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Everything posted by smashmaniac104

  1. Eh...the scenario of "us versus the world" is cliché. BUT, if that's what it takes to get the ball rolling and make this the thrilling game we all know and love, it's totally worth it then.
  2. Controversial or not, we've got to stand by the situation or lose what remaining credibility we have. We will stand by this and come out the better through this crucible we face.
  3. hmmmmm, y'know, that was kinda what I asked for Honestly though, we don't like seeing our allies badmouthed in a thread relating what a lot of people consider to be OUR faux-pas. so yeah, go ahead and say how much we suck. and haha, since the money is going to an ally, I'll send it once I'm out of peace mode
  4. lulz Please quit trolling Valhalla in an unrelated thread. No matter how much fun you get from it, the place isn't here. I bet a specific 'valhalla sucks' thread would get a lot of traffic and posts anyway, so feel free to do that in there instead of here... >__> in fact, $3 mil to the person who makes that thread and trolls them there instead rhetorical point regular member, etc.
  5. I like how this alliance looks I would say welcome to PB, but most of you are regulars already, so congrats on the new alliance and the treaty!
  6. I'd say we are definitely taking responsibility for what we've done. It's always good to be diplomatic though, even though this is the OWF and insults are flung by both sides very easily. and even if it's too late, late is always better than never. Peace mode is the tool you use when you have the support of your allies who will stand by you through thick and thin, a wearied warrior can't fight as well after all. When (and if) the time comes, we will be ready and stand as one. We will live up to our name and our self-proclaimed righteousness.
  7. The evidence is the evidence...it will be judged not on its own merit, but by those who stand unified against TORN and its allies. I would ask that once it's released, that it could be judged by what it says alone, and not the circumstances that surround it...that's probably too much to hope for at this point, reading this, but still, one can hope. Regardless, all the arguing and facepalming going on reading this thread is interesting to see anyway.
  8. Look, look, let's keep this other stuff out of the thread. Let's keep the bashing TORN-related if you insist on doing it, leave Valhalla and Q as a whole out of this.
  9. Let's calm things down. We cannot retract our own words without further losing face, we are in a situation where we are forced to weather the storm of people questioning our words, our motives, and our future actions. We'll wait for the opportunity where we can reestablish friendly relations with LoSS, if they desire to have us again. We are pragmatists at heart, but friendship is in a different class from that. I hope that relations between our alliances can be eventually patched up, and that we can let bygones be bygones eventually. and we don't need chin-chan here, hahaha (regular member speaking, etc.)
  10. oh my. Well... the explanation to come may be satisfactory, it may not be, but...let's just wait patiently and with a minimum of snide comments until it's released (which it's already said to be released after talks are over). regular member speaking, doesn't represent my alliance's views, etc.
  11. It's good that you're looking out for your alliance, but was this DoN really necessary? Personally, it would have probably been better worded as a statement of nonmilitary support for MHA, then you wouldn't seem quite as cowardly...
  12. this announcement is so it needed two of them. o/ PC
  13. It's a shame that this is probably only a PR stunt...GATO didn't deserve to be put in this position in the first place. However, good show that they are finally free.
  14. hmmm.......perhaps this "one-week war" will become an attractive political alternative for alliances who wish to pursue minor offenses, so much so that what once could have led to a larger conflict will be contained and dealt with in a more localized manner. Then again, it will probably become just another way to roll people for even smaller things than before.
  15. It's sad to say, but better late than never, right?
  16. wow. GGA...you really, REALLY need to focus on internal issues. Get some fresh blood into your alliance, try to bounce back, fight the futile fight to return to what you once were. Good luck. (man, I just said that) but really, the first step is to come clean and set off on your own path, sink or swim doing that and at least people won't laugh at you any more, maybe...lolGGA
  17. It's too bad GATO has been under the yoke of viceroyalty for so long, but I really don't think anyone or any form of outside pressure will change that. Unless it is in Pacifica's interest to restore sovereignty to GATO, then they won't bother. It's one less potential enemy for them to deal with...which is pretty smart tactically though not very kind at all. Maybe Pacifica needs a change of perspective.
  18. I hope this helps to set things right for you and that you'll no longer be on PZI.
  19. I love how about half of the thread replies in threads like this take the OP completely seriously and say "wtf is this idiot doing?" Learn to appreciate the finer things to be had on Planet Bob, there isn't much else to be had here and attacking the ODN isn't a smart move, their military will tear you apart! P.S. I am being serious, they are not as bad as everyone says.
  20. expected/10 but it's definitely not a bad thing Congrats STA and NSO!
  21. Grämlins went over 9 million NS and my mom got scared, she said "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air." o/ Grämlins
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