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Posts posted by Lynneth

  1. The admiral of the Saborian fleet watched the city of St. Petersburg from the S.N. Prada, a 362 meter long carrier, as the last of the Saborian transports left. He saw some Ubersteinian troops marching through a street near the docks.

    He looked to the officer to his right, who too watched the old city. "Do you think we'll return here soon?"

    "I don't know, admiral, to be honest. All of our ships are as full as possible."

    Indeed, even the carrier's decks were filled with tents and civilians.

    "How many do you think there's on our ships?"

    "Hmm...No idea. It's probably many thousands. With maybe 500 or so people per transport, we've got 30,000 on those, and probably another 4,000 on the ships of the battlegroup."

    "That's a lot, Sir."

    "Indeed. But now, let us leave. We'll return if Uberstein lets the people try to leave the country."

    And with that, the S.N. Prada began to leave, as the last of the foreign ships. Perhaps only for now, if they returned to bring more people to North America.

  2. I've sent Bohovia a message on the 19th, and he didn't even read it yet. I'd think anyone playing CN, even if he's waiting a few weeks for collection, would log in at least once per day to do such things.

    So Bohovia may be inactive - not that I saw him posting a lot.

    Just reporting findings. (He last posted on the 7th october)

  3. Saboria will contribute approximately five dozen transports (civilian and military) to transport the Garretian citizens to North America.

    A carrier battlegroup will accompany these transports for protection.

  4. OOC: Indeed, I never would have suspected it. A lot of those who speak it as their native language could learn from you...

    OOC: Indeed? I would never have suspected it if you hadn't mentioned it.

    OOC: Thanks. :awesome:



    I'll try to write a new post later, but I guarantee nothing. Tomorrow I may write a new one.

  5. OOC: Where I'll really get them is the fact that the hydrogen to run them is sold seperatly. :awesome:

    It's only one shipment, and you're set for life, but hey, it's a big load of hydrogen.


    We will need you to provide extra workers, but we will send overseers.

    OOC: Mwehehehe.

    Luckily, I can make that stuff myself, much more efficiently that you can. Superior tech, etc. =D

    IC: Understood. We will provide the needed workers.

  6. OOC: Very good question, i'm going to assume the same amount as say, a coal power plant.


    Yes, we suggest geothermal power for northern countries that have less sunlight.

    OOC: Apparently, an average coal power plant is 500 MW, but large ones can be up to 4 GW. I'll assume an average output of ~400 MW for one of your power plants, sounds reasonable.

    Germany uses about 2.6 million GW/h or 2.6 trillion kW/h per year, or 2.6 * 10^12 kWh. Divided by 8760, number of hours per year, we find out: Powerplants producing ~300 GW running for a full year produce these 2.6 * 10^12 kWh.

    A modern coal power plant with 1.6 GW costs about 1.8 billion which is about 1125 euros per kWatt. Pretty expensive...In contrast, 7 million (underground) at 400 MW is a mere 17.5 euros per kWatt...Jesus H. Christ, is that cheap O.o

    I think we may need to adjust the Price, Ubey.


    We would like to purchase one hundred (100) of the Ubersteinian stirling engines, for geothermal use. While they will be built in a region where much of the ground is granite, our own companies will do the digging, although under orders of Ubersteinian overseers, if that is acceptable.

    "I hope you have enough workers for such a big order, Uberstein. If not, then I'll just have to wait a bit more for them all to be finished."

  7. Saboria congratulates their new neighbours of Distopya to this move and would be open to sending a peacekeeping force of 2,000 soldiers, should Distopya need more than its current forces to take care of the remaining rebels and terrorists in their territory.

  8. OOC: :awesome: writing, also, considering english is your second language you're doing pretty bloody well for yourself.

    OOC: What can I say, if I learn a foreign language, then why not learn it well enough to be mistaken once or twice for a native speaker in PC-games/multiplayer?

    I'm german, btw, from bavaria.

  9. OOC: Fun Fact: I'm bored. And boredom makes for good writing, usually at least.


    Somewhere in the north of Saboria

    Price was standing in a room, filled with television-sets, but he was not alone. Several men were in this room, apparently a command post overseeing this big test.

    From here, he was able to watch each and every step the recruits did. As it was the second day, they were still moving together, after having been forced to outsmart a small outpost and crossing a deep river without bridges.


    Seconds later, several mortars, approximately 2000 meters north-northwest of the recruits, opened fire. They tried to aim so that nobody would be hurt, but, just like in a real battle, there could be...accidents.

