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Posts posted by Lynneth

  1. Against what Uberstein is doing? We should hope so. What he is doing is nothing less than blatant Imperialism.

    Message from the Emperor to Promised Land

    "So bringing order to a country that is overwhelmed with rebellions because its leader died is imperialism these days? Well then, remind me to neever help Promised Land, should they ever face a rebellion that may well overwhelm them completely. Besides, these people are being brough democracy! Do you not approve of that? You are a democracy yourself, after all."

  2. Mobilization

    A report by the SNN

    Today, the order for mobilization has gone out to the military. Saboria will go to DEFCON two, meaning this is an increase in force readiness just below maximum readiness.

    The Emperor's statement was the following.

    "It has come to my attention that some nations are against what Uberstein currently is doing in Garretia. This move is to show that I fully approve of what Uberstein is doing."

    Shortly after this statement, the Emperor ordered two Carrier groups - 2 carriers, 2 destroyers, 3 frigates, 3 cruisers, 3 battleships, 3 corvettes, a total of 16 ships, not including several transports - to Ubersteinian waters, according to the ministry of defense "A large-scale exercise to show our Ubersteinian friends a few things once they get their own navy."

    According to an anonymous source, a full five squadrons of airplanes are on each carrier, although it is unknown if the planes are bombers, fighters or both. Reportedly, 70,000 soldiers and 1,000 tanks are on the transports, too for a military exercise of wide scope, together with the Uberstein Empire.

  3. OOC: Fun Fact: The training for the german KSK (Kommando Spezialkräfte) is regarded as the hardest training that is possible in a democracy. Harder than even the Navy SEALS or Spetsnaz, with only 5-10% of all applicants getting through. The BNops will be trained a lot harder, because there's not the restrictions of democracy.

    Also, lol at the discussion. Didn't expect that.


    Somewhere in the north of Saboria

    Several more weeks passed. The training only intensified, sometimes emphasizing working alone, sometimes teamwork. In the last weeks, Price had held two, three more of his 'encouraging' speeches, at times only an attempt at breaking the morale and the little bit of hope the recruits had left.

    Today was another of these days with a speech. This time though, there was no table in the familiar room, only eleven chairs on ten of which - lined up like a firing squad - sat the recruits. On the last of the chairs, situated where the table formerly was, Price sat.

    "Congratulations. You've survived long enough for my favourite part of the training. Tomorrow, the 'Week of hell' will begin. The last few weeks were a small preparation for the next seven days. On the first two days, you will be working in a group, on the other five days it's each on his own. This week will test your limits, even more so than the tests in the first weeks. I fully expect at least six of you to fail. I expect one or more deaths. Those who manage to get through will be approved for the rest of the training program, which will basically go on for the rest of your life, including missions. You will learn everything, from underwater operations and demolitions, over parachuting perfectly to going eye to eye with an enemy that has a lightsaber while you're armed with a fork. Yes, I'm serious. Except that about the lightsaber, those don't exist. He'll probably be armed with a Kalashnikov. Anyways, you'll learn to kill people in ways and with items that you never thought possible. Did you know an Ubersteinian Elite knows at least 40 ways of killing you with a spoon? Well, you'll learn that, and more. Some of these things will seem absolutely ridiculous - I mean, who'd ever expect to be killed by a goddamned toothpick!?"

    The recruits looked at each other. One of them shrugged.

    "That's right, ladies, nobody'd expect that. And that is why you'll learn that. You'll be able to kill your foe in so many ways that you'll never be unarmed, even if they strip you completely naked. Martial arts will be included in the training, obviously. Questions?"

    Once again, none.

    "Good. Then take the rest of the day off and do what you want. I recommend resting, because the next week will quite literally be hell."

    The recruits saluted, then left the room. Meanwhile, Price left through the other door and soon began to prepare for this week.

    Sleep-deprivation would be the least of the problems for the recruits. Following an extensive walk through 180 kilometers of extremely harsh terrain would be a interrogation-simulation, including almost everything that can be done without crippling or killing the recruit. The mental stress during this week would be extreme and could quite possibly just break one or two of them.

    Price was looking forward to the results.

  4. Stability = Boring

    I gotta find a member of the Northern Alliance, I've found a primo spot.

    If you guys are okay with it...


    Yeah, I'm not meeting the borders of a few nations, but as an ameteur cartographer, I absolutely cannot stand straight line borders haha.




    Can I have the white land between Distopya and Saboria? I dislike the straight line of my eastern borders.

  5. OOC: My nation's Ubersteinian, so people have to work first before being able to make their own companies. And only citizens may do that, so without permission, there'll be not much Naboo-stuff in Saboria.

  6. OOC: They arn't as good as the Ubersteinian State Guard, the guys who are inside the command center. :awesome:

    Of course, there are only 15 of them ever to be trained.

    OOC: They'll be as good as your SGs...



    Although they aren't that good yet. :v:

  7. Somewhere in the north of Saboria

    Approximately a month had passed since Price had first met the ten unnamed men.

    Since then, physical tests of several extremes had been undertaken, such as a cross country run over 8 kilometers with 20 kilograms of equipment. Additionally, psychological and mental test had been done, bringing the recruits to the edge of their abilities.

    Each of them was strained, both mentally and physically. They stood in the same room as four weeks ago, with Price once again sitting on the desk.

