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Everything posted by DemonSpawn

  1. This all happened when we sent you to the store. In alaska.
  2. I honestly facepalmed when I read this on our forums a few minutes ago. LOL Happy Birthday US! Looking forward to another 3 years!!
  3. Im happy to see this situation resolved. Good job guys!
  4. Sorry everyone, I forgot to also mention the General Oreo is or Minister of Silly Walks.
  5. Psst.... He wasn't the General, I was. He was my deputy!
  6. Citizens of Planet Bob, I come before you today as one of two newly elected Triumvirates of R&R. Our other newly elected Trium is VG (Viking Goalie). Some of you may have heard some rumours about R&R lately, to get rid of all misunderstandings we the triumvirate of R&R have decided to explain the things that have passed. About 3 weeks ago there where some internal struggles in R&R. Like in every alliance and group of friends, people don't always see eye to eye. During discussions people sometimes realize things that they did not want to acknowledge prior to the event and so it occurred that 2 of our most respected members (GoFastLeft and Hawk) realized that they where stuck in the same routine day in day out. They realised a change of scenery was needed and decided to start a new adventure. Naturally when such respected members leave there are always people that follow and although we are sad to see them leave they too deserve the best of luck for the future. Although in the heat of discussion sometimes people say some wrong things we can honestly say that our respect for both GFL and Hawk remains unchanged. Therefor we wish them all the best of luck on this grand adventure and pledge our support should they ever need our help. Goodluck on your journey and hopefully soon our paths will cross again. To all our allies we like to say, have no fear R&R is still here! Our government has been restored and we are once more ready to go full speed ahead! We will do this with our newly elected government: Triumvirate: cmf0203 DemonSpawn VG Foreign Affairs: Bilzey Defense: Acting General: EgoFreaky Interior: KingLC If anyone has any questions for us, please stop by our forums, or on IRC at #RnR. Thank you! **This has been delayed because my comptuer has been down, and I've been operating from my blackberry up untill today.**
  7. /me likes this. Good luck FS, and we are here if you need us!
  8. This trully was a damn good read. Thank you Archon.
  9. That acutally scares me the most TBH.
  10. Congrats guys! And man, it trully was a fierce MoSW campaign!
  11. Just wanted to point out that the 2 attacks against RnR from Alpha Omega where a mistake. We have a member who Ruler name is Valhalla, so yea, guess you can see how that can be a little blunder. We've worked this out, and all's well. Carry on with your back and forth jabs.
  12. Anything involving Cello is full of win. Congrats to all those involved.
  13. Hey, can either you or FEAR try and find an alliance that can bring some of this action to me? I need more people to nuke.
  14. There comes a time when an alliance needs to stand up for what it believes in. Today we will stand side by side with Ragnarok through our Superfriends treaty. And also on behalf of Karma we declare war on NPO . Signed for R&R Triumvirate's GoFastLeft Quagsville Danielg42 Sec Def DemonSpawn Co-MoFA's SE-Hawk Billy Briley
  15. Im very glad to see this Bigwoody. o/ Bigwoody o/ TORN
  16. This sir, just happens to be a conincedence.
  17. Hopefully our paths will become one in the future again. o/ TORN o/ R&R Also, Posting this will get me warned.
  18. This is certaintly a surprise.
  19. Congrats on the new Gov. and Charter! TCO, enjoy your retirement, im sure a seat will be kept warm for you.
  20. Im very proud to be part of this outstanding Government. Congrats Quags, and all the newcomers!
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