    As the first rounds impacted, the men immediately fled to cover.


    "Take cover!"

    Each time a round hit the ground, several of them winced, unexperienced and never having been in a 'real' firefight. Well, this was their first, but certainly not last experience of such a thing.

    Some of them began to crawl out of their cover, into the direction where approximately their target was, an abandoned sawmill. Soon, the others followed, but the mortar fire didn't stop for several minutes, rounds exploding only dozens of meters behind them. Adrenaline was pumping through their blood, and they looked at the somewhat ruined landscape.

    "Damn...We better prepare for worse things than that."

    "Let's just keep moving. We have only limited time for this."

    The others nodded, then they got back on two feet, marching towards the sawmill.

    Five days were left.

  10. OOC: Brb, equipping my soldiers with that stuff and this 'Dragonskin' armor.

    Oh wait, I already am using both. :awesome:

    On a serious note, please less walls of text and more links to wikipedia or whatever if you feel the need to explain something that throughoutly.

    We've got 40 posts and only 3 are part of my story, lol.

  11. OOC: I need to know what you're up to so that Kei Shojitsu can come up with more "exercises" for his troops. I need the training to match your tech.

    OOC: Fun fact #1: I have 15 times your tech. Training alone won't do too much.

    Fun fact #2: You can train a human only so much before he collapses and needs to rest. The BNops will be training for most of their life.

    Fun fact #3: ?????

    Fun fact #4: PROFIT!


    OOC: Heh. I won't claim to have the greatest SpecOps of everyone, but dammit, they're up there. That and the amount of equipment they can get and the nanobots that are running through their veins make them a force to be feared. On another note, this is an amazing RP Lynneth. I look forward to reading more.

    OOC: lol, thank you. I'm doing what I can, although it's nowhere near my best. I believe I could quite easily write a lot better if I had a bigger vocabulary. English being my second language and all.

  12. OOC: Don't diss my cousins :P I'll await the next episode, so I know what to write for my version of the "program".

    I diss whomever I want to diss, unless it's players themselves. :v:

    As for the next episode, I'll need inspiration for that, which may come within the next 48 hours. Also, letting yourself get inspired my my writings, hm? :awesome:

    Is it that good?

  13. Upon hearing these news, the Emperor decided to outfit a spaceshuttle to be capable of flying to the moon. Equipping the shuttle will take only a few weeks, while the journey will take some days.

    Our space program has been running for some time already, making this comparably easy for us.

  14. OOC: You haven't seen what goes on in both of the Korea's military. Of course, "without rest" was an exaggeration :P

    OOC: Silly Koreans are silly.

    Adjective noun is adjective.

  15. OOC: That's too easy. Try having an entire division hike from Nankyo (RL Jayapura) to Mount Kousei (RL Puncak Jaya) without resting, in full combat gear.

    OOC: Fun fact: Full combat gear (aside from the clothes and special equipment) does in fact weight about 20-30 kilograms. Also, what I'm doing is a harder version of the KSK training, hardest training in democracies, as said. I also have no complete division, only 10 men to test. And as the KSK training is regarded as one of the hardest possible training, I'm just going to say sending a full division - 10,000 soldiers - 400 kilometers without sleeping is simply impossible, because the body breaks down.

  16. If I were a lesser person, I'd now just send in troops to gratify his ego. I'd have every right to. But I'm mot going to do that.

    I'm going to take the high ground...and do nothing. It's up to him to set things right.

    My name is Lynneth, and I endorse this message.

  17. And we say you are the one who does not know how it works. He is killing more of them and causing more damage than they could possibly do fighting each other. You call that beneficial?

    And Somehow we doubt they would go back to fighting each other with his massive presence looming on their border. They would be keeping an eye out for another invasion from his quarter. Once burned, twice shy, we have said for a long time. You need to learn to give people the benefit of the doubt, and let them learn from their mistakes.

    "I will not comment further. Please attend Uberstein's press conference, all your questions and doubts will be answered there."

  18. He invaded while they were fighting amongst themselves, which we had no problem with, but he refused to get out once they united and asked him to leave--most politely, we wish to point out.

    And while we are a democracy, we do not force our ideals on ANYONE, which seems to be what Uberstein is doing.

    "And once he's gone again, they'll go back to fighting each other. I know how this works, but you apparently don't. Either Uberstein goes through with his plan, helping to end the rebellion once and for all *and* getting them democracy or he leaves now, letting the country go back to its civil war which will most probably be not only a lot bloodier but may also affect bordering countries negatively. It's all a matter of rational thinking."

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