    "I'm impressed. I'm honestly impressed. I did not expect more than six of you to pass these tests. However, this was only the beginning. The next weeks will be preparation for what I call the 'Week of Hell', because it'll be seven days of the worst I can possibly offer you. And as you all know that human rights no longer apply to you, the worst I can do to you includes, but is not limited to heavy torture. I'll try not to kill you, but if you do die, then you've simply failed. Nothing more, nothing less. Nobody will mourn you, because you don't have family, and because you don't exist. You're here to become the best soldiers on this entire, godforsaken planet, and I'm the one who will make you that. You'll hate me now, and maybe for the rest of the training, but by god, you'll thank me once we're in the first mission. Questions?"

    As the last time, there were none.

    "Then it's back to work, ladies."

    The BNops are the Special Operations Forces of Saboria. Officially, they don't even exist. All members will be people who have no family and are between the ages 17 and 25. The training is incredibly difficult, and as human rights are secondary, it can quite possibly regarded as the hardest training a soldier can possibly have.

    As the BNops do not exist officially, they wear unmarked uniforms, no rank-insignia. Their weapons and vehicles will be the most modern ones possible, although unmarked. All this will make tracing their actions back to Saboria very hard, if not nearly impossible. Their missions will include, but not be limited to assassination, sabotage and capture and torture of international criminals.

    OOC: 'Nother post. I'm trying to let the thread stay awesome, but if you think it's not :awesome: anymore, then tell me please so I may improve it. Preferrably with action and killing people.

  8. Somewhere in a bunker, in the north of Saboria.

    A small group of men stood in a sparsely decorated room. The only thing within it - aside from them, of course - was a wooden desk, apparently made from oak, although that could just be a thin layer above cheaper wood. But the men didn't care about this, they were here for other reasons.

    All of a sudden, one of the two steeldoors leading into the room opened, sliding to the side, into the wall. The man walking inside wore a hat and a black sweater, but a thing of note was the facial hair he possessed, somewhat unusual these days: Muttonchops.


    He walked to the table, putting the hat onto it, then walked closer to the other men, with an inspecting look on his face.

    "So. You're the recruits that've not only been deemed acceptable, but who, in a fit of extreme stupidity actually agreed to this? I'm impressed."

    The sarcasm in the last two words could almost be heard dripping on the floor.

    "Let me tell you one thing, ladies. I'm going to make you suffer. As all records of your existence have been erased and you no longer exist, you have no rights whatsoever left. You are no longer humans, you're ghosts. This does have some perks, though...The only law you'll have to follow is mine. No human rights, no geneva convention, no nothing is going to stop you. Only I and the Boss will be able to do that. From now on, I'll be your boss, your leader, your god. I'll make your every living moment hell. You'll train so hard that you'll be crawling on the flesh of your teeth on the end of every day. I will turn you into the absolute elite, second to none, on the Boss' orders."

    By now he had walked back towards the desk and sat onto it.

    "You'll do this for the rest of your life. Don't hope to be able to retire, because you'll most likely die before you're old enough for that. Now, a last thing: My name is Captain Price. Any questions?"


    "That's what I thought. Now, let's get to work, ladies."

    OOC: SpecOps, gotta love them. :jihad:

    I'll post more over time and will explain more when I get to it.

  9. "We would like to ask what you think about Saboria and its policies, as well as the research-facility we currently are building. On that note, what are your views on education? Does it need improvement and if so, how would you do it?

    Lastly, we would like to know what you think about the Emperor's hair and clothing-style."

    OOC: To remind you what he looks like.


  10. Everest: Saboria is one of our staunchest allies. That won't change.

    Haines: I question some Saborian policy, and I'm not sure they relationship is worth it.

    Tremme: I have no strong feelings, but I see no reason to change the status quo.

    Schuler: They're decent enough I suppose...

    The reporter nodded after his question was answered.

    "We thank you for answering the question. If I may, I will ask another question: Mr Tremme (OOC: Or Mrs? If so, insert that) has mentioned earlier that the literacy is at 64%. What will you do to improve the education in Franzharia? "

  11. Fortification of the Canarys

    A report by the SNN

    Only minutes ago, the Emperor has announced that the Canary Islands, legally bought by Saboria only weeks before the nation of BlackKnight emerged, will be fortified, with an entire division of soldiers and 150 tanks being sent to the military base on the Canarys. Additionally, an airbase will be built, to allow fighters and bombers to land and operate from the islands.

    According to the Emperor, this is in response to the aggression of BlackKnight towards the Kaminoan Empire, as he fears that they may try to acquire the Canary Islands with force. The Emperor emphasized that these measures are merely for defensive purposes and that no African nation should feel threatened by this.


    Meanwhile, the research facility has hit another milestone, the latest one being a supercomputer which will be used to simulate, among other things, what will happen when two protons hit each other at the speeds that the LHC can produce.

    OOC: One Division = 10,000 soldiers.

  12. OOC: G-dmod. The guy is still around, there's no way you can instantly take his territory like you have.

    OOC: I agree.

    IC: Saboria would like what the Casus Belli of BlackKnight is, otherwise we will regard this as senseless aggression towards a smaller nation.

  13. Yes, the Countries. about 6 months ago. Purple was Elbowland, Brown was Prussia, Dark Blue was Uberstein, Light Blue was Garratean Federation(pardon my spelling), Red was Igtromm, Pink was Proxian Empire, Grey was Dun Carrig, Green Was Kanteero and Gebiv.


    The only one who didn't change at all is Uberstein, I think.

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