --> 25.44 (+.03) 11 FOK: 24.92 --> 24.91 (-.01) 12 Grand Global Alliance: 24.12 --> 23.81 (-.31) ----------------- The Grämlins: 21.36 --> 21.57 (+.21) 13 Green Protection Agency: 20.17 --> 20.26 (+.09) 14 The Order of Light: 19.72 --> 19.82 (+.10) Echelon: 19.74 --> 19.77 (+.03) 15 New Polar Order: 18.08 --> 18.18 (+.10) 16 The Democratic Order: 16.59 --> 16.63 (+.04) Valhalla: 16.39 --> 16.51 (+.12) 17 United Purple Nations: 16.26 --> 16.34 (+.08) 18 Monos Archein: 14.80 --> 14.80 (+.00) 19 Global Democratic Alliance: 13.97 --> 13.98 (-.01) NATO: 13.44 --> 13.40 (-.04) LoSS: 13.31 --> 13.35 (+.04) 20 The Dark Evolution: 13.07 --> 12.96 (-.11) 21 Invicta: 12.77 --> 12.75 (-.02) Mushroom Kingdom: 12.61 --> 12.67 (+.06) World Task Force: 12.51 --> 12.54 (+.03) RnR: 12.15 --> 12.18 (+.03) 22 The Legion: 12.08 --> 12.12 (+.04) M*A*S*H: 12.03 --> 12.08 (+.05) Random Insanity Alliance:12.11 --> 12.02 (-.09) Biggest Gainer: Multicolored Cross-X Alliance (+.22) Biggest Loser: Grand Global Alliance (-.31) ===Add line:11.90=== ===Drop line:11.60=== Passes of the day: M*A*S*H passes Random Insanity Alliance Legion passes Random Insanity Alliance The Order of Light passes Echelon Commentary:Very exciting day that TOOL finally passed Echelon and is one step closer to being sanctioned meanwhile GPA is catching up on The Grämlins. And with GGA having a big loss the Add line has gone down with NADC only being .02 away from being on this list. I hope Moth Lord isn't mad about RIA dropping so much
  2. I'm looking for an alliance any alliance preferrably a small alliance When you post post the IRC channel,The forum link, the alliance name,what the alliance score is and why i should join your alliance If I like your alliance I will PM you ingame or post here
  3. Sorry about double post darn slow computer Your commentary was WAY better than mine boogey
  4. boogey World Task Force is listed twice
  5. update by boeagy coming soon to a CN forum thread called the Amazing Sancton Race
  6. I only made that post when i was a Newbie
  7. Has anyone done this so I can destroy it
  8. Moth likes mine better due to RIA getting top gainer
  9. My update was better Centrino RIA was the top gainer
  10. sure he can have it tomorrow I just got bored I felt like doing the update
  11. sorry about double post but it took me 2 hours to do this so please don't complain. P.S. I suck at commentary so feel free to critique that
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