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Posts posted by jerdge

  1. 47 minutes ago, Cyrus De GreenWood said:

    I was looking at the Bunker. The bunker does not say it affects population count, but upon purchasing 5 of them I had lost 3000 citizens costing me an improvement slot I had planned. I asked around and I am not the only one.

    My suggestions is this. We have Hospitals, clinics, police headquarters, jails, prisons, and even rehab centers, but one thing we don't have is Fire departments.
    I was thinking we could have up to 5 fire departments, and the effects would be: +1 happiness, and a 1% reduction in infra upkeep cost.

    I figured that we don't have a lot of improvements that gran unpenalized happiness and having someone down the street that will put my house out if it catches fire makes me happy. Additionally, the 1% infra upkeep seemed like a small amount that is fair when paired with happiness, and it makes sense that with reduced maintenance and damages from things like fire that costs would be down. Just something I had been thinking about.

    I purchased 5 Bunkers just to check the population issue, it did nothing to my citizen count.

    Are you sure it's not something else? You don't have Border Walls, which to my knowledge are the only Improvements that negatively affect the citizen count, but maybe you did something that affected your Environment, you switched to another Government, you had Events?...


    The Fire Department idea looks good to me. Although I disagree that "we don't have a lot of improvements that gran unpenalized happiness": we already have Churches, IAs, PHs and Stadiums. In fact the infra upkeep reduction is a much better selling point for your idea, as there are literally no improvements that grant an unpenalized infra upkeep reduction, and even the Wonders (without infra requirements) that provide it are only two (the Interstate System and the Moon/Mars Base, which in turn however require the Space Program).

  2. Before the trainwreck this thread has become meets its deserved fate, and as I got myself involved into it, I want to point out that personally I've always been against bringing any outwardly stuff to determine choices in CN.

    To be 100% clear, I'm against taking any action against (or in support of) any one that behaved exceptionally bad (or good) elsewhere. There's nothing moral about this stance of me, I'm simply a purist.

    Of course, I'm fine with any and everyone else having different standards, and they're absolutely encouraged not to frequent people that they don't like, for any reason. I do the same.


    What I find unacceptable - which is why and when I might intervene (assuming I'm awake and caring...) - is to further trash the level of discourse by openly and explicitly bringing extraneous diatribes and feuds into this forum. It's stupid and it leads to terribad results, as it immediately showed here.


    I'm annoying and pedantic, I know, people here tell me that since (at least) 2008...


  3. 1 hour ago, Ningal said:

    The author of this proclamation is lilweirdward, a frequent participant in The Boiler Room.


    lilweirdward has an adversion for TRUTH speaking individuals.

    (such as myself)


    For lilweirdward, the truth is "hate" to those who hate the truth.


    As you may expect, KoRT leadership will address this fallacy in their own manner, at a time of their choosing.

    You'll kindly leave any Out Of Character diatribe strictly outside of the In Character sections of this board.

    Thank you.

  4. 20 hours ago, Thrash said:

    Gotta admire our determination though. :P

    I do.


    Once I would have also been again amazed at how handsome I must seem to others, as they try to have me join their alliance despite my history of being a mostly useless vocal troublemaker that isn't even nice most of the time. But now I understand that many people desperately want any new moderately alive member no matter the rest!

    (Not to mention that vocal troublemakers not really very nice are also probably a good fit for NG... 😜)

  5. Your third screenshot about the Global Economic Stimulus reads "Proposal Expired". The effects of passed proposals last for 30 days at which point they will expire. That one was passed on Jan 13th, the 30th day after Jan 13th was Feb 12th, didn't it expire at update between Feb 11th and 12th?


    (Jerel ATM has an open aid slot, which I don't know if it helps you or not.)

  6. 22 hours ago, kerschbs said:

    Yes but once you get a taste, there’s no going back.


    Hell I was a democracy loving GATOan for a decade and I still ended up here.


    It's not about democracy, it's inertia - plain and simple.


    21 hours ago, Thrash said:

    Let's go for six. Join NG.

    I'll go for six as well: no, thanks.

  7. 33 minutes ago, LJ Scott said:

    You'd be surprised at some of the care we show by way of letting little fishies grow from time to time. We're perhaps some of the last to care on Bob. Although what we care about might not align with what anyone else cares about...

    I meant that you don't care if you have a fishing pond or not.

    I don't rule out that you care for others in general or for specific others, one way or another, and in fact that's what I'd expect from you - although I don't really have an idea of your current whereabouts.

    You've never been a real jerk.

  8. 14 hours ago, LJ Scott said:


    If you say the Doom fishing pond is the Top 300, which is 203K NS and up then:

    Oculus and RFI make up 68% of that tier, add us and alliances immediately tied to Oculus or RFI then that's 88% of the tier.


    If you take out those nations in perma-peace-mode then you're left with 26 nations inside the Top 300. Of those some will be in alliances we've raided, some we've raided and decided not to raid again, or some we're yet to raid - you can't overfish the pond!

    You don't really care.

  9. 1 hour ago, CrinkledStraw said:




    And the response that the alliance being attacked should not give up and let the bully escape is ridiculous, Jerdge. The real answer is that if someone jumps from alliance #1 (CLAWS, for a weird example) to alliance #2 just to start something, then they try to run back to alliance #1 (again, CLAWS, for an example) once they're done having fun, alliance #1 should have the stones to not accept them back.


    You want to play? 

    Declare war and either say it's just for funsies, take what comes your way, or post an actual CB.  

    The discussion was about what you do when Alliance #1 accepts them back, not about what you do when you're Alliance #1.

    And if you mean: it's Alliance #1 that should... (do stuff) - that's great! - when you're not Alliance #1, how exactly do you go about having them... (do stuff)?


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