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Snow Dan

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Everything posted by Snow Dan

  1. He probably deleted the expired aid's record, because it had, y'know, expired. Doing that would remove the record of the aid from both his and your aid screen. Simple, really.
  2. That, and Scholars needs Literacy Rate over 90%. Time to quadruple check the Info Index
  3. Cyber Nations Information Index In particular the parts on Environment and Global Radiation. Looks like there's a Nuclear War going on now.
  4. Looks like your math has used your Infrastructure where Nation Strength should be. All up, I think that it should cost closer to $480 mil.
  5. For a trade to have the team bonus, you have to be on the same team for the entire duration for the trade. You'll have to cancel and resend trade offers.
  6. Snow Dan


    Or, maybe, "exposed", if you want to keep it short.
  7. 4 is the default number of aid slots. Kikuyu has neither a Foreign Ministry nor a Disaster Relief Agency. I don't know how you're seeing 5 here.
  8. Not a bug http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1514819
  9. It looks like you just crossed the 2:1 mark of Infra:Land. You'd get a point of Environment Penalty for that.
  10. In your nation's Extended Display, between Technology and Infrastructure.
  11. You have to resend the trades to get the team bonuses.
  12. Recently asked and answered. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1630760
  13. It only counts what's actually purchased. So, better get buying?
  14. Snow Dan


    There's no "processing" involved in resources. You simply have resources that give you (usually beneficial) effects, and trading means that you have more resources, so more effects (except for copies of the same resources). The advantage of trading is that you get the effects of another nation's resources.
  15. Does he have an event which disables affluent population? There are a few different ones that do this. If so, he'll get AP back once the event expires.
  16. No. The trade bonus only works if you're continuously on the same team for the duration of the trade.
  17. Are your tanks currently deployed? If so, you'll have to set your deployment to 0 before you can decom them.
  18. Only a period of time, the 30 days that events last for.
  19. You actually have fewer than 3000 Citizens. You have 3000 Total Population. "Citizens" doesn't include soldiers.
  20. You also need more than 90% literacy. You've got a lot of work ahead of you.
  21. It takes one more day to return to normal.
  22. You're looking at a nation with Literacy Rate: 74.25%.
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