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Everything posted by RavingMainyYak

  1. Here are your latest headlines: Aardvark Aattack KKills 789,500, destroys 17 Upper Levels Tainted Tempting Tasty Morsel Leads to Spider Sex Sting Old #7 Has Limp Antennae Queen Missing, #1583 Prepares to Accept Crown Details on these and other stories later on TunnelVision.
  2. You can't be showing such signs of weakness in front of the workers. The Queen will devour you!
  3. Hey kid... yeah you. Find #309. He'll set you straight...or not.... anyway he'll show you the ropes.
  4. Pssst. Meet me in two hours in Level 6 next to the Queen's Chamber. Word from on top is She was inspecting the workers when whatever it was hit. I can help you get your pheromone levels up to royal levels! You could be our next Queen! Don't tell a soul (especially #2037).
  5. This is not a drill... Repeat this is not a drill. AARDVARK!!!!
  6. Underage pupas are nothing but trouble. Hot, naughty trouble. I'll be there!
  7. Oh Baby, that was special by the puddle. The way you kept rubbing my coxa made me think we could find a way to make you our new Queen.
  8. RavingMainyYak

    Rye bread!

    Fools! The Queen doesn't like rye bread. She likes a wry story with her bread. You been hanging out with that damned fire ant again. You can't believe his stories. Besides, he's just trying to get into your cerci.
  9. You didn't hear it from me, but #1057, #1122, #1227, #1585, and #1702 were heard bragging about having a sixsome with the Queen.
  10. Laughing at #7 is tantamount to insubordination.
  11. When you get out of your chamber, you HAVE to head over to Tunnel B-376, Level 4 and check out some hotties! #1379 and #1583 have a couple of the perkiest thoraxes you've ever laid compound eyes on! Also, check out #1662, #1672, and #477 over in Tunnel G-32, Level 2. When the music starts they can really shake those abdomens! Oh, and avoid Tunnel N-122, Levels 3 through 7 - #699 has a weird aphid fetish. You don't want to know.
  12. I've heard that some new leaves came in last night that have seemingly magical healing properties. You should try some and see if the leaves will make your antennae "stand at attention."
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