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Posts posted by Lynneth

  1. OOC: Invited: Shan Revan

    A message was sent to the Headquarters of Naboo Technologies from Saboria.

    We are sending this message because we are interested in building fusion power plants in our nation. 
    Surely you have heard that a research complex is being built in the north of Saboria. For the particle accelerators that are part of the complex, we need a lot of power - which would be generated by fusion plants built by Naboo Technologies, if you agree. 
    Please specify where an agent from us could meet with one of yours to discuss this further. 
    We look forward to your answer. 
    Department of Energy, Saboria

  2. Research-Complex

    A report by the SNN

    News and opinions.

    Construction on the research complex is underway, having been begun several weeks ago.

    Currently, the first tunnel into which one of the particle acellerators will be built is being dug. Additionally, the main building is being constructed. Once it is completed, several super-computers as well as dozens of laboratories will be within it. The main functions of the research complex will be to provide the particle accelerators and other infrastructure needed for high-energy physics research. Numerous experiments will be constructed to make use of them. The main site also will receive a large computer centre containing very powerful data processing facilities primarily for experimental data analysis.

    The particle accelerators will have the following functions:

    # Two linear accelerators will generate low energy particles for injection into the Proton Synchrotron. One will have a power of 50 MeV and accelerate protons, while the other will have 4.2 MeV/u (atomic mass unit) and accelerate heavy ions.

    # The Proton Synchrotron Booster will increase the energy of particles generated by the proton linear accelerator before they are transferred to the other accelerators.

    # The Low Energy Ion Ring (LEIR) will accelerate the ions from the ion linear accelerator, before transferring them to the Proton Synchrotron (PS).

    # The 28 GeV Proton Synchrotron (PS) will be operating as a feeder to the more powerful SPS.

    # The Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), a circular accelerator with a diameter of 2 kilometres will be designed to deliver an energy of 450 GeV. As well as having its own beamlines for fixed-target experiments, it will be operated as a proton-antiproton collider, and for accelerating high energy electrons and positrons which will be injected into the Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP). Once the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) hass been finished, the LEP will also inject protons and heavy ions into the LHC.

    # The On-Line Isotope Mass Separator (ISOLDE) will be used to study unstable nuclei. Particles are initially accelerated in the PS Booster before entering ISOLDE.

    # The Antiproton Decelerator (AD) will reduces the velocity of antiprotons to about 10% the speed of light for research into antimatter.

    # The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be the biggest of the accelerators, with a total of 36 kilometers diameter, 200 meters below the ground. The LHC will be used to test various predictions of high-energy physics, including the existence of the hypothesized Higgs boson, capable of accelerating particles to 99.99999991% of the speed of light.

    ((OOC: Cern/Accelerators <- Essentially all that stuff that I just described. ))

    Additionally to the research complex, new power plants are being constructed to actually power the complex. Rumors are that the Emperor has sent an envoy to Naboo Technologies to discuss the construction of Fusion power plants.

    Now, for some opinions:

    Most of these opinions would be a short video of the person saying this - sometimes in the middle of the street, sometimes in a studio. Especially the physicists would usually be in a studio, the background being something that is related to physics, such as a supercomputer or the like. Of note would be that most of the comments are on the particle accelerators, as those were the focus of the media.

    "I believe that this complex, especially the particle accelerators, will benefit not only our nation, but the entire world. I can't wait for them to finish it."

    "Let me tell you one thing beforehand: Some will say that the LHC will be capable of creating black holes. I won't deny that. But they'll say it'll destroy the earth, and that is just idiocy. No black hole created by the LHC could exist for a long enough time to actually suck something in."

    "Personally, I doubt very much that the LHC will make discoveries that will neatly fit into our present models for nature. I expect totally new discoveries and puzzles to come out of this instead."

    "I've heard that this thing makes black holes or something. I don't think we should try to control that kind of energy. I mean, what happens if one doesn't break down and eats us all? That'd be bad."

  3. Promised Land vews the unnecessary belligerence of the ANCA nations with shock and disgust. Any nation has the right to secure the safety of its citizens as they see fit. Add to that the fact that Kyokujitsu Teikoku has clearly stated they do not intend to annex the territory!

    Besides, ANCO should welcome the help. With most of its signatory nations still rebuilding their infrastructure and militaries, they cannot effectively pacify the entire region overnight. If they allow Kyokujitsu Teikoku in, it's that much less work they have to do, and that many fewer troops they risk. All they will have to do is move their troops in after Kyokujitsu Teikoku leaves.

