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Everything posted by SpiderJerusalem

  1. [quote name='LiquidMercury' date='31 January 2010 - 06:17 PM' timestamp='1264961849' post='2147920'] Thursday: I'll be doing a whiskey review, I just bought a 5th of Gentleman's Jack so most likely that. [/quote] Try a whisky review instead of drinking that crap [quote name='Hyperion321' date='31 January 2010 - 07:42 PM' timestamp='1264966940' post='2148093'] Unacceptable. Jim Beam or nothing. [/quote] Scotch or nothing [quote name='heggo' date='31 January 2010 - 09:09 PM' timestamp='1264972143' post='2148263'] Oh yeah, and refer to my sig for my opinion of FARK's beer. [/quote] Your sig really is bullcrap. As [i]real[/i] men drink whisk[s]e[/s]y
  2. If you want to switch fish with gems, I am in, as I have marble and gems
  3. Christmas came early, or late, or whatever. [quote name='Nathan Grant' date='31 January 2010 - 04:30 AM' timestamp='1264912237' post='2146553'] No one knows how to hold a grudge like you Hoo, and that is one of your weaknesses. Just thought I would tell you. [/quote] The grudge will probably disappear once your pathetic excuse of an alliance is a smoking crater... Well, maybe not, but it would sure make my day better [quote name='John Warbuck' date='31 January 2010 - 04:35 AM' timestamp='1264912543' post='2146570'] As per TAR's protectorate agreement, ADI is to act as a mediator on their behalf in times like this one. Gecko admitted that what he did was in bad taste. It took a lot for him to publicly admit it as well after the reception he had when apologizing to you in private. If you have issues with ADI, that is one thing, but making an attempt to activate defense treaties over something that is easily solved with an apology is just a poor show. I'm still willing to negotiate terms on The Aqua Regime's behalf. [/quote] Hi John, your continued brilliance astounds me. I have a few questions that only a man with your mental capacity can answer: [list][*] If we decided to attack TAR over this, would you defend them? [*] Given your previous diplomatic record, how would you rate your ability to mediate between [i]us[/i] and another alliance? [*] Is it really that smart of you to put the word "poor show" in the same sentence as "treaties"? [*] How many chances do you feel that we should give you?[/list] [quote name='Nathan Grant' date='31 January 2010 - 06:58 AM' timestamp='1264921125' post='2147000'] Welcome to the world of ZI? I thought Van Hoo said that you RoK types had abolished that practice? What gives!? [/quote] Man, way to fail at spinning. Lrn2Read [quote name='Gecko' date='31 January 2010 - 05:37 PM' timestamp='1264959456' post='2147837'] Well I wouldnt be surprised if Hoo had attacked ADI regardless of what I did. And I'm not apologizing so that RoK wont attack us. I was apologizing to Hoo, for making a "joke coup" of him. [/quote] You really should learn when to be quiet
  4. Sounds to me like you don't know that Bob is not in MK gov... Nice try though Also, CnG... Take out the trash... This reminds me of a certain quote from the Karma war, made by a traitorous scum Your wait is over (yeah, I didn't amass the coalition, but I sure as hell will laugh at this)
  5. FARK, you got an honourable opponent. Even if I hope that FARK will be victorious, I wish BAPS good luck
  6. That's why we have a ranking system. You're at the bottom of the current ranking. Umbrella is not. Do the math
  7. But that is not the same, because I can totally beat you one on one *RABBLE, RABBLE, RABBLE, PING*
  8. They are waiting for them to counter so that they won't get all their war slots filled... It's brilliant I tell you, brilliant!
  9. I approve of this war. But not for the same reasons as others posting in this thread
  10. Hell no you weren't. And when we finally get to crush these bugs, I will pull rank and ensure that Warbuck is on the receiving end of my nuclear warheads
  11. BUT IT WAS OPTIONAL AGGRESSION, RABBLE, RABBLE, RABBLE Oh, he already covered that. My bad. Why don't you tell them about the fact that you said you would support us? Oh, right, that may put you in a bad light. Usually, I am opposed to Aqua on Aqua violence, but in your case, if you enter the war, I will be damn certain to make an exception If you do that, I may give Anu a head start in our upcoming duel
  12. Please, please, please. Can either of you three please make sure that ADI enters this war? Please?
  13. Wait, what? I am really hoping that you are the military coordinator of Zenith
  14. NO U!!11!!%%!!ELEVEN!! You're welcome So you planned the war to start now? You've planned it for the last year or two then? Since, well, it's been a while since you should have bought the MP. The question is however, do you know if you have the war chest needed? Since you have never fought a war before I mean...? When you wish upon a star
  15. God, yes, yes, yes. ARES can burn in pixel hell Good luck guys.
  16. You didn't get the analogy, did you? Oh well, should have known... I bet you are one of those that get your mother to stitch your name on the inside of your clothes as well. Now back to the short bus you go Yeah, as I can see from your nation, you have plenty of battle experience And what is up with the lack of a Manhattan Project? What will you do when you get down in my range, which is not in the top 5%? I guess we'll find out when we clash
  17. Nice when this comes from Val "We bring every single !@#$@#$ friend we have when going to war" halla. At least we have had the balls to do our own work As for the CB that was nothing. When? If you are referring to the TPF war I must simply just laugh as it was perfectly valid. Remember Nov? FAN? GPA? Take a look in the mirror before you accuse others
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