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Everything posted by Shokkou

  1. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317845919' post='2817297'] Just randomly decided to check the aid list of the guy that they claimed was away at basic training. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp?search=429196&Extended=1"]Ye-he-he-ah....Not really.[/url] That's kind of funny, actually. I wonder how many other Legionarres are "away at basic training" right now? It would certainly explain a great deal about your alliance's general performance thus far, Legion. [/quote] [OOC]What I believe was said was "reservist" and "training." For reservists, training just means that once a month time when they go to their unit to conduct drills and other training. They're basically active duty during this time (with the hours of someone in TRADOC, more or less), which would put some strain on their ability to keep up with CN. Far be it from me to correct an ally in a war thread, but I'm also military.[/OOC] Ummm... <insert witty comment regarding the war here>
  2. You are such an attention whore, giving me this link and making me log into my account to make posts on your silly thread. I have a reputation (or lack thereof) to uphold. I don't make posts anymore. I sit around and amuse myself with my tiny post count that I feel no need to compensate for, because I am secure in my CN masculinity! Quit trying to take that from me or so help me <insert long winded, occasionally witty rant here>
  3. I was going to come up with a clever way to hail this treaty, but my title precludes me from doing so. o/ SOS, RIA, and the treaty! *Returns to lurking*
  4. It is a great day for the Empire SOS Brigade. It has seen the end of Kenobi Asakura Ryoko, and will soon see the end of the Rebellion. (Some habits are hard to break)
  5. As you command.


  6. Awesome. Would you be more satisfied beating me though, or wouldn't you nerdgasm if I actually managed to beat you (much less survived)? Think about it... "From: Nagato Yuki, Subject: Defeat Alert" I know I'd piss my pants.
  7. I gotta admit. I lol'd pretty hard at the comments about the elves staying in the forest except to sell cookies. Looking forward to the FB counter offensive. Also Razor, you are awesome. When I saw your reason for war I just had to sit back and let it sink in. Regardless of the outcome, I will certainly enjoy our battle.
  8. Less than 2k, but I would like to thank your alliance for its kind donation of money and tech to further my war efforts.
  9. o/ Arrnea! o/ Haruhi! o/ SOS!
  10. Congrats Mako-chan! Oh right... o/ that too.
  11. o/ IAA Not even the vaunted purgatory shield will... wait, what?
  12. ^ That. Beatrice is beyond awesome even. ^ This is the truth.
  13. Maybe we can go one better and send them back to West Philadelphia.
  14. As proof of this, I got triple teamed and was able to anarchy one of them immediately before realizing I'd forgotten to leave Defcon 5. As Koizumi said, this isn't even a coordinated defense (and put forth against an alliance twice our size).
  15. SELECT nation_id FROM database WHERE alliance_affiliation='Black' ORDER BY offensive_data_combat HAVING terminate_mode Judged to be hazardous to the continued observation of subject Suzumiya Haruhi. Nullifying concerned targets' connection to organic life form.
  16. Let's see, no that was not my intent. I have no one to try to inspire, and no interest in making myself sound epic. I do; however, find it amusing that you throw out the term nerdy as an insult, when you are the ones taking the game humorously serious. The NPO can still rebuild (again), especially when looking up their alliance yields 5+ pages of peace mode nations of millions of NS. Which brings me to my next point. A game should be amusing, yes? What would be most amusing at this point, given the past machinations within the context of the game, would be to watch the utter annihilation of an alliance which has dominated the cyberworld almost since its inception. The alliance which has built itself upon the concept of taking the game too seriously. Throw out the pseudo-political crap that has stagnated CN and show that it is capable now of that which it has proven incapable in the past. Try a new approach and risk things on a massive scale. Do things for the fun of it, and for the fun of seeing the result, rather than out of fear of loss (which, in this fake world, is ultimately meaningless). Who knows? Maybe what comes of the chaos of internal strife (in Karma, the one that almost everyone is predicting) will be better than promoting the status quo. Even if it isn't, it'll at least be an interesting change. EDIT: I would like to point out one thing. Though I may not like Trotsky's style with the NPO, I think one thing people should take note of is this: He isn't hiding in peace mode.
  17. At one point, the NPO was even so bold as to proudly flaunt their status as the "bully" alliance (i.e. The sig picture that read "keeping the little man down since [whenever]"). CN has chafed against their tyranny many times and failed. They have shown themselves to be double-standard, hypocritical cowards. In my opinion, NPO deserves no mercy. They deserve no peace. In my opinion they should be hunted down and blasted to the oblivion that has long awaited them. This is our Pelennor Field, our Battle of Endor, our Somme. Death to the NPO.
  18. Heh, yeah I'm still here. Getting raided and all that, but there's worse things that could happen. That'd be great, our forum spam levels are a bit low.
  19. Obviously since we're a small alliance we don't have much to offer in terms of money, but we will do what we can.
  20. Join the Tribunal Temple! If you want to join, go to our forum at: http://s11.invisionfree.com/The_Tribunal_Temple/ We are currently at a massive member count of 3 (when my other two members get back from our short merge with UFS) and are hoping to add some zeros to that ASAP. We are an alliance loosely based upon the structure of the Tribunal Temple of TES III: Morrowind. Our official team color is blue, but being on blue team isn't a strict requisite.
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