    Saboria can only second this. We are shocked by the aggressive stance of the ANCA-nations.

  4. The Phoenix Empire offers it's condolences to the family of the President. Terrorism is never authorized without a solid reason.

    We second this.

    Except the part about terrorism, as even with a 'solid reason', it still is terrorism and thus to be condemned.

  5. Asia? Well as I can see, Sovereign Stone needs land. I am well on my way to taking enough land to fill my needs.

    14.103 mile diameter.

    Of course that'll grow, but currently, you're barely big enough to claim Beijing or a small island...

  6. Anyone who read it would know that he was pointing out just how good Hussein's ways were, which.. wasn't very. And then Triyun says that if you kill enough people there's peace, and that apparently BlackKnight said he supported Hussein.. which was completely untrue.

    *shrugs* Drama or not, I find it not good that Triyun's leaving. But whatever.

    Back to topic: I like Frosty's stuff. What he's written, not the other stuff.

  7. BlackKnight didn't make any comment of the sort, all he did was explain how "effective" killing people was at keeping the peace.

    Never once did he make any comparison or insinuate Triyun supported Hussein, as Triyun tried to pull off. He's just a drama queen.

    Blarg. Then I misread, apparently.

  8. Who made the Triyun-Saddam Hussein comment?

    That's completely out of line.

    Black Knight made it, in the indian war thread.

    TOTALLY uncalled for.

    Also, an absolute shame that Triyun and Wiedergeburt leave now.

  9. There were several reports of strange sightings in Saboria, mostly near highly active junctions. People mostly of german descent claim to have seen the Kaiser.

    Coincidentially, accidents of all kinds (not limited to traffic-accidents) near the junctions where he was sighted have been on a weekly record-low, going down as much as to 5% of the previous weekly averages.

    OOC: Bandwagon :awesome:

  10. An interesting design indeed. As almost 95% of our population lives in cities in the center and south of the country, we'd be very interested in purchasing some of these tanks.

    We can also offer unsettled parts of our country for testing, if wanted and/or needed.

  11. Uberstein applauds, "Another nation sees that these global wars are absurd. This is exactly why I only keep a few specific treaties."

    The Emperor's comment: "I agree wholeheartedly. All these global-war-shenanigans are just stupid and the result of everyone trying to get as many allies as they can. Something like that can only end bad, as it did right now."

  12. OOC: Man, I should post more often in here. But 4 days isn't really a gravedig, is it? lol.



    A report by the SNN

    Today, the Emperor has announced that the Ubersteinian philosophy has been fully implemented in the entire country. The final reform was the dissolution of the Governmental Council, which existed to make sure everything was done properly. While there were protests against some of the reforms, the majority of the populace has approved of the changes.

    For more details about how the reforms changed our country, please visit our website at www.news-network-saboria.sb and go to 'Ubersteinian changes'.

    (OOC: For details, ask our dear Uberstein. I didn't write everything down he has in his country, lol)


    Shortly before the Governmental Council was abolished, plans to build a great research-complex which will include a number of particle accelerators - three in total - were made public. The center will be built in an unsettled part in the north of the country. The biggest of the particle accelerators, a Large Hadron Collider - dubbed 'Halo' - will have a total circumference of 36 kilometers or 22.36 miles.

    A nationwide competition was announced to name the complex. You can submit your own suggestion and vote on www.sabresearch.sb. There already are several suggestions, the most popular of them 'Black Mesa', referring to a popular video game.

    Following is a picture of where exactly the complex will be built.


    OOC: You can make your own suggestions and you can vote. Just post here, lol.

    *wants more posts and comments in this thread*

  13. Nice map. For Paraguay (Boereguay) I'd colour it green. The rebels are likely allied and funded by the blue nations but the colonial administration they are fighting against would be 'neutral' as Transvaal is itself neutral.
    OOC: I won't really update the map, I made it out of sheer boredom. I also don't know the current states of people atm, if they're still at war or in ceasefires, etc. So even if I wanted to update, I wouldn't have sufficient info to do it properly.
  14. OOC: i agree with the above post, if you're gunna quit, go out destroying things, declare war on a powerful bordering country, send in all citizens and soldiers, shoot off some nukes, and revel in the death and destruction before enemy troops move in only to find you at the end of a noose with a sign taped to you chest that says "too slow" written on it, and when they leave pressure sensors make the entire building explode, now thats a way to quit

    OOC: What you've describes is an :awesome: way to quite.

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