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Posts posted by Lynneth

  1. We'd prefer if a limit of roughly 5,000 troops be deployed mainly for logistical capabilities at the moment. Our military forces have to divide their attention between this separatist movement and taking care of civilian refugees. There are many refugee centers on the outskirts of New Cleveland so that's where we'd like your forces to be deployed. We also wouldn't mind having some of your special forces units assist our forces in the cities either but we'd like to keep foreign presence in the combat zone at a minimal.

    USNA Secretary of State,

    Colon Powers

    Thus we will dispatch 5,000 soldiers to help with the logistics. Should you need anything else, just send us a message.

    (OOC: You can control those 5,000, as posting once in a while for logistics is a bit boring, lol)

  2. Tell us how many troops we may send, and you shall receive them within two days. We will send both air- and groundforces.

    Up to 50,000 soldiers, 400 tanks, 2 fighter-squadrons, 1 bomber-squadron and 25 helicopters can be sent. They can either arrive in the north of your country, brought by transports, or travel through the protectorate. Whatever the USNA may prefer.

  3. Military buildup

    A report by the SNN

    Today, the Emperor has given the order to build 2,000 Leopard 2A7 tanks and to buy 1,000 tanks each from the Uberstein Empire and Prussia.

    From the Uberstein Empire, Vessla urban tanks will be acquired, while Prussia will sell Tiger III tanks to the Saborian military.

    When asked for the reasons, the Emperor stated: "Do you really have to ask? Tanks are the most useful ground forces of the information age, especially if you have several types for different tasks. For example, Uberstein's Vessla is very useful for urban combat, the Prussian Tiger III is nigh invulnerable against common anti-tank rounds from infantry-carried weaponry. Meanwhile, our Leopard 2A7 tanks are a healthy mix of both, performing well in pretty much all scenarios."

    When the Emperor was asked about the rumors of tank-mounted railguns, he responded with, "Even if something like that was being planned, I wouldn't tell you. Such things generally are considered secret by most governments and are unveiled only once they're finished. So, have fun speculating about that."

    The ordered tanks will , at a cost of approximately 4.65 million per unit require a total investment of 18.6 billion $, one of the biggest single purchases in the nation's history. The 4,000 purchased tanks will quintuple the total amount of tanks, to 5,000.

  4. Saboria approves of this action and sends both Prussia and Poland big amounts of Cake and Tea for their soldiers once the deed is done and the war won.

    "I hope you like our cake." was the comment of the diplomat bringing this message to them.

  5. OOC: Geez, page 5. O.o

    Gotta post more, seriously.



    A report by the SNN

    Today, the last piece of the biggest particle accelerator ever built, the Large Hadron Collider, has been finished.

    While other parts of the research compley still are under construction and power plants have not been constructed as of now, the scientists already there celebrated because of this milestone. The rest will, according to schedule, be finished within the next two to three months.

    Meanwhile, the rumors about power supplied by a Naboo Technologies-designed fusion power plant have been confirmed yesterday, although the price at which it or they will be built has not been made public.

    Additionally, the internet-poll has been closed. The research facility will from now on be known as Black Mesa Research Facility, named after the facility in the famous game Half-Life. Copyright-issues have already been sorted out according to the director.


  6. I imagine it would be possible however when we already have other systens designed specifically for land defence I question the need of such a modification. Afterall what use would torpedo racks and anti-shipping missiles be for land defence - except perhaps shore defence but that's another area entirely.

    Unfortuantely, production lines are near capacity due to the high demand. Whilst we would be quite happy to provide defence equipment to Saboria, you will have to expect a delayed shipment plan.

    We didn't see any land-defense installations, so we assumed there were none - a bit stupid, in retrospect.

    Anyways, we would like to purchase both land- and sea-based installations, enough to guard our entire border. We will, of course, be patient until your industrial capacities are finished with the current production processes.

    If possible, we'd like to request information about the land-based installations, so that we can decide on how many are needed.

  7. This is incredibly impressive.

    We'll keep watching.

    Oh, and we'd also like to purchase some of the defensive platforms. Also, is it possible to adapt the naval supremacy platforms for defensive positions on land? In that case they'd possibly have to be manned, though.

  8. OOC: Blarg. I like fusion power. =P

    IC: After arriving, the engineers would quickly be brought to the research laboratory-by now dubbed 'Black Mesa', decided by the poll on its homepage and get a tour of the facility. Afterwards, a small team of Saborian engineers would meet up with them and supply them with the needed information.

    It would indeed take approximately a week for them to finish the survey.

    Once they'd confirmed they were done, they'd be brought back to the nearest airport to be flown back to the Naboo HQ. Additionally, a message was sent.

    The engineers now are on their way back to the Naboo Tech. Headquarters.

    We look forward to working with you on the power plant.

    Department of Science, Saboria

  9. As for the NDAs, that is completely understandable, and we will of course agree. We want to power the research facility, not challenge your business.

    As for the survey, simply send a team after notifying us when and where it will arrive, then we will help them with the survey. The price of the power plant seems reasonable, as it will most likely be much safer than any nuclear reactor and cleaner than any conventional power plant.

    As for the separation of deuterium from seawater, we only barely have sufficient capacity for that, currently used for research, so we could perhaps make a side-contract about the construction of such facilities further in the west, near Hudson bay.

    We look forward to your answer.

    Department of Energy, Saboria

    OOC: According to this site, the LHC alone needs 180 MW with a circumference of 27 km (Diameter of ~8.6 km), and my accelerator is even bigger (37 km circum, 11.45 km diameter), so there may be the need for more such power plants.


  10. "Hmm...I approve of the Agean Empire. As for the other two, I don't know. As said, Transvaal may be undergoing major changes soon, so letting them in may be a risk. I don't know the Rebel Army well enough to say yes or no, so I'll abstain from the second vote."

  11. The aircraft was also approved.

    Minutes afterwards, the Tupolev bomber landed on the airstrip of the island, the first persons coming out being elite guards of the Saborian Emperor.

    Once six were outside, he would follow them and wait to be brought to the conference room.

  12. Soon, a modified Tupolev bomber would appear on the Ubersteinian radar. It sent the codes necessary to be allowed to land, now awaiting a respone while flying in circles.

    (OOC: You can let it land)

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