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Everything posted by ImperialCubanacan

  1. I stressed my points over 24 hours ago now. Not sure what the fuss is here. Real diplomacy takes place in IRC -- not the OWF. The last -- what about 10 pages here, are of no consequence. The important things were said the day before. Everything else here seems to be about some silly 1v1 argument between a micro and an ally of ours. Not much more to say here, quite honestly. Now, how about that NPO/TIO MDoAP? *goes to other thread*
  2. I guess I can just go back to lurking in Fark's IRC channel, now that the drama is over. Good show.
  3. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1308811102' post='2739185'] Hypocrite? You do realize that on one hand, they are referencing the fact that a number of screen shots leaked of NoR members making racist and antisemitic posts and [s]redacted[/s], and on the other hand, you guys are referencing the fact that Xiph[i] likes harry potter[/i], right? Kind of on different levels, so I wouldn't really try and go down that route. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I think either fact has any bearing here. But still, yea. [/quote] Please. As if people could not go to other forums around Cyber Nations and find worse things than Asian girls in German uniforms. And mentions of religious faiths. The double standards in this game is horrifically amusing. Nordreich cannot do or say ANYTHING without some low-rent weasel trying to pick apart every single thing we do. So, we like anime... we like Japanese women... we have a few off the rocker members, what alliance does not? We do what is necessary to prevent external problems from ever arising from anything that occurs within ourselves, as any sensible alliance does. I find the BS I had to put up with today on IRC via queries to be rather childish. And the attempts at getting our allies to drop treaties; yeah, real classy. So much for the higher road. At least my meeting with RoK and the one Fark member remained civil and respectful. Would it have hurt to come and talk to Nordreich FIRST rather than doing something asinine like spreading rumors and propaganda to damage our image? Honestly, this game has not changed much, despite the claims of others.
  4. [quote name='Cornelius' timestamp='1308810210' post='2739156'] Really? You make a joke like that, and wonder about some of the perceptions others have about your alliance? [/quote] Yeah, because it is totally right for everyone else to do it. Oh, yeah. We get it. Cyber Nations le hypocrites.
  5. It's clear that this topic is making Xiphosis mad eyed and moody.
  6. I don't know about you, but I'm already huffing and puffing over here.
  7. [quote name='Folkvar Forkbeard' timestamp='1308808407' post='2739112'] Mexico 2-0 Final [/quote] Damn. Why is Mexico always winning.
  8. [quote name='Folkvar Forkbeard' timestamp='1308808053' post='2739098'] What is this? I was just in my lebensraum watching soccer and get back to my pc to see this... [/quote] [center][img]http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/50smh.gif[/img][/center] [center]Sums it all up, rather well -- me thinks. Go back to enjoying your football, btw.. what's the score?[/center]
  9. [quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1308807541' post='2739082'] Congratz to you both , also what has Der Ko had to say about this? [/quote] No idea. The pompous gas bag will not talk to me. And to think, we were in an alliance together many, many years ago. He even ignored me on IRC when I returned last year. [b][size="7"][i][u]P.S., HI DER KO[/u][/i][/size][/b]
  10. [center][img]http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/jack_lol.gif[/img][/center] [center]Yeah, it is funny. [/center]
  11. Treaties are indeed political and friendship is friendship. Who says Nordreich and Mushroom Kingdom are all that entirely different? Who sits in our FA discussions and between our discussions with other alliances within Cyber Nations? I do for the most part. Nordreich and Mushroom Kingdom agreed on a political level to perform this treaty and agreed on a friendship level that we like one another's alliances. It is quite simple really. We are not against them; we grew close together and post war -- we decided our political situations match. There is no overt 'hail the mighty Mushroom Kingdom, Archon is god incarnate' coming from us; merely, an agreeable relationship and treaty. It is not as cloak and dagger as one may suspect.
  12. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1308782165' post='2738693'] It appears to be more an ODP than a PIAT. It contians an explicit optional military assistance clause, and the intelligence clause is extremely limited (dealing only with leaks, something which alliances with a decent relationship would inform each other of anyway). [/quote] Well, the treaty could have been made like Nemhauser's MSPAINT example; but that was too simple. The treaty needed something to confuse the masses with.
  13. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1308780063' post='2738665'] Here's how 'plugged in' I am these days: I'm one of NoR's envoys over at MK, am very active on their forum, and didn't know about this until I read it. If I were ever to use the 'awesome smiley' this would certainly be an appropriate time to do so. I guess this means I'm not spending enough time on NoR's forum or something. (But still, whaddayaknow, perhaps retirement isn't a lie after all....) It will come as no surprise to anyone in either alliance that I strongly support this treaty. On a personal level, MK and I got off to a rocky start, but we've been snugglebunnies for a while now. Glad this is now true on an alliance-to-alliance level as well. You wound me, gentle sir. [/quote] We are also signing an MDAP with GOD. You sir, are out of the loop.
  14. [quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1308777640' post='2738619'] I don't know exactly what to make of this. It's dumb on so many levels. I guess I can start with "GG MK" on making sure that you remain the center of the world. Just when it looked almost like things were about to be shaken up, too. What a goddamned disappointment. [/quote] Nordreich and Mushroom Kingdom grew close during the recent war, and in the last few weeks both alliances felt we should cement that friendship with a treaty. There is nothing at all wrong with that. Yes, it is possible for Nordreich to be liked and have friends. Hard to imagine, huh?
  15. [img]http://www.fotopocket.nl/fpimages/2011/06/22/85cd0e81a39386f8db7104e3f107bcd9/normk.png[/img] Nemhauser's work in less than five minutes.
  16. Nothing has changed. Cyber Nations is still bleeding players as much as it was last week. This is merely a consolidation of power by selective alliances; essentially, pretty soon everyone will begin seeing alliances positioning themselves to 'win' the game -- once they notice it has maybe 2 years left in its life. As for The Legion, they were around 1600, yes. Actual members? Probably around 1100, maybe as few as 1000. Ghosting large alliances is real easy because they have too many members to notice anything out of the ordinary.
  17. I always have found the peace mode argument and lambasting to be rather ridiculous when most intelligent players of Cyber Nations are aware that peace mode reserving is a legitimate warfare tactic, unless it is during an 'all out' declared war by both or multiple entities. Honestly, otherwise, the commentary about the tactic is rather redundant. Best used merely as a 'no u' kind of argument that was best used years ago.
  18. Appears this thread is now about: NPO, NSO and GOD. I suppose our work here is done.
  19. The amount of whining in this thread is hilarious and unbelievable; yet, very refreshing. This is nearly as entertaining as reading liberal blogs online or reading a week's worth of the Washington Compost. *slow clap*
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