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Posts posted by Lynneth

  1. To assist Prussia in reclaiming these almost unused lands, Saboria sent several transports, escorted by a battleship and two destroyers. These transports brought supplies for the german people as well as a thousand men with equipment to help reclaim the land as well as to get the supplies to the people.

    The soldiers were put under Prussian command for the time being.

  2. O.o Lots happened in the last day or so... :P

    Welcome, BlackKnight!

    I would like to claim St. Helena; search it on Google Maps. Its a puny island in the Atlantic Ocean. Can't even see it! :P Its where Napoleon was exiled.

    ...Good place for exiled governments... :P

    Pardon the Dust [bungie trailer for their next unnamed project]


    This St. Helena?

  3. "General, we're ready to advance according to plan."

    "Good. Then go and execute the plan as well as possible. Show 'em a good old Blitzkrieg."

    "Yes, sir."

    The general looked downwards, onto the map which detailed what was planned. First, the enemy formations would be weakened with precise bombardement from the Tupolev-bombers. Afterwards, it was essentially a gigantic mop-up operation, with the highly mobile Saborian forces annihilating any resistance they encountered, leaving no enemy to tell the tale. During that, fighter-bombers would be used for close-air support to accurately destroy tanks and light fortifications.

    Unfortunately, the general had no AC-130 Spectre at his disposal - such flying artillery would make his plan a lot easier to execute, but only one had been finished, of five.

    Merely four hours later, the Saborian forces were already fighting in Boosaaso itself, the infantry picking off rebel soldiers while halftracks provided support against enemy vehicles. An old factory, which had been transformed into a fortress by the Somalika Front, was simply targeted by the Panzerhaubitzen. Thanks to the MRSI-concept, thrice as many shells as possible with regular artillery hit the factory at the same time, utterly destroying it and killing those occupying it.

    While the battle for the city wasn't over yet, the Saborians were already preparing to lead the next assault towards the Shimbiris, while another army group consisting of 50 tanks and approximately 1500 soldiers would advance southwards to destroy rebel outposts between here and the city Garoowe.

  4. In a personalized message to the Foreign Affairs Minister of Saboria:

    We would like to thank you for your kind words. However, I have messaged you regarding a matter far more important than thanking you.

    Since we are neighbors and only a few nautical miles separate our two states, would you be interested in exchanging embassies for the good of our relations.

    Reply to Black Knight:

    While we only recently acquired the Canary Islands, we would be glad to exchange embassies with your nation.

  5. As there were plenty of troops in the south, the Saborian Carrier group 'Alpha' was sent to pacify the north. The forces landed on the east coast, directly east of the city Boosaaso. They did not encounter much resistance at the beginning, which enabled them to secure the immediate area and use it as bridgehead for further operations.

    Scouting planes were sent, revealing several strongholds of a faction using technologythat was considerably more advanced than that of their southern 'friends'. Intel reports showed that these strongholds belonged to the 'Somalika Front' and used technology from the 1960s and'70s. (OOC: Vietnam war tech)

    Within the next hours, the Saborian forces would advance, the first target being an outpost southwest of their current position. Afterwards, they would strike directly towards the city of Boosaaso in an attempt to free it from the rebels.

  6. Canary Islands bought.

    A report by the SNN

    Recently, the Canary Islands have been bought from the african warlord who owned them and the african mainland nearby, just north of 'The Republic'.

    The exact reasons have not been named yet, but there are speculations about turning the islands into a tourist paradise. A scientist believes that one of the islands could even be turned into a spaceport, although that is unlikely, as no territory on mainland africa has been acquired.

    Currently, a campaign is running to encourage citizens to move there once the native population has either been brought to the mainland or learned to live with our system.

    Construction of a small military base for a garrison of approximately one to two hundred men with equipment will begin shortly, while additional civilian airports and harbors will be built once the islands are deemed ready for them.

  7. Installation meaning a base; from what you've said, I don't mind, and I understand the need to defend your islands. Go ahead. :wub:


    Ranather, please color the Canary Islands appropriately.


    Northern one to Gebiv, rest of the islands to me. No territory on the mainland for me.

  8. Space Program announced!

    A report by the SNN

    Yesterday, the Governmental Council announced that soon, a space program will be launched, which includes the construction of a space port, a facility where both rockets and spaceshuttles can be built and launched into space.

    The Emperor has said, "Space is something interesting. For ages, it has inspired and fascinated people. This spaceport is our contribution for the exploration and better understanding of the universe around us."

    When he was asked if a manned mission to the moon would be undertaken, he answered, "Nothing is sure as of now. We will launch manned spaceshuttles, yes. But getting a man to the moon and back is something entirely different, although I for one do hope that we will achieve this goal within the next two or so decades."

    According to a Councilman's statement, construction of the spaceport will begin within the next two weeks. People in the entire country are eager to see it finished and hundreds of volunteers are travelling to where the spaceport will be built.

  9. Sure, as long as there isn't a military installation.

    There will be harbors and airports, but civilian. I need some military presence though, but only a small garrison of maybe 100 men with a few choppers, nothing that could get to the african mainland.

  10. I'd actually like the northernmost of those islands for myself, but the rest can be claimed.

    That island is actually not part of the Canaries, so no prob with that.

    Now to wait for Sargun's answer.

  11. Hm.

    Would there be any opposition if I wanted to acquire (Buy or conquer - I'd prefer to get them peacefully, by buying) the Canary Islands?


    They're - aside from the northern alliance protectorate to my west - the only logical possibility for expansion at the time. That is, until I get some territory by war, which hopefully isn't too soon. The war, I mean.

  12. OOC: Glad to see someone knows their history. Ironically, the Archduke was actually one of the advocates for giving Serbia its freedom, but the person who killed him was a Serbian Nationalist, iirc.

    [OOC] I'm mostly interested in the military aspects of the two Worldwars, but yeah, knowing how they started is an additional plus. And afaik, it's like you said, with the Archduke and the Nationalist.

    The Dalai Lama turned on the TV to watch this press release:

    The nation of Imperial Wellington has "pretended" to have invaded Bauhinia, due to territorial and political tension with Bauhinia. The matter, as stated by the Bauhinia Council, is quite tense, and the council has stated that they will temporarily halt talks with Imperial Wellington and its allies, including Uberstein Empire, and several other nations. Talks with other nations will resume. "We shall halt all talks with Imperial Wellington until the situation cools down a bit", stated a spokesman for the Bauhinia Council.

    [OOC] LOL, :awesome:

  13. OOC: This. You forget that Serbia is within Kanteero, and thus, is a part of the Phoenix Empire. :P


    Sargun "started" the first worldwar in his post. =P

    The archduke was assassinated in serbia (Sarajevo), which made austria invade serbia and started WWI. :awesome:

  14. "I will most likely travel with my personal airplane. A refit Tupolev TU-160, optimized for maximum security in every possible aspect. Currently the only one of its kind, although two more are being planned at the moment."



    Clickable pic. Also, wikilink.

  15. 4,346.734 mile diameter.

    4,290.550 in purchases, -139.726 in modifiers, 195.911 in growth

    Just pipped your self... but I swear something is funky with my lands...

    Are we now comparing our e-peens?

    Also, lolmodifiers. :awesome:

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