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Mr Gross

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Everything posted by Mr Gross

  1. I think we should call it the "NG really needs to learn how to, war"
  2. Ladies and gentlemen. This guy actually admitted he is full of shit. I think this is a first for the OWF
  3. Karl Marx was Jewish. I am Jewish. Does that make me a commie too?
  4. To the NoR guy who keeps accusing us of being Nazis. Hi
  5. We tried to leave it out, but the power of the flag has taken over our alliance. The trium go to the flag to ask for guidance
  6. NG hit top, you forgot to add the line
  7. *warblegarblegarble* To the trolls I say "thbttbthhhhhh" To my allies I say "Lets kick some ass" To NG I say "nuclear launch detected"
  8. Please update. Many DoWs in the last day
  9. We are just that good. We are a zombie alliance, fighting from the grave!
  10. While I can understand having XP removed from my nation after "XP farming" does it make sense to also remove the XP gained from legitimate warring/raiding? I only ask because ALL XP was removed as opposed to the legitimate part
  11. Awwww yeah. Destruction and vikings go hand in hand. Just need a town to attack.
  12. Thank god I put my flowers out front to show my support for the purge!
  13. Finally, a real treaty. None of that chicken optional garbage.
  14. So glad we made this happen faster than our merger. o/ Sengoku o/ DoD
  15. Congrats to those elected. Sad to see it was a long standing member. o/ TOP
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