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Everything posted by wandmdave

  1. @willirica I'd like to offer my humblest condolences to DT. I'm very sorry Sparta did not allow DT to use us as leverage to extort reps from an alliance much bigger than you who entered the war through treaty obligations. At 25K ave NS I'm not sure how you guys are going to be able to rebuild from this war without reps. We should have taken that more fully into consideration. Apologies again for enacting our optional defensive treaty and then treating you so poorly.
  2. Clarified. Just in case though let me say it straight up. Sparta is still at war with NPO. That being said hastily written treaty is poorly worded. )): Trinite )):
  3. o/ Glad to see this! Well fought on all sides. It was a pleasure doing battle with my opponents from TOOL.
  4. Hiya TOOL, good luck on the battlefield. @OVERLORD Ikaru - Please ZI Trinite for me. Show him some nuclear lovin. o/ Brigade o/ NOIR o/ DT o/ Doxa Sparta \o
  5. US of E!!! Whats up. And you're talking ish. Thats awesome.
  6. Too bad this had to happen. Mr. Bimbo is usually so spot on with his advice too. Also big props to ZachsterPoke for the video.
  7. Wow. I like some of the alliances canceling but man, respect -2 i have to say. I can fully understand the feelings of all the trolls in this thread.
  8. i have no idea how environment is calculated right now, but maybe it should just be a nearly direct function of how much infra/pop a nation has. That way a young nation starting out is relatively exempt from having to worry about it and can get their feet under them. As they begin to grow however they'll need to master the game more and more to be successful and continue to grow. This also allows elite players to distance themselves from the pack which isnt a bad thing. Infrastructure is a big part of what causes environmental damage in RL anyway. Adding land to the equation would be nice but it would require some pretty complex equations or it would cause land raiding to skyrocket. EDIT: The more i think about this the more it matches up to RL. When a nation first starts out and the penalty of environment is negligible "dirty" resources like oil and coal can fuel quick growth, but as a nation matures and the price of that growth begins to catch up to them, they have to switch to other trade sets and/or purchase improvements or wonders that benefit the environment to keep it in or restore it to good health.
  9. Now that would be an awesome update.
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