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King Xander the Only

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Everything posted by King Xander the Only

  1. It's nice that you apologized. Unfortunate that your government betrayed you.
  2. Because it's easy to pick up chicks.
  3. The likelihood of something that straightforward confusing you is slim to none (I hope). Stop dancing around the subject.
  4. Please TOOL, don't betray CDC! Srsly tho, whatever.
  5. Considering there's little in the way of "laws" around here, I'd say rights are irrelevant.
  6. Uggh, brown. Good luck recovering from that first poor choice.
  7. It's obviously to piss all you guys off, and it seems to be working.
  8. Congrats on contributing to the disaster that is the treaty web.
  9. Aren't you cute, imitating the Atlantis thread like that.
  10. The other CDC was cooler. Good luck or something.
  11. I thought you guys were a serious alliance. Oh well.
  12. The necessity of this thread is indescribable. On an unrelated note, if anyone wants to cyber, query KingXander[iS] on Coldfront.
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