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Everything posted by Azaghul

  1. It's a curve as each gain for each individual one is marginally smaller in percentage of income and the proportional loss marginally bigger. For example on my nation I make the most with 4 of them.
  2. Something I find ironic as well. Good job VE!
  3. A *bump* to the top of the deck!
  4. A *bump* for our friends at Deck of Cards!
  5. QFT Though that could change by next sanction, we'll see. Still Green is not what it used to be.
  6. Due to GPA's decline, green team in general is in decline. Sad to see that a sphere that used to have 3 sanctioned alliances, at the next update might barely have 1 or even none. The days of green team's significance are over, it seems.
  7. Usually I pay bills every day while swapping, and I think most other people do too, so I don't think it's an issue. Given the 50% bill reduction, improvement swapping is definitely worth it.
  8. "Increases ground attack battle strength +10%." I think Pentagon only helps you attack, I don't think it helps you defend. Nations with equal spies should get about 40% odds against each other (assuming they all are on severe alert). That's about 5 or 6 nukes lost during the war assuming someone equal to you tries to spy on you every day.
  9. These are great for the end game, but I think it would be better if the requirements were more around 8-10 thousand infrastructure. That way the requirements are still very high and above most nations with in wonder range (which starts at about 4-5000 infra) but not out of reach of all but a very select handful of nations. For reference: Nations at 14,999.99 infra or above = 2 Nations at 12,999.99 infra or above = 15 Nations at 11,999.99 infra or above = 30 Nations at 9,999.99 infra or above = 135 Nations at 8,999.99 infra or above = 278 Nations at 7,999.99 infra or above = 611 Nations at 4,999.99 infra or above = 4,153 Nations at 3,999.99 infra or above = 5,879 Disclaimer: This isn't just me wanting to get these wonders, even at 8-10 thousand infra I'd be way short, since I'm only at 5289.99 infra and have 4 wonders and started buying them at 3999.99.
  10. I would have if I hadn't already down-deployed for another war and had to live with not great odds.
  11. It'll be only one before he gets the chance to use them (his spy defense are real weak), assuming he doesn't accept peace before update. Because launching that one nuke will end in his eating 6.
  12. It did end well........ for my nation's supply of tech and land. Nope. The "35k Nation without a lot of military" part was even better.
  13. Or just remove defeat alerts all together. Above 95% attack odds, or even 100%, you still get your two attacks in and get to loot their money, land, tech, etc. and destroy 20 infra. Just when one guy has 0 soldiers no one gets casualties. Of course, if they are below 20% soldiers after the battle it sends them into anarchy still, pulls home deployed troops, destroys planes and spies (IRRC like defeat alerts do), etc.
  14. I'll take it if you don't mind a 10 delay for the tech payments. I send 3 million today, you send me tech 20 days from now and then 10 days after that. (The slot is being used for something else 10 days from now)
  15. Standard deal in GPA is 3 million and then two payments of 50 tech (so 3 million for 100 tech.) The standard price is somewhat lower outside GPA, I believe. It's more efficient to sell 100 units at a time using 3 slots, instead of selling 50 at a time and using 4 slots to sell the same amount.
  16. GPA has one that I helped create where you input your current stats (happiness and citizen income) and what you will be buying/selling, and then it outputs what your income will be after those changes. But we keep those things private.
  17. I like 3x3s, 3 dealers and 3 sellers, 100 tech for 3 million (which is the standard price in GPA).
  18. True, and that's what we ended up doing. It's just the perfectionist in me. Yup, 1 citizen per 4.5 miles.
  19. They would have a proportionate advantage. A nation going down would only get in about 5 nukes, not 20. Raising the damage would preserve the destruction level compared to now for those with SDI and increase it for those without. Best would be nukes can destroy 500 infra but you have a bomb shelter improvement that decreases it to 300 (5 each reduce damage 8%).
  20. With the SDI I think the power of nukes should be increased significantly. Perhaps to something like a 500 infra limit.
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