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Everything posted by zenergy

  1. Lol, don't be scared off by all the tough talk guys. I hear OrB's last air raid had 45 bombers.... We're starting a round on Thursday with yours truly taking on Joe of Arc for a 3 day bloodbath. Log on to www.globalunitednations.net to check out the carnage!
  2. Same here, which is why I'm so pumped about FC. TE is cool for a lot of folks, but it doesn't do much for me, especially with no Aid. Anybody around 27k NS got what it takes to step up for a round? Hell, I'll up the ante and include a tech conversion option for you bigger guys. Who wants some tech?
  3. Alright everybody, we've got some fights scheduled to begin very soon. Get over to www.globalunitednations.net asap and get your mask so you don't miss out on the action. Remember, GUN will give $3m to each combatant, and an extra 50t to the winner, so this is an incredible deal for smaller nations. Get paid to learn how to fight - how cool is that?
  4. I'm not sure what place you tried to go, but the registration thread is working fine: http://globalunitednations.net/forums/inde...?showtopic=9839 If you have any problems, please send me a PM and we'll get you sorted out asap.
  5. Yeah, a bunch of us are signed up. If there's anybody out there in the 27k range that wants to step up, I'm game. You got anybody, NATO?
  6. Two Rules: 1.) Kick Butt. 2.) Take Names. Simple enough for you?
  7. Sure, if both parties really want to go there.
  8. Yeah, but the first rule is to go out and tell everybody about Fight Club... Don't believe what you see in the Movies - we got the real deal right hur.
  9. FIGHT CLUB! You think you have what it takes? Care to put your infra where your mouth is? Come on over to www.globalunitednations.net for the hottest thing going on Planet Bob - Fight Club. There you can find opponents to battle, bet for your friends and against your enemies, and win the respect of all. Somebody talking too much trash on IRC? Challenge them to a round and see who's really right. Want to test out your war readiness before the next global conflict? Take on some opponents and learn how to fight before it's all on the line. Getting bored in between wars? Kick some butt and take some names, buddy! The next round starts soon, and places are filling up fast - sign up now to secure your spot. How does this thing work, anyway? It's simple - sign up on the GUN forums and find an opponent. Once you've done so, we'll mask you as combatants. You'll then have one round to do as much damage as you can to your opponent. At the end of the round, we tally the damage and announce the winner. Do it for honor, do it for glory, do it because war is the most fun you can have on Planet Bob and you're bored enough to be here on the OWF instead of whooping up on somebody. There's also a bettor's forum where you can bet on combatants, talk trash like there's no tomorrow, and win some serious cash or tech. What are you waiting for? Sign up today! www.globalunitednations.net
  10. Congrats to two of my favorite alliances on Planet Bob. Many happy returns!
  11. I demand that GUN be added to this list. We've done absolutely nothing productive in our embassy besides raiding Lenny's liquor cabinet.
  12. I foresee many more OWF beatings with this new gov. Best of luck to Viridia.
  13. water/sugar - http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1002596 Send me an in game PM if this goes through.
  14. water/sugar - http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1002596 Send me an in game PM if this comes through.
  15. My statement regarding this situation: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1911336
  16. It seems that there are quite a few misconceptions floating around that need to be cleared up. I hadn't intended to post anything in this thread, but since the announcement was made I've been flooded by queries on IRC asking me what happened. Rather than recount events to each person, I'll just put it up here so that everybody can see. I also have logs to back everything up. Let me state one thing right now: OV was the victim of a coup, as I will irrefutably demonstrate below. I also stand by my actions, and believe that I did the right thing. I'll take honor before infra any day, and I'm proud to say I have a clear conscience regarding this matter. Here’re the meat and potatoes: First, let’s take a minute to clear up some misconceptions regarding myself and Tito: Titodafarmer is one of my least favorite people on Planet Bob. He was directly responsible for getting GUN rolled by BLEU, and countless other disreputable shenanigans. While I feel his heart is usually in the right place, he happens to be an extraordinary magnet and source of BS, and isn’t somebody I voluntarily hang around. I made sure he was banned from GUN for the entire time I was a trium, and rejected more than one membership request. If I’m EVER defending Tito, it’s because despite my personal feelings, the law’s the law. He was an elected member of OV’s government, as was I. Therefore, it’s my duty to put my personal feelings aside; I don’t have to like somebody to work with them. It’s called being a grown up. Prior to my departure, I was the recently elected Minister of Internal Affairs for Ordo Verde. OV’s structure is set up so that the Ministers function as triums, and are collectively called the Council. The events that I’m going to recount take place both before and after I was elected. In early September, SethB voluntarily vacated the position of Emperor, and OV reverted to its previous charter that recognized the Council as the ruling body. After this happened, Seth resigned from OV and joined VE. About a week later, he came back to OV. Shortly after he returned, on October first, Seth persuaded Dutchers to give him ownership of #ov. He changed the topic to say: It was at this point that Tito, Petar, and myself all told Seth he needed to hand over ownership of #ov immediately. He refused and gave some BS answer about how he could only access IRC on his phone, so he couldn’t transfer the channel. Nobody was fooled. On October 9th, he changed the topic to read: By this point, it was pretty obvious what was going on. When I spoke with Seth that evening, he kept going on and on about Tito, and how he was spying on OV and sending screenshots to the NPO. Tito told me about this when it happened, and that he’d offered to Fran screenshots of Seth’s refusal to hand over #ov. It seemed to be of questionable judgment, but well within his rights as a trium. It also seemed fishy that Seth was mad about information being released that painted him in a negative light, and that seemed like more of the real motivation. I informed Seth that I would be happy to hear any credible evidence that he had regarding Tito. Honestly, I’d have loved to have a reason to kick him out of OV. That being said, I believe firmly that the rule of law is paramount, and everybody deserves a fair hearing, regardless of my personal feelings. I also told Seth that he was welcome to run for office in the elections I had scheduled (as MoIA, elections were my job, not Tito’s), but that he couldn’t just supersede the elected government on a whim. I also spoke with Cornelius that evening regarding an amsg that Impero had sent out stating that VE did not recognize the government of OV. Despite reminding Cornelius that they were in violation of articles I, II, and VII of our MDAP, he still refused to support the legitimate government of OV and sided with Seth. That was the Friday before last. After that, things seemed to calm down for the weekend. I planned on getting Tito and Petar together to discuss what to do about Seth. Personally, I wanted to put him on warning, and wait it out until he went to rehab, as he’d probably not be acting like this when he got back. However, before I had a chance to catch them both on IRC, everything blew up. On the day of the coup, last Wednesday the 14th, I had no idea anything was going on. I logged into CN as normal, and checked the war screen for OV the way I always do. When I saw that Tito was being attacked by VE I was shocked. I immediately spoke with Cornelius on IRC and demanded that the attacks stop immediately, and that Tito had not been expelled as per the OV charter. He refused to do so, and sided with Petar, despite being informed that there was a clear breach of OV law. Here are the relevant sections: OV Charter: http://ordoverde.mattluria.com/index.php?topic=2341.0 There was no vote, and therefore per our charter, Tito was still a minister. Like I said before, I would have been happy to put the matter up for a vote and let the populace decide after a fair hearing of the evidence. When I logged on to the forums, I saw that Petar had demasked Tito and put Seth into his place. Since Tito was expelled through an illegal extrajudicial action, he was still, according to the OV charter, a member of the alliance in good standing. Therefore, I restored his mask and remasked Seth as a regular alliance member, since he had no valid legal reason to be masked as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Since Petar had been guilty of clear violations of the OV charter, and had demonstrated a willingness to abuse his admin access, I also remasked him as a regular member until we could get things sorted out – that was not intended as a permanent step. Had I known how, I would have left him masked as MoD, but taken away his ACP rights, but I was new to the forums and didn't know how everything worked. After that, I went to bed (shortly after update). I laid there for a bit, thought about what was going on, and realized three things: 1.) I don’t like Tito, and I really don’t like having to defend him, even though he’s in the right. 2.) I don’t like Seth either, at least in his current state of mind. 3.) This whole deal is an immense fustercluck and it would be best to remove myself from it rather than get even muddier than I already was. That’s when I got back up out of bed and posted my resignation thread on the OV forums (which was subsequently deleted by parties other than myself, btw), and applied to join GUN again. If I had thought that my actions would be questionable in the slightest, I wouldn’t have joined another alliance until they were sorted out. As it turns out, Tito sent me an in game PM stating that he was still banned, as I had neglected to remove a secondary permission that would allow him to access the OV forums. Let me restate that for emphasis: Tito did not have access to the OV forums, therefore he could not make a copy of them. Note the time on Tito’s message – he didn’t send it to me until hours after I had already demasked myself as an admin on the OV forums, so there was no way I could have gone back and fixed his permissions. Again, let me state that all actions I took regarding masking were well within my rights at Minister of Internal Affairs, and that they were in compliance with the charter of OV as it stands. Petar and Seth had no legal justification for removing Tito without following the proper protocols, and were running roughshod over the rights of every OV member with their cavalier and callous disregard for the rule of law. The allegations that I “sabotaged” the forums, and that it required significant personal trouble from Sooner to restore them are completely false. If he has that much trouble fixing a simple masking issue, then he probably shouldn’t be root. In any event, this statement is just to clear the air and bring light to the facts of the situation. Regardless of my innocence, I accept the punishment as laid out by VE and OV, as I won’t see GUN brought into a war on my behalf. For all the naysayers that claim I was “hung out to dry,” you couldn’t be further from the truth. I agreed to this sentence, and was not coerced by GUN or NATO in any way. CN is a world of power politics, and might makes right here. It’s a simple matter of comparing NS, and it’s not fair to let an entire alliance get rolled just because Seth’s petty spite towards me. Even after this, I still bear no ill will towards OV, and would prefer if we could just all move on with our lives. I hope this clears things up for some of you.
  17. I feel that this is a regrettable course of action for Ordo Verde to have taken, and I stand by my innocence in light of the facts. Even so, I accept this ZI sentence so that my nation and the Global United Nations can move on and put this nasty incident behind us. Best of luck to Ordo Verde and Viridian Entende. Let’s get it on!
  18. Dang, you got my hopes up when you said "Spock pr0n..." I was hoping for some really out there fanfic stuff, like the kind where all the characters are furries and Kirk is an Ocelot or something, and they put a furry version of themselves as the star of the story. But yeah, we're streamlining things. You can usually find us on #cnstarfleet - everybody drop by for a visit.
  19. I have to say, I think Starfleet made a wise choice in coming to black. Y'all have been extremely supportive of our alliance, and I think we've found a good home here. o7 Noir!
  20. Thanks so much to DT for this awesome agreement!
  21. For those of you feeling like you're going nowhere in your alliance, I encourage you to just register on our forums and check us out. We've got tons of opportunities for advancement for qualified folks, and Starfleet is somewhere you can really make a difference. http://starfleet.forumsmotion.com
  22. Congrats to our friends and allies at NATO!
  23. Glad to see this, NATO - hopefully we can pick up where we left off after all this is said and done.
  24. Good to see such a great agreement from two great alliances. Best of luck with this, BM, and you picked a great protector.
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