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Everything posted by Otherworld

  1. Yes, sure...be pissed at that. But when were harsh reps introduced for leaving a bloc? You are missing the point here...karma alliances say "OMG NPO ALLY MUST PAY HIGH REPS FOR THE WRONG THEY HAVE DONE" But really, what reparation demands have Echelon done that are so over the top? Compare it to other defeated alliances in this war.. Echelon have asked for less in the past, and been demanded to pay more. That is what I don't get. Sure Echelon is not perfect...but BEFORE you even factor in the 1k term...thse reps are overly harsh, when adding the 1k term as well they are stupidly high...as people in this thread clearly agree with. It shows karmas aim is to carry the war on until the opposition is destroyed.
  2. Yes, another thread about the reparation in this Karma war. BUT WAIT, this one is not about NPO. This is about Echelon. To refresh peoples memories.. That totals to... 34,001 tech, 301 million and three jars of jam. All to be paid by members of 1,000 tech or more. Putting maths aside for the minute...we can all agree these are harsh reps to say the least...right? Well considering Echelon weren't even in the start of the war...this line just fails. What I am interested in is what has caused this total for Echelon? Other alliances have got away with much less and even nothing in several cases. You call yourself Karma..which makes sense when it comes to NPO as they have actually done something worth the harsh reps, but what have Echelon done that is so bad? They don't have a history of asking for harsh reps, and compared to the alliances that were given white peace early in the war the only difference is with them and Echelon is that Echelon have shown they have balls and not surrendered. So what is Karmas aim? To encourage alliances to just drop treaties at the first sign of trouble? Because that is what it seems like for me. Basically put, in a more coherent way, the aim of Karma was to basically right the wrongs of the NPO regime, right? Echelon have done nothing wrong but honour their treaties...I am not saying they should get white peace (although as other alliances did, perhaps they should) but these terms are much too harsh...especially from a coalition set up because these stupidly high reps were occurring. It makes sense that NPO were given huge reps, but was has Echelon done that is so bad? I feel that somebody needs to actually ask this instead of jumping on the Karma bandwagon and assuming they are always right. Please keep this on topic and civil...for once. Thanks.
  3. I never knew as I bought 300mil worth of infra during the war...so waiting for a nice raised collection amount once GRL goes down.
  4. Well...GRL is about to be dropped soon. Quick..everyone fire nukes.
  5. Wars on this game are no longer that much fun...as they are always too one sided. They used to be great when either side had a chance of winning. I also worked with him..didn't really put a foot wrong in the Realm.
  6. He was the never the leader actually And he is more than capable of leading an alliance, he has just been...unlucky.
  7. As everyone else seems to be having a "feeling sharing" moment about the karma war..here's mine. My alliance was formed after the fighting began. It therefore has not directly affected me. That is all.
  8. What Karma are currently doing is like...a fraction of what NPO has done in the past. Nothing really else to add.
  9. Thing is with this whole "What goes around, comes around" thing. It applies to Karma as well.
  10. To counter that though...WW2 really only started due to the harsh reparations of WW1.
  11. I would say for anybody who has been in 1 cycle of war or less. The main aim I am guessing for this is to slow recovery of NPO, so further battering those who have already been destroyed is not needed. At all.
  12. Couldn't it be changed so that every NPO nation has to be out of peace mode for 14 days...but they could do it individually? All those that don't come out of peace mode will will be at war technically. This way it is a good compromise between NPO nations being beat down but would give the nations a definite period they would have to fight for?
  13. I joined The Realm and my sex life has really improved!
  14. In ANY other context these reps would be far too harsh, but come on. Who can really say it hasn't been coming?
  15. Just give a defeat alert if they have no soldiers defending. Surely that is much better?
  16. And as I expected...this turned into just an anti-NPO thread
  17. I was around with that Maccers the Great thing >_> He was innocent I say! Was a good friend.
  18. Can somebody explain this roughly to me? Must have been on a break from CN when it happened.
  19. Crap >_> Had 2 tabs open for forum, can somebody move or delete this please.
  20. Throughout the history of Planet Bob there have obviously been some "lolwut" decisions that alliances have made, but I want to know what you feel are the biggest mess ups ever for an alliance (Both funny and educational!). They can either be a bad decision for the alliance, or for the game as a whole. Please can we not have them all being "NPO making everyone pay lots of reps" *Waits for people deliberately saying what I said not to say to spite me.*
  21. There are no "best 2" really...just need 2 that fit into the best trading set, which yours do.
  22. I thought your alliance was called fall out boy from the acronym. Especially when combined with the name of the OP..
  23. Generally democracy I think. But if they want monarchy or capitalism they become better (I think) Oh, and communist for wars